Black Opinionated Woman

S4E49 Feminist and Conservative Woman Bodily Rights Hypocrisy

• Black Opinionated Woman • Season 4 • Episode 49

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Speaker 1 (0s): All right, both and bow ties. Good morning. Please start for me today because I just didn't feel like getting myself together. I feel like I need to turn my light on, like I need some warmth on me or something. I think this looks better. all right, so look, you know, I've been thinking, I've been thinking I think that conservative women and feminists really kind of, sort of agree on certain things.

And, they don't wanna admit it. They both want for the government to have less intervention on certain things. Like conservative women wants, you know, the government to, you know, they, they don't, they like smaller government. They've got feminists and very liberal woman wanting the government to stay out of, you know, a woman's bodily, autonomy rights and that type of thing.

But see, the thing that they're not saying and see, they're not really, I don't even know how to say this. I'm trying to get my mind right. 'cause you know, as you start putting your thoughts together, I think the main thing is they both want less government intervention, but I actually think they're both hypocrites, right? And what they're not saying is, we don't want your, you interfering on women's body rights unless you are aligning yourself with our maoris, our beliefs. If you're not in alignment with our Maoris and beliefs, then we don't want you interfering from a conservative standpoint.

It's more along the lines of, okay, well look, we have these, these, these particular vari values most mostly align with Christian values, right? I'm sure there are conservatives who are not Christian, but generally speaking, they want these, these, these everything to align with their Christian moral values. So they want the government to step in if they're going to align with preventing abortions, and I guess a hands in and that type of thing, laws that prevent, that type of thing, right?

I think when it comes to the, it's kind of like you don't want the government involved unless they're going to stop abortion. I'm like, well, that's government involvement. you know what I mean? Like, it, it seems like, how can you possibly say that we want smaller government? They should not be involved in these things unless you make laws against abortion. Unless you make laws on determining what a baby is, or laws on the rights that women can have over their body that align with our Christian values.

Otherwise, if you're, if you're not gonna do those things, then you need to stay out, stay out of that. I'm like, well, you can't have it both ways. Similarly, with liberal feminist women, they, they, they, they don't want the government telling women what to do with their bodies unless they're gonna make laws that allow for them to have abortions unless they're gonna make laws that are gonna have much more of a social impact or, you know, where they're going to make laws that say everybody should be able to have access to healthcare or contraception, right?

So I'm like, well, which one is it? You wanna have contraception widely available for cheaper prices that, that the government to step in for those things. You want that to be part of basic healthcare. Well then I'm like, well, which one is it? You want the government to help provide you with ba basic healthcare, but you don't want the government to do that with any sort of moral responsibility because there's more ways, there's morals involved in medicine and all these things, right? There's an ethical component.

Now, look, I'm not an expert on this. There's ethics in creating drugs. There's ethics, there are ethics and ma involved in how you administer medicine and healthcare. So on the one hand, you don't want them involved and talk about women's bodily autonomy, but you do want them involved in regulating contraception and access to abortions and stuff. 'cause that's a very moral kind of thing. you know, women, like the way they handle a woman's body, the way they handle the fetus, right?

So, I mean like, how far do you want the government to go? Liberal woman, how far do you want them to go? I mean, if you're saying they should be allowed to have access, I mean, they should be allowed to authorize abortions. What else should they be? Should they be allowed to authorize taking your genetic material and cloning it? Because then you had to go back and forth. And, they, they're saying it's not a baby, but they were like, well, then why do you care?

you know, there, there's so much. Now granted, I, I'm, I'm glossing over a lot of things. There are people who are much more intelligent about the laws of ethics surrounding this such thing that can speak to this much more intelligently than me. But I'm just giving some opinions. I'm giving my opinions fine, all the way opinions. but yeah, so basically what I've come to the conclusion is both sides are so hypocritical. They, they say they don't want this type of involvement, but what they're not saying is, it just depends on which side of the line where your moral beliefs lie.

If your moral beliefs align with theirs, and they're like, okay, well we want you to end being, and we want you to do these things. If you don't agree with where they lie, and they're like, I want you to stay out of it. And I'm like, fact of the matter is, laws are no laws. They, it's, they're ethics behind it. Do you understand what I mean? If you make a decision for or against that are ethics no matter what. And so you can't pick and choose which ones you want, because what's gonna happen is, well, I mean, you can't, but what I'm saying is they, the both sides are so hypocritical when they say that they don't want certain things, they're just not telling you, we don't want it.

Unless these laws align with our moral beliefs, then you can be involved. You know? So anyway, that, I just wanted to throw that out there. I just feel like there's so much hypocrisy out there, and instead of people just coming out and seeing, like, look, as long as we believe what I believe, then yeah, I, I would like you to reg regulate, you know, and, and enforce, enforce such laws, then that's one thing. but I just feel like nobody's really getting honest here.

They're not being truthful. They're just not. all right I think this is short and simple to the point. I just wanted to get that like off of my chest, the kinds of things that were floating around in my mind. And like I said, for those of you who are much more well-versed on such topics, I, I mean, I, I give it up to you. These are my opinions. These are not based on hard facts. So don't get in your feelings about these things. But this is just more of like a little bit of an observation.

I'm like, where's that moral line drawn? And then depending on which side of that line where you, where you lie determines whether or not you want intervention. Both sides are quite hypocritical. We don't want the government, we want smaller government. We don't want the government telling us what to do with our bodies. We don't want them involved in that. I'm like, well, they're going to be involved either way, shape, or form. Either they're going to regulate against such behavior terms of terminating pregnancies.

Either they're gonna regulate on things such as like access to contraception and, and other things in relation to your body as far as what you can or cannot do with your body. They're gonna regulate those things or not. But even when they make a decision, those things are based off of moral compass. They're based off of something, they're not based I. think purely on science. I don't think you can do a whole lot of things purely on science. Science typically is based, or devoid is based.

Let rephrase that. It's devoid of emotion, right? So you, you're not going to like, what am I doing with my car? What, what, what's happening right now? Stop it, stop it, stop it. I'm doing too much. Anyway, so those are just my thoughts on that, you know, while sitting there trying to figure out like, why are they so psycho against each other? Both sides. I think right now I'm enjoying ing from like the extreme liberal feminist side.

And I guess, and people always wanna know, where do I stand on certain things? I mean, you know, I I am a registered independent. I probably am more conservative. I, I'd like to think I'm actually more conservative than liberal, but I'm not really, I don't know if I really, I'm more conservative. I do think that right now you're seeing the extremes on both sides of which neither I really care for. And right now I'm having fun poking at the whacked out weirdos.

you know, first it was the whole tra wife thing, which I thought was just psycho. And now we got all these crazy single women out here, and I shouldn't say all because they're, people wanna be like, well, it's not all single women. I'm like, of course not. I shouldn't have to qualify everything. but yeah, I'm, that's just where I'm at with it. all right, later, go ahead and look at all my videos, subscribe, gimme a thumbs up and leave a really great comment because I'm amazing.
