Black Opinionated Woman

S4E59 Beautiful May is MayIng

• Black Opinionated Woman • Season 4 • Episode 59

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Speaker 1 (0s): Hi, both and Bow Ties. This was a half weekend. I had a full weekend, but I had some time to hee-haw at, you know, a little bit here and there. I had some time to be absolutely disgusted. I, I had it all this weekend. So while I had a full sports weekend, let me just say this, in between, you know, starting from I, think it was Friday, Marjorie tried Jasmine Crockett and Jasmine Crockett, Congressman Jasmine Crockett out of, I believe she's outta Texas, and Marjorie Green I think it's outta Georgia.

Marjorie Green. Marjorie Green tried to say, I can't understand you because your eyelashes, and you know, the Jasmine Crockett Congressman, Jasmine Crockett was like, yo, are we talking about the Bleach blonde that built Butch body? I was like, yo, this is basically their whole thing is like, it's gonna have these ad ho attacks. And when Marjorie didn't try to like clean that up, so Jare for it. I don't know why I heard, but I think they're gonna try to have her start capitalizing off of that little comment she made now because they got all kinds of songs and memes and everything about, I mean, they've got all kinds of people sing it too.

It's funny. I've heard that put, she's like big with country. It found some that's like old school, like, like a old school. Be they got, I'm, I'm like, I'm done. I'm like, when Congressman Jasmine Crockett said that we talked about the bleach Blonde bad built butch body. I was like, oh my, she was so hard. I was like, was she talking with Kenrick Lamar? I mean, like, I feel like that's a bar. That's a whole bar. Like she needs to sync up with Metro booming and get her own personal beat for that saying, and flush flesh out this, this could be a whole box.

It's like what is happening May is May, but then I did not see the video. I saw some stills. I'm moving past the whole political nonsense. I saw some steals. Okay, because I of the Diddy abuse to who I would assume as, what's that girl's name?

Cassie, this young lady. Now I can't tell if that's her based on all the, the, the, the stills that I saw that people are showing I know I think people were grabbing it from off CNN or whatever it was. I'll say this, I don't like to see videos like that. So I'm glad people just showed like, just some pictures and it wasn't too graphic, but you can see what was happening and the way he was lunging. Like he wanted to punch this young lady, I was like, oh my gosh. Like he, let me just say this.

I don't understand how anyone can rage on someone like that unless maybe if they hurt their child. Like some, like I just cannot process that. I have never been hit like that. So I, I'm just, I don't even know what to say. I was just kind of like this, and that's just what we're seeing. Who knows the kinds of things that was happening behind the doors, right?

Like there's all the rumors and stuff that are alleged, but we don't know to be true. but I believe them. I I definitely believe them. I definitely believe him. But to watch, to see the pictures, like I just can't drink myself to watch the videos or the video. Like everybody's got the video. I can't see that. I don't understand that. Like, unless maybe he was, well this is not an excuse, but maybe he was high on something.

Like to, to put your hands on someone like that. And, and I think the reason why I was just turned off was because he came out with an apology. And let me just say this, this, I do believe there is redemption. I can't even believe on saying this out loud. I do believe that God can extend mercy and grace, but see, I'm not that person right now. I that's beyond me.

Like someone would have to pray for me because I would have a hard time. I would've a hard, like I just, the things that he was doing, the things that he's alleged of doing, right? When he came out with that apology, it was really hard for me to believe him. And I'll tell you why. you know, not too long ago, didn't he just lie and say like, I'm trying to work hard to clear my name or I, I don't know. He, he, he was basically vehemently like denying everything.

And now he's so disgusted. I'm like, you weren't disgusted a couple of months ago when this came out, but only because it's being shown on television or in social media around the world. And now you're discussing, you're trying to be a better man. You're taking accountability. How, what, what, what does that look like? What does the accountability look like? Are you paying reparations for the people who are harmed? And reparations isn't just money, right?

It's, it's, it's, it's all those things. Let me, I always liken it to like, when people get into a car accident, right? And the goal is for, for the insurance company or the offender to make the person whole, right? So you, you have to repair the vehicle. Sometimes there's a civil component to it where like, well, I guess it is civil, but like where you gotta make the person home. They, they've missed work. Maybe their body is not the same, so now they need rehabilitation. There's all kinds of things. So I, when I talk about reparations, I, think about what does that look like?

How do you become accountable for, it's, it's hard for me to process that, that it's not just a mon a monetary component. I mean that's always helpful, but like, these are are emotional traumatic scars. Like how do you come, how do you repair that? Like are you paying for a lifetime of therapy? Are you making sure that they're me physically, medically compensated for it? Then there's the monetary component.

There's, there's, there's the pain that's caused to loved ones family members. There's, I, I don't know, I'm, I'm speaking off the top of my head, so I'm sure I'm leaving some things out and there's some things that I, you know, if I think about this later on, of course I'll come up with much more poignant points. but I just kind of feel like his apology was so lame. He's, he's disgusted. I I don't know if that's true because he wasn't disgusted when he was doing it. All these things all these years, right? I think much of what he has going on is quite demonic.

So I don't know what was he disgusted in himself for? Because just a few months prior, he was gonna clear his name. He wasn't apologetic. I think now that, okay, so like know this truck is not coming next to me being like all super loud. So he wasn't like, I don't think he had any sort of contrition, you know, just a short few months prior. So when he says he's accountable, I'm like, I don't know what that means.

Does that mean you're going to confess all the things you've done now that you just say this? It's not for him to confess to me, it's up to him to confess to that I'm a God fear woman. So like to God, right? Like, you know, I believe in Jesus Christ. So he needs to confess to somebody. He needs to try to make it right with all the people that he damaged right now. And I don't know what that looks like. Everybody's different. It may not ever make it out into these social media spaces, but this guy is full of crap.

and don he would've been better off saying, I am ashamed of who I am. I was ashamed when I lied a few months ago and said I wanted clear my name. you know, I lied. Just saying I lied. I was ashamed of, of, of, you know, and I didn't want anyone to see me that way. 'cause I was ashamed of, of who I am, who I was and who I am right now.

I'm, I'm still a liar. Like, and people still would've like been been hanging them out to dry, but like, that looks a little bit better than like, oh, I'm just disgusted. I'm like, are you really though you weren't disgusted a few months. I I don't, I don't know, I don't know what this means. I don't this, I'll put it to you like this. There are gonna be people who are gonna defend this guy and I think it takes all kinds of points of views. I just kind of feel like he has to go make other people whole.

He needs to go make those people whole. 'cause I don't know what this accountability looks like. And I feel like, and maybe it's not for me to know, but it's hard for me to take this, this ridiculous apology serious. He wasn't ashamed when he was denying these allegations. There was no shame, there was no contrition. It was all about protecting his name and his brand and the people he surrounds himself with.

They are troubled people too. Like, you need to take a long hard look in a mirror. We all do. We all do, right? We all have some mess about us, including me. I just feel like to see those disturbing, like I can't even imagine my husband putting his hands on me like that. Like I don't, the only thing I would be doing is trying to figure out how, how, how to get my kids outta that situation.

This was a young woman who I feel like had some sort of Stockholm symptoms. She probably feared from her life. you know, all the alleged things that he's done, the people that he's allegedly taken out cars that were blown up and, and, and I, I don't know. So she probably didn't feel like she had any sort of recourse until he was probably done with her. Allegedly he's been, he passed her around to all of the other people and that he surrounds himself with so that they can have their way with her.

I'm like, I don't understand that. Like, I can't process that. I just cannot. So anyway, him coming out there, but this apology, I'm not sure why, what he, he, he didn't even need to come out with that apology. If you ask me, he should have been apologizing to the people. He harmed, he wanted the world to know that he's, I don't even know.

I'm like, what are you apologizing for? What, what exactly is he apologizing for? I don't think that was for the people who were harmed I think that was for himself. He did that for himself. He did that because I guess he has many interests that have to be protected. There are people there, there's money, there's brands. I don't know. He, he is a monster. He is a bonafide monster.

And the people who are in his camp that are surrounding him and co-signing this bad behavior, they're monsters too. I can understand maybe your children, like this is my dad, like he's a flawed man, but like these friends that watched him do these things, these so-called friends that watched him because he's powerful and has money. They're monsters too. I do know that apology, I don't think he ever needed to even come on camera and apologized for what?

It's not believable. You were outed. So at this point you already denied these allegations and now you're saying you're sorry. You're sorry because you got caught. You're not ashamed just a few months ago. Now all of a sudden you're enrolled in intense therapy. When did that start happening? When did the therapy and, and how did you get access to a therapist so quickly? Because I know people who wanna get access to a therapist maybe for themselves or for their children or whatever, And they are having a really difficult time finding people that they can get in.

I, I I was just kind of like shocked. This guy is a bonafide monster. Monster. He's no different than than than a Epstein. I don't know if Epstein put his hands on people in that way, like, you know, but it's a monster. I feel that whole Hollywood, that music industry is quite demonic. I think everyone sells their soul or just about all of them. There's nothing about that industry I like and thank goodness my children are not part of that industry.

I hope they never wanna be part of that industry, ever. all right, well that's all I got for your little demonic friend out there. That, that psychopath. Was there anything else? I just wanted to say it was rainy playing out there with these kids in these sports was wearing me out. They were wearing me out. But I think that's pretty much it for me. all right, that's it. Go ahead and like all my videos and subscribe to everything that I do.

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