Black Opinionated Woman

S4E54 Weight loss and more

• Black Opinionated Woman • Season 4 • Episode 54

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Speaker 2 (0s): Okay, so bows and bow ties. Luck. I hadn't said too much, but I've been trying to be intentional about losing weight. And so I lost about 10 pounds, a little over 10 pounds. It depends on when I started officially tracking. And I just want you guys to know that it makes me cranky. I don't, I don't want, I mean, I want wings and nachos.

I'm leaving like donuts like that. But now I want a donut. Like I want everything. I want it all. I'm not a big chocolate fan, but I want like a, a slice of chocolate cake. I'm, I'm, I, I'm just going through it. It's making me really cranky. Let me tell you about this. Let me tell you, I'm used to being like slim and shrimp. Now. I'm walking around trying to get rid of my current day tele touchiness. Okay? I mean, I like to call it being a thing. I'm used to being like a four or six.

I'm probably like a 10, maybe even a 12. I'm walking around here a little on the thicker side and I don't like it. I don't like it. So anyway, I've been intentional about trying to get some of this weight off me. you know, that's why I've been, look, the last few years I've been psycho, okay? I was dealing with some weird hair things, so I had to keep cutting my hair down. I was having a little bit of a bald spot. I had to go see a dermatologist to get that worked out.

That's why my hair always looks crazy. So sometimes I'm just a fro, I've been brace, I'm in all of that kind of stuff. So I had to get two different medications to get the hair to go back. And it's time I'm gonna go through it. That's why I'm like, I don't care. It's just like I'm going through what I'm going through. But a lot of this started post covid once we went back to work and everything like that. And you know, my kids were really busy with sports and I was focusing on everyone else but me.

Now I know there's gonna be one of those hyper feminists out there. Like, see, this is the reason why you shouldn't this, that and the other. No, I wanted to focus on my family, my kids, and all these other things. I just needed to course correct and make sure that I focus on myself too. So anyway, after I gained like all kinds of way, 'cause I was eating, I mean, I was getting it in. Like, I look when I say I was enjoying my snacky snacks and my food.

What? I mean, I'm not in the same shape as I was before, but I was like, okay, let me get this off me. So I was online looking up like, what does it mean? Like, like how long before people can notice that you've lost weight? I think you gotta lose 15 to 20 pounds before people start to notice. So it, I'm basically liking my feelings right now because losing just a little over 10 pounds is kind of like, hmm. It was hard work.

I mean, to be honest, like I, I just wanna eat like some grits, some eggs, some sausage, some bacon, french toast. I'm not a big like pancake or French toast fans, although I do like French toast. I want french toast. I mean, I want an omelet. I want it all. I want it all. So anyway, back to what I was saying. So I know you guys all thought I was perfect in every way. I could do no wrong. But yes, I was, I was, I was dealing with some flaws. I was dealing with the fact that I was just so greedy, greedy.

So now that I'm trying to push away from the table monitoring what I eat, what I eat, how much I eat, you know, it's making me like just cranky. I'm all the way cranky. I just want everybody to know that. Which leads me to the fact that everybody in my family's getting off my nerve because we're all beeping about nothing. Last night I drove my twins back from their various irrespective basketball practices.

My daughter plays basketball and lacrosse at this plays sports at least during this part of the season. And I was so irritated because these two sat here in the car arguing about Tide Pods and I was like, this is not an argument. Like I cannot take it And. they wanted me to settle the, the debate, and I don't even know what the debate was. All I said earlier in the day, which was two hours prior, was, Hey, if it's the big pods, you don't need as many if like, you know, compared to the small pods and depending on the size of your, your load, like you just need one.

like you don't need pods. Like all I know was depth was a source of contention hours later. And I'm like, shut up. My husband's already looking at me sideways because that takes six disaster. I was so mad. Do what? I'm like, I need you to do what? Pop up on your songs. Stop just covering everybody's songs. I can see if it was like sprinkled in there, but they didn't even do their spread, they didn't do anything. I was just so irritated.

Everything bothers me at this point. Everything. Why? Because I want weights. That that's what it is. I want wings, I want nachos with and, and the chicken and loaded nachos and I like good food. I can go to a restaurant. And, they have really good meat. Like, I like that kind of stuff. I didn't know I was such a foodie until post covid. And now I just, I just like it. I like my snacks, you know? And that wasn't a big snacker, but I, I still like snacks sometimes.

I mean, look, I always ate fruits. We always eat fruit and, and salad versus stuff like that. but I like the episode too. So now I'm just cranky because I'm trying to lose weight and having to be disciplined sucks having to, you know, make good choices. I'm, I'm, I'm wanna make good choices. I don't want to, I'm trying to get rid of my, my other chin. 'cause my chin was ching.

So y'all pray for me because I'm, I'm just trying to remain consistent and I'm just not in a good space right now. And if people coming in, Hey, would you like some, some so and so? I'm like, yes, but no. Yes, but no, it's irritating. So we're going into the summer season and there'll be all kinds of picnics and grill outs and stuff like that, which isn't terribly bad. And I typically don't gain weight during the summer at all. In fact, I may even lose a few pounds because our food is a lot fresher.

We eat a lot of salads, fruit in that type of thing. We're quite, oh, sorry, we're quite active and, and some other things. So actually the summer I think we'll bode well provided we are not, or I am not engaging in a lot of consumption of adult libation. I'm not a big algae drinker anyway, to be honest. but I definitely have to continue this annoying.

I don't know, I don't know what this is. I'm doing, I'm just trying to get it off me. So y'all pray for me. Now, this is the last thing I'll say. I haven't had a chance to really catch up on a whole lot of things, but hopefully there are, the women are out there or are catching a clue and, and, and not going psycho over everything because they go psycho over everything. I saw a little bit online where everybody's upset because these guys are, are getting drafted And.

they And they have girls that don't look like them. You can't worry about stuff like that. Let them go. Most of those relationships are quite abusive, whether it's that basketball, whatever. I, I am not sure why you would want to deal with these athletes. So I know many of these women are trying to secure their financial future. They're like planted there. It is what it is. I wouldn't be up in arms over it. Most of these men, no one would be looking at anybody if they didn't have a bunch of money.

I just feel like stop worrying about things you can't control. That's where I'm at with it. all right, pray for me. Y'all look, send me words of encouragement on getting rid of my teletubbies.
