Black Opinionated Woman

S4E48 Are the Single Sisters Seeking Causing Division_

• Black Opinionated Woman • Season 4 • Episode 48

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Speaker 2 (0s): Oh, where is my camera? Here we go. I cannot find, hold on a second. Huh? I can't seem to get in here. Let me see. Here we go. Okay. all right. I gotta fix this for a second because I am like messing this whole thing up.

Oh gosh. Okay. I don't know how to fix my camera. So we're just gonna go like this. I dunno what's going on. Maybe I should end this and get back in here. How do I do this? This is a whole situation right now. all right. all right. So apparently I am horrible with setting this up and I am losing it. So we're gonna go like this. I'll just be off camera because it's not showing me on camera.

I don't know why this is doing this. And so we're gonna go with this. So look, first of all, now I know my, my titles are a little provocative, but there is some humor there. So, on the one hand, I am like really supportive of women who are not in relationships, enjoying their relationship, free child-free status.

I don't think there's anything wrong with that. There's nothing wrong with that. And I think society has to back up from trying to tie a woman's worth to the number of children in her marital status. However, I do have a problem with the single women who continuously get out here on social media, And, they go out to everybody. They're really mad at the system, the patriarchal system, but they take it out on women And, they stay mad at men.

Now, when I say I have a problem with, with single women doing these things, I'm really not losing sleep on this. Okay? I mean, if I get on my, my social media and I scroll and I see something, then I just kind of like talk about it and then we move on. So I just wanna talk about I. think single women are actually causing division, they're causing division. I know this is going to be a little controversial, but I said what I said, and this is one of the reasons why I feel like many of, okay, so this truck that is in front of me is so freaking loud right now.

I'm like, why is this truck needs to go get some sort of admissions testing or something But. anyway, lemme get to my point. I have a, a handful of points and then, then I'll be done with it. The first thing is, I just really feel like most of the women that get on these apps are some of these most judgemental women. They're so judgemental, okay? Because what happens is, if you don't believe in their brand of womanhood, or, or I don't even know if they believe in womanhood, I think they're just committed to the notion of feminism, this, this greater feminism.

So they're committed to these notions of feminism, right? I don't necessarily think they care about the womanhood itself. They're more dedicated to this cause of, of feminist ideals. And most women are not, if real women are not down with these, these, these extreme forms of feminism, right? And so what happens is, if you don't subscribe to these notions, to these exact extreme notions and thoughts and everything, well, what happens is you don't care about women.

They think their brand of womanhood and support is the only brand that is useful and necessary. Now, no one has come out and said, da da da, my brand of feminism is the only one that counts. No, that's not what they're saying. I mean, they're not coming out and saying that explicitly. But what happens is you will get ridiculed, you will get told off, you know what their biggest things that they will wield as a weapon. They wield these two little words called pick me And.

they weaponize it because nobody wants to be called to pick me. It's kind of like being called a racist sometimes, right? Now, I'm not saying this is the exact same thing, but I'm trying to make an analogy. No one ever wants to be called a racist. So if you, if you, if you do something like people wanna avoid being called these names, right? And so what I'm saying is they will wield these two little words called pick me if you don't subscribe to their brand of supporting feminism.

This is why I say I'm not like a real feminist anyway. I'm a vote feminist, right? Like I'm not a real feminist because some of this stuff is psycho. And so they, they're very judgemental. It's a very judgmental situation going on. And it's actually very anti-feminist because you should have the right to, to choose the right to make your own decisions, have autonomy. Autonomy in your own livelihood, right? And so if you have any thoughts that might be different, the astray from these extreme weirdo movements, right?

You might be a pick me if you show any vulnerability, if you show any vulnerability online. If you're a woman who's like, I made mistakes and you made, you're vulnerable. And you're like, you know what? I do want companionship. I love being in relationships and all these things that I've made mistakes. you know what they do? They come for you. They roast you, they wanna drag you. It's one of the most disgusting things. But these women who claim like, well, let me rephrase that.

I don't wanna say they claim anything. Well, they won't present as if that they are for women. Pro women. I think they're full of SHIT I think they're pro this weirdo. Cause they, they're so called up in the ideal of something. They're, they, it's like they lost the humanity in something. So anyway, I think many of these women, the, the, the single women who are on this, this, this psycho train of all of these 500 movements, they actually cause divisive division.

They're very divisive. I'm gonna move on to the next thing. They're also very dismissive. They're dismissive because if you indicate like, Hey, I can still support women, but you know what? I like being in a relationship or whatever, right? I'm not talking about the reasonable ones who are saying, Hey, yes, you can still enjoy having a healthy relationship, but want to better the cause for women, right? Put women in a better position. I'm not talking about the ones who have common sense. I'm talking about the ones where common sense is not common.

Where they are on their psycho train because they're so angry and ticked off. And so they're like, you know, off with their heads. They are dismissive of other women. And what happens is, if you say anything that is contrary, anything that is that, that, that's different than what they are promoting, you are desperate. You are a pick me, you are needy.

Then this is painful. Listen to the, the language that is being used. You'll hear it over and over again. 'cause I actually took the time. Every once in a while I'll listen to one of these whacked out weirdo videos so that I can't just say I heard it off of one. I've heard several. Okay? And don't ask me names of them because this is some that you may see like on TikTok or whatever, right? You just scroll through and be like, now I'm gonna go on to my next point here. I'm gonna talk about how they like to invalidate people.

Invalidate people. So for example, if you choose, I I've listened to like women, they talk about you don't know your self work because you value yourself in relationship to, in, in, in proximity to a relationship. And I feel like there are women who do that. Absolutely. But there are women who are like, no, I enjoy my relationship and it doesn't mean I'm more valuable because I'm in a relationship, but they, the, the language that's used, they're like basically trying to make it seem like that.

you know, every other woman is valuing themselves in relation to their relationship. They invalidate your feelings and concerns. They surely do I think what happens is when they're doing that I think what happens is many of these women are actually I. think it undermines.

Speaker 3 (9m 33s): Let's take a quick break. The heart behind the I'm on podcast is storytelling because every mom has a story to tell. I know that when I talk to my friends who are parenting and we share stories, we all end up feeling less alone and more capable of loving our kids. Well, you can find information everywhere on the internet. Some is bad parenting advice and some is pretty wise. We like to think there's a lot of wisdom on im And when you combine that signature wisdom with a great story, it brings parenting to life.

We want a mom who's listening to see herself and her kids in these stories and rest in the confidence that she, she's the perfect mom for her kids. Check out the, I'm on podcast with new episodes every Monday.

Speaker 2 (10m 20s): Womanhood in general because these women, these psycho women who they're, they're more committed to this idea of feminism versus womanhood. And if you, if you were really all about women, like they say they were, they were recognized. Womanhood is really just the stages you go from when you're in a baby to a, a, a young lady to, and what you experience as a woman and part of womanhood, not for everybody, but it's also part of this conversation is womanhood.

Part of womanhood is dealing with, many of us will be mothers And. they want to, they want to get away from it, right? They don't wanna talk about it. They wanna, they wanna get away from it. Like, oh, you think you're better 'cause you have kids. And so then don't, don't have these dusty kids and all. I'm like, it's, it's just a psycho situation. I'm not saying go out there having kids. What I'm saying is, stop getting on women who choose to have children or people who thought they were in a good relationship and then the relationship went sour.

And then maybe the guy or the girl, the, the the man or the woman became a full on dodo bird. And now they're in a situation where maybe you, you have a split family, you have a split family. And so what happens is, so women go through these things and then they get on. I'm like, see, that's why, you know, you don't need to be having these men's babies. I'm like, this is crazy talk. It's crazy talk.

You guys are allowed to be mad, be mad. And I don't argue with me. I don't know what to tell you. And then I think, I'm just gonna say, there's a lot of pressure. Now if you want to say that you're pro woman or pro or whatever, it's you. They want you to conform to these ideas. They want you to conform to these ideas. So I think what happens is there's no diversity in any of your choices.

It is almost like you can't be a woman who wants to have children or be in a relationship and then support women in general. You can't do it. You can't support them. It's almost like you're not a real so and so, like, like if you listen to the rhetoric of putting out there, it is so psycho, let me just say, every time there's one of these weirdo movements that come out, I'm telling you right now, there's always a response. There's always a response.

So on the one hand, you have to whack out weirdo all the different pills and the manosphere. And then you got the women creating their 500 movements, the, the divest movement, the descenter movement, the four B movement that they've robbed from the South Koreans. And now you got the men who wanna grizzle, grizzle, drizzle drizzles and all the stuff like that. You've got the, also the the, the re and the reaction to a lot of these things. You've got women wanting to now be these extreme track wives, which is kind of another psycho thing.

I mean, but I say, Hey, if that's what you wanna be, look, let's be what you wanna be. Just go in with your eyes wide open, right? But you got women who, who are just as psycho getting mad at the women who wanna be trap wives. Now do we see it for what it is? Yeah. We know that. It's like almost like tied to alt-right? Stuff. We know that most people can't be the tra wives that they're seeing out here online because these trap wives are not like poor women. There's a whole lot that goes into it, right? But you, I'm like, let people choose what they want.

If they wanna be one of these psycho chicks going out there putting on aprons all the time, baking bread at four o'clock in the morning, let them bake bread and be in these psycho situations. Why are you that hard enough for someone who made a choice for themselves? But on the flip side, like I said, every time you create these weirdo movements, there's always a response. There's always a direct antithesis to the response. And so now you got these weirdo women out here, like, I don't do this and I don't do that. And now you got the complete opposite.

And all of these things are cyclical. You got the women who are like, just be a trap life, which is a, like I said is a form of psycho, this itself, right? In its extreme form. So anyway, getting back to what I was saying, I feel like many of the women right now, it's the single women who are doing the most bargaining yapping, creating all this division. I don't see anything that is unifying not one thing. I don't see anybody out here talking about womanhood.

you know what they're doing. You got single women out here, trauma bonded with each other, trying to attack older women who did the best they could with the hand they were dealt. Do I think they were perfect? No. So now you got women mad at the aunties. You got the women mad at the men. You got women. Women aren't mad at everything. And I'm like, I'm trying to support 'em, but I'm like, y'all are ooh, psycho for me really psycho. Like next thing you know you're gonna be burning your bras, your panties again, some, I don't know what's going on.

I don't know. You got the tra wives tra wi and they're a different type of psycho. I'm like, oh my gosh. Like I said, the single woman in my opinion are getting online and they're creating division. And I'm gonna probably be the only one who's willing to come out here and, and call a thing a thing instead of saying, how do we foster more womanhood? They're basically, they're, they're, they're being more slick about how they want to promote their feminist ideals.

And feminism in its purest form is not bad. It's just that it gets co-opted, like everything else has been co-opted. Now they've got like four waves of feminism and men can be women. You got the tra wives taking it to a ho level baking bread, homemade Oreos at like zero dark 30 in the morning. Oh, weirdo stuff. He got the, the, the whacked out weirdo man don't even get started on them. And, they little crazy min, they just go get podcasts and get microphones and get up there and make fools of themselves absolute fools on themselves.

And I'm telling you right now, it's just like one gigantic secondhand embarrassment era. I kid you not, that's the psych guys of the times. The, the people who look like me, they don't talk about anything else. And now I'm sitting here making videos about what everybody else is talking about. So I guess I'm part of the same problem. And look, I'm calling out my own hypocrisy because I just thought it was just the, the whole thing. I just cannot believe how psycho this is.

There are women in droves being very dismissive. They are judgemental, they invalidate and then they try to pressure people to conform to their whacked out weirdo ideas. It is so strange to me. And like, the thing about the four B movement that is so weird and interesting and and and more weird at the same time is there's nuance to this. So there's the ones who get it and the ones who don't. There's a difference between saying, focus on yourself, don't focus on any sexual relationships right now.

Don't focus on any of these things versus don't do these things with men. Don't date men. Don't talk to men, don't have relationships with men, don't have their children. Don't do anything with men. Men are universally evil. I'm like, it's just crazy to me. There's there's nuance to that to sit there and say that don't inter don't, don't deal with them. Period. That goes across the very nature of who we are as humans, as people.

'cause we were meant to interact and to, to procreate. I'm not saying go out there having their babies, but what I am saying is men and women need each other. I'm not saying that there aren't problems with the blacked out weirdo dudes out there with all their weirdo pills and movements. 'cause I, it is so psycho to me and scary and, and just psycho. But I'm like, the language that they're using, when you say it enough becomes like a mantra. It's almost like a brainwashing. I'm talking about the women and the men. 'cause they know a lot of people are out here on, on social media.

But I used to always say social media isn't true. And for the most part it's not. But so many people are on social media and they're consuming this content and it's almost becoming like this silent manifesto. And everybody's weird. Except for me, even though I couldn't get my whole stream to, to get his wife together. I don't know what's going on with the situation, but it's a whole situation. So I just put up my little no camera photo or whatever. Anyway, but I said what I sent, the, the single women are the ones who are creating the most videos out here in these streets.

Most married women are not on social media, not like that. They're not creating tons of videos unless they do it for like a particular career field, like cooking or something they're promoting, whatever. It's all these women who are like, let me tell you what he did is that one time he knocked her up and then he left her with two kids. And next thing you know, she was out there eating spam out of the garbage can. And this is the reason why all men are evil. I'm like, okay. I'm like, okay.

you know, But. anyway, like I said, if you go out there, see they got me because somebody who I may have listened to before or followed up before and I gotta clean up whoever I follow. 'cause sometimes I follow people for a period of time and then I unfollow them because it's just easier to figure out what is it that people are talking about. Right? But then they still recommend it to me anyway, so I don't even know who I'm following. I need to go clean that up. But whoever I followed or unfollowed or may have followed or listened to or I don't know, got me because all the, the, the, the single women don't have children.

Content ended up in my feed and I was like, let me, what are they talking about? Right? And so I selected it and next thing you know, I got sucked down this rabbit hole of listening to all these whacked out weirdo women talk about, you know, and how much they can't stand men. It's weird. Just like these weirdo men who talk about women like that. I'm like, you hate women. You wanna be with men. I think there's a lot of women who going to start diving into Lady Pond.

I really do because I'm like, for them to be talking about how they wanna decenter men. I'm like, either they just hate men that much or they really want one. I don't know what it is. But they talk about 'em a whole lot. A whole lot. I'm decentering men, so I'm gonna make my video about how much I wanna decenter men and I'm gonna make more videos on how I'm decentering men and men and more men, men, men, men, men. You guys are psycho. You are psycho. And if you wanna be mad at me, you could be mad.

It is not, I'm not changing the way I feel about it. You guys gonna go out there and, and kumbaya together. But the, the the, the Ty is just so weird to me that you get on camera and said, here, here everybody listen to me. I'm Decentering men. I'm like, we go do it. I don't see how they are offering up anything useful. I've said this in other videos. They should be saying, okay, this is how we are gonna get our reclaim our our mental health and wealth and all sort of stuff.

For one, this is what we did. We took a journey to your time. I don't know whether it was imaginary. Maybe you had a whole lot of money and you went on this, this worldwide expedition. I don't know. But say what you did to do it. Talk about how you arrived there. Talk about the state of beating, being and, and, and, and keep in mind your true happiness has nothing to do with how much money in your pocket, although it can help. But at the end of the day, the true joy, when you're really happy, you shouldn't have to bring up because you went to freaking Dubai or, or some awesome go ride, right?

When you're truly happy that real decentering and that real self-growth, you won't mention your money. You'll see the world differently. You will see the world differently. I was just having this conversation with a coworker last week. You see the world different. You find joy in your own backyard. You find joy in your backyard, you find joy in some of the basic things.

You start to see silver linings and things that you've never saw the silver lining in before. You start worrying less about things that would normally have you on 10. That's when you start taking care of yourself and all this stupid stuff they're talking about. Yeah. 'cause I've had more money than I've ever had and I was able to do these things and those things are great. And by the way, I still do those things. But I'll never forget that time I was sitting in my backyard and I was like, oh my goodness, God is so good to me. And all I was doing was sitting there looking at my freaking tomato plant that looked like it was on his last leg.

'cause it had no water was parched. But I was like, oh my gosh. Like I don't even know why it hit me like that. And I was just like, I was just happy. I was just freaking happy. But these women are not happy. They proclaim to be happy. They're not freaking happy because when you're happy, you're gonna know you're gonna see it in that woman. These women are out here sitting here trying to convert all these other people over to their level of misery. It has nothing to do with being in a relationship. They're not happy.

And so, you know what happens? Misery loves company. That's why they're dismissive. Of all the things that you're saying, they want you to get over there in the misery boat. Y'all gonna get over there by myself. And let me tell you something, my husband better not die. He knows the rules. He's not to die. But if he does die, if he spontaneously blows up, my happiness doesn't have to be predicated on me being next to somebody. It doesn't. It have to be based on the money in my account.

It doesn't have to be based on any of that. It's those psycho women out here. And then they go off on, on all the other women. They go off on women Talk about how you are a pick me. If your brand of support does not sound like theirs, it doesn't match up with what they've got to say. They will call you a pick me. You are desperate. You are needy. And you know what else is happening in here? There's no womanhood happening with these whacked out where, or women, you know why? There's no grace. There's no grace for when these women go out and make mistakes.

'cause women are gonna make mistakes. Men are going to make mistakes. They're gonna go out there, they're gonna fall in love with people and it's not gonna work out. Maybe the breakup is bad and then maybe they separate. They may have kids that may not, they may have fight over the dog. I don't know. And you know what happens? Like, oh, you were with him and he didn't care about us, but won't you go back to him? I'm like, it's just disgusting. These women are psycho. And that's the reason why they sat there and talked so bad about Simone. They wanted Simone Biles to be in their bucket of misery with them.

They dissected her relationship so bad. It was so disgusting. And you got a bunch of whacked out, weirder women getting online talking about you need to pay attention to the red flags. I'm like, why don't you go focus on your own relationship? Why don't you try to give them some tools to uplift them? Why don't you give them some positive reinforcement? Well, look at what his Instagram or whatever it was said before. Well, no, I don't wanna look at it, number one. 'cause I'm not married to the guy. Number two. Well, where she is right now, he chose her right now. She chose him right now.

So what are we supposed to do? Tell her divorce him because he was with women that didn't look like her before. Maybe he matured. I don't know. Did he make mistakes in those in that interview? The Jonathan Owen guys guy? Yeah, he did. But my thing is maybe immature, I don't know. But what you do is you don't say run. What you do is you try to give her tools. What you try to do is you pray for those people and you say, Hey look, this is how you don't allow people in your marriage because look at how they dissected it and, and tore you guys down. Got sick.

This is a sick group of people. Crab in a fast, crabs in a barrel mentality. Everybody's upset and angry. I'm sick of these psycho women out here making all these silly videos about how I've been on this four B movement. I'm like, you sound like a dumb dumb. You sound dumb. I, I don't know. I just feel like I'm finding that the, there are single women out here making all these divisive videos.

Now before you start saying, oh, it's not, I don't think. I'm like, look, I'm not gonna keep qualifying every single statement I make. If you are too stupid to figure out, no, it's not every single single woman out here, then I don't know what to tell you. 'cause common sense is not common. I don't know what to tell you. And I'm pretty sure there's married women out there making stupid videos too because they, they've been hurt. So a buddy of mine hit me up yesterday. He said, well, why aren't you talking about the drizzle drizzle?

I'm like, 'cause I don't care. I'll go with the men. Go talk about drizzle. Drizzle. Why do I care about what the men's movement is? They look stupid. I don't care. I don't care about men wanting to drizzle, drizzle, even if they're trolling or not. re like, I don't care. I don't even watch those. Soon as they come on, I go right past it. 'cause it's so stupid to me. All these responses to everything, it's childish. We've got a community full of childlike people making these stupid videos and reaction to each other.

It is embarrassing. And then people will say like, why are you so embarrassing? Who cares about, what do you call it? The, the, the politics of wanting to make yourself look good around other people. I'm like, look, we gotta work with all kinds of people. And why can't we just be embarrassed because we're embarrassed for ourselves? You got men out here with these nasty beards. I, you know, I think it's disgusting. I'm like, cut them little nasty beards down. Like, they look like they're not clean. I don't know if you've got good health insurance. I don't know what's going on. Got them out here making these stupid videos too, and I'm just gonna like next.

I can't dedicate mental cycles to it, right? Like, anyway, I saw what I had to say. And so this is when you guys go ahead and just subscribe to my channel and even comment and I will get my stream right for the next time. I don't know why this stream was, was acting out. I don't know what I did I think I know what I did and I'm an I'm an idiot today. But yeah, that, that's it. Y'all, y'all get yourselves together and y'all stop getting out here making these stupid videos and consuming some of the stupidest content out here, turning it into some sort of living manifesto on all your, your anger and hate-filled thoughts about men and women.

It's weird. It's flat out weird. And many of y'all need to grow up and I try not to cuss on this channel, but I'm telling you right now, y'all need to grow the, you know what up. Grow up. Grow up. all right, so now that I've gotten off my high horse and talk about how everybody's being judgmental and I just said the very same thing, go ahead and scratch my channel and go watch all my videos. Bye....