Black Opinionated Woman

S4E51 The community is just taking one big L

• Black Opinionated Woman • Season 4 • Episode 51

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Speaker 1 (0s): All right, bows and bow ties. So look, I just slapped this together real quick because I just had a thought. So apparently I live under a rock and one of the things is I didn't even know that Kendrick Lamar was beefing with j Cole and Drake. I just found that out like two days ago. And then I didn't know that Chris Brown and Quavo were beefing.

I found out about that like a couple days ago and the only reason why I knew was because I was scrolling on the TikTok. The interesting thing about it was I had heard of the name Quavo. I didn't even know who the Quavo guy was. I'm not big into a whole bunch of rap. 'cause most of the stuff out now is just like garbage. But yeah, so I'm listening to all of these disc tracks and I'm just kind of like, I mean some of it's funny but not really. I'll tell you the reason why. Because the only thing I could think of, and maybe it's just me, was how much these men were bragging about who they slept with and how they were running women over at the expense of trying to get on top.

So these men, Chris Brown and Quavo, like I guess Quavo was part of the Amigos or something. Like I don't, and the Offset guy I think that's the guy that got shot over some, some dice or cards or something. And I'm sure I've heard their music, right? Because I don't know, all the stuff that's out now nowadays sound the same, like the LMI chick, like I all her music sounds the same. Like I don't think she could sing, but she has hits, right? you know? That's just how I feel about it. Look, don't be mad at me, but to a lot of these, these people who are out right now, like it's like wash friends, repeat, they all sound the same or they got that weird like, I don't know, but computer in the background, like, I don't know, whatever.

But yeah, one big out because all we did was get out here on the internet, cuss each other out, calling each other bees and ninjas and how they're the better one because they slept with somebody else. I'm like, they don't care about these women. These women are collateral damage and people are out here like, I mean, don't get me wrong, like don't, these guys are bodying each other up on these dis tracks, but it's still just as ignorant as it wants to be because I'm like, this is so dumb.

I effed your girl while you were with her and all this other stuff and you, you are a crack junkie or I, I can't even keep up. I don't even know who half of these people are, but I'm like, this is what we, we got out here on the internet and literally just like, and it was so misogynistic and these guys are like digging this stuff up. There's a lot of people like, yeah, now don't get me wrong, there was some snazzy little things that they were saying there, but it was still disrespectful.

And let this be a learning lesson to all the ladies out there dealing with these guys. They don't care about you. You are nothing more than a means to an end. They will use you up, spit you out and make sure they run you over with a bus in front of everybody to make a point as soon as they had the opportunity, they used you for clout. These women who they were sleeping around with or whatever. I don't even know who the sweetie girl is. The only thing I know is I. think she had a cheeseburger or something.

I don't know what she does. I'm assuming she's a rapper or some sort of influencer. I was like, who is the sweetie chick now in defense of me, half the time I may know who, well I don't know, but I may have heard their music or whatever, but I never know the names of anything. I just may remember like the song or something if it's out or whatever. but I don't know these artists, these artists are silly to me. All the artists look the same. They all have the same eyelashes, the same hair, the same nails, the same DBL.

I mean, I'm just saying all the, the rappers have all the same stupid names. Lil Baby, the baby youngness young dad or whatever, I don't know. They all have the same ugly tattoos all over their face and body And, they all have the same dreads that don't look clean. Hey, I'm just calling the thing a thing. They look dry, you know? I don't know what the weird girl thing is. It, it's just really gross. But then again, I know I'm getting older and I like a clean look. I don't like all of that.

So for me it, I mean obviously I am not the targeted demographic, but to watch these Ls that the deli, the, the community is self owning or you call it owning or whatever, they're self-inflicted wounds. They're, they're literally like not only are we not respecting each other, you know, but disrespect our women in a process. These women were collateral damage or were they, I don't know, maybe they signed up for the shenanigans. I don't know. But I was just kinda like, this is some of the most stupidest stuff and people are getting hyped all over this kinda stuff.

So I did listen to these dis tracks or whatever. I don't even know where the beef came from. I didn't even know they were beefing period. And now once you click on one thing, you know, you see enough, right? I didn't know that Chris Brown has been mad at this guy for like two or three years. They were showing him on, I don't even know what show it was on. I wanna say it was like a Nick Cannon show, like a rap battle show, something, I don't know what it is, but like, no, it was basketball maybe. I don't know. But he's like, he's been calling him out for like a couple years, two or three years.

I don't know. I don't even know why they're fighting. And it's so silly because if they're fighting over women, it's embarrassing. You didn't wipe these women up. This was not your wife. This, this was this. I don't know what this is. And furthermore, if you're, if you're not in a covenant with this person, like why do you care? You should be upset with the woman if she cheated on you. I don't know what the circumstances of surrounding all of this is. It's so silly to me. but I just feel like the community just has taken Ls.

So we are more into the, these rap thises than trying to figure out why we can't be functional. It's just more Ls, more Ls. That's all we do is take Ls. I'm just calling a thing a a I'm calling a thing a thing. You have Stephen a out there being a whole clown about 45. you know, I I I feel like there's nothing wrong with having an opinion.

He says he doesn't care. Yes, he does. 'cause that's why he addresses certain things. And I think once people stop supporting some of his stuff, then he'll realize, okay, like he's done. Like I, I, I respect Stephen a's hustle. He's an intelligent guy, but he also, he's one of those people that he believes his on hype to. So what happens is his ego is super inflated. So, you know, because he's in with all the ESPN guys or whoever, the thing that he's not understanding is they still are the gatekeepers.

I just feel like he gets out there on, what is it, the Fox Hannity show? Is he on? And he's going on and on and on. Like personally, I don't care about 45 either. Right? But I think there, he, he, he's committed some things allegedly that he should be brought, you know, that he should have a day in court for, there's nothing wrong with that. And this dealing gets out there and then he's saved, like, he just sounds like a total uncle Tom. Like I feel like the only thing he needs to do now is just go out there and just start buck dancing and go handball, handball.

Have you, I mean like Steven Nate, he just, he's just too much. Like I said, he, he, he's too much. I, I don't know why people have deemed him as like the overlord or whatever, but sometimes I'm just kinda like, I just wish he would stop talking. I just wish he would stop talking. Like I try to support people, but I'm like, sometimes I'm like, dude, like you think that you are so elevated and so like you have arrived and I'm like, dude, you're just a cleaned up version of somebody who's a buck dancer continuously taking Ls in the community.

And I'm just kind of like, look, if 45 wins then he wins. Look, the man is psycho. The people who follow him are super psycho, you know, whatever. I can't be that invested, right? My whole problems. but I feel like the community just continues to take Ls and get out there and we sound silly. you know, they would rather get Stephen a who's not really a scholar per se, to get out there and talk versus somebody else who's a little bit more well versed in some of these things.

But to be fair, maybe we do need to have some nons scholars talking about things. I don't know, I just kind of felt like he sounded a little silly, but that's just my opinion. but yeah, the community takes out I think the biggest one is listening to this Chris Brown Quavo beef. That sounds so stupid to me. It is so dumb. And you've got all these people out here invested in these districts. And don't get me wrong, I heard him I was like, oh, oh wow.

Oh, only on mine. Lions and tigers and bears. Oh my. But with that being said, I'm like, I could only give it so much So, I mean, I, I, I look at clips now that are coming through my feed of Chris Brown and I'm just kinda like, is he high? Is he always high? Like something with his mannerisms are off? I don't know. But he just looks like he's always on something and he's such a talent. But I Dunno, I dunno.

Anyway, I don't really know who the Cubo guy is. I was like, okay, he has little distracts too. But ultimately they both sound so stupid because it was more centered around who they were doing and who they were with. It was like all about women. And I'm like, women don't even realize how much power they have, even though they allowed themselves to be used because these men wrote this tracks out how men who look like me have no self-esteem because the only value that they see in themselves is in their sexual prowess.

That's it. That's their, their their, that's what they're hanging their hat on is, I I did this person. It's disgusting. So anyway, that's all they ever talk about. That's why I say we continue to take Ls. We don't talk about like, Hey, you know what I did, I single handedly fixed ping fine, but like you don't talk think meaningful of substance. We don't talk about things like, you know what it reminds me of Kanye? Everybody kept saying how much of a genius he was.

And I was like, y'all sound so stupid. I'm like, y'all think he won? He didn't win. When he, when he had all of his clout, he was lending his name to everybody instead of building his own infrastructure, he wasn't building his own sneaker manufacturing company. So that when Adidas or what Americans say is Adidas, but in Europe it's Adidas. So when Adidas or whoever it was, they said, Hey, you are no longer welcome here. He should have had his own manufacturing company. That's what he should have invested in.

you know what he should have done when they picked him or silenced him on social media, he should have had his own social media, right? You can't silence him on his own social media. you know what they did when they were like, your money is no longer welcome. Here was a JP Morgan Chase or whatever it was like that. He should have had his own banking institution. See, they wouldn't even take his money. They silenced his voice. They said, we don't even wanna make your shoes and we don't need your name.

And you got these silly people out there like, yeah, yeah, he won, they won. They gonna pay 'em out. I'm like, you have no idea what you just said. You sound So he didn't do anything, but all he did was allowed himself to be propped up because they still controlled him. He was like, you trying to make him a non billionaire? I'm like, no, you did that to yourself while you were doing that, you should have been working on creating your own manufacturing company. Your own like actual labels and stuff, right?

Like your own banking institutions, your own social media, your own everything. That's what you should have done. No, we continue to take Ls and then we get out here on, on the internet and people, there's a reason why people continue to laugh at like some of these dumb people out here. Dumb. That was a prime opportunity for him to say, you know what, like, let me go ahead and establish this. He should have been hooking up with like your Beyonce's and your BNAs and everything like that.

They should have been saying, you know what, we have such a local reach, such influence. This is when we can establish things, establish that infrastructure, bring people up through the ranks so they can understand how this is done. They didn't do that. Now Rihanna is still very successful, but I just feel like the community just takes Ls all the time and people will let you like get out here on the internet and make it seem like you just, just talking fla your gums, right? But at the end of the day, there's, the world is still turning these big corporations and conglomerates, they're still doing what they do.

And now you're sitting on the sideline trying to figure out who's gonna pick up your label versus you pushing your own, Hey, I said what? I said, now y'all could be mad at me all you want. All right, that's all I got. all right. So go ahead and like this video because you know, you agreed with me or at least some of what I, I, I just said and yeah, I, think that's all I got today. That's all I got. all right. Just go.
