Black Opinionated Woman

S4E55 Amanda Seales said some stuff

• Black Opinionated Woman • Season 4 • Episode 55

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Speaker 1 (0s): Good morning bows and bow ties. Getting a little bit later start than I normally would. It's about 6:34 AM But yeah, so I just wanted to chit chat. This is not well formed at all. Just thinking about a little bit, I saw some of the Amanda Seals interview on the Chahe, and let me just say this, I like I.

think Amanda Seals overall. So I've always liked Amanda Seals because she says what she means, it means what she say, right? Sometimes I think the way it's wrapped up, the way it's dressed up, it's, it's, it doesn't go over well. And I think we all have to work on our bedside manner, but I enjoy how smart she is. I think she's a thinking person, but she would with that.

What comes along with that is I. think oftentimes you could be misunderstood when you, if you're a thinking person and the way that you deliver anything that you're saying, she kind of got what's this face together though? A lot of people I think people are gonna be on both sides, either sides to this, but I do think she was right. And when she was saying what she experienced as a child and she felt like it was rooted in one of those isms, and you know what I mean?

I think that oftentimes when people try to discount what kids say, I am like, wait a second, kids are kids learn behaviors. They're taught things right? And if they don't learn it at home, they're learning it from other kids. And so just to say like, oh, kids are being kids. I forget exactly what he said. 'cause I remember listening to that. I'm like, ah, yeah, but kids are taught, they, so she got him together when she brought up the whole re bridges incident back when they were trying to integrate schools.

So anyway, I just felt like Shannon Sharp took the L for that one. I was like, dude, like, what are you doing right now? It was giving me I Emmanuel a Acho vibes, which is funny because she bombed out. I Emmanuel Ajo too. I was, I was cracking up because I'm like, I, Emmanuel Acho deserved it. I mean, because it's, I I I just feel like he's like the modern day step in fetch. Like, I'm just kinda like, what is happening here? But. anyway, I'm not saying that Shannon Sharp is giving step.

In fact, I'm saying that Emmanuel Ajo But. anyway, I just thought that she was just talking about some things that, and I was here for it. All the stuff with Issa Wright. This is the thing, like, okay, I must admit I was never an insecure fan. I liked some of the episodes, but I, I, I remember I said this a long time ago to, I guess we're still friends, a friend of mine, I said, I understand that we're trying to have representation.

And I felt like on the one hand she was showing how black women like their, their dating blows. And I get it, but I just kind of felt like it was just another sad love song, you know, like that Tony Braxton is just a another no, some, you know, because when, when I, at least when I first started watching some of the insecure episodes, I was like a year or so late. And it just gave me this whole like, glitz paint, the downtrodden brown woman in this light of always struggling to find love.

And I was like, I guess art imitates reality. But in the same token, I don't know, I, I just didn't like it. It was just like all about men, men, men. And she was like calling everybody in bombs. And I, I don't know. So circling back to the Issa thing, you know, do I think in my personal opinion, based off no facts, no facts. I wanna make this clear. I have no facts. Do I think Issa was messy too?

I I absolutely do think she was messy. I think this was a business too. It's competition. I, I said what I said I. think there was some messiness involved. There could have been, I'm not saying Issa was jealous, but what I'm saying is there could have been jealousy, there could have been anything, but, but she said that she had her show and it was uploaded on her site or whatever it was. Maybe Issa very well could have seen like the, the value in it and didn't want her shine to eclipse what Issa had.

I don't know. I don't know. you know, instead of looking at it from the financial and business aspect, you know, there's human nature that's involved. Now, I actually like Issa Rae, I just wasn't really big into insecure. I didn't like how women were put into these stereotypical roles They had, or at least Black woman. They had Amanda Seales said like this ditzy light-skinned woman who was just, I don't know, she was so fragile.

And I don't know, I just, it just didn't, I don't, it wasn't resonating with me. I didn't like how they had the, the, the big black girl having to try to like be the comedian and oversexualized. I didn't like it. didn didn't like it. But I'm getting off topic. The point I'm making was Amanda Seals got on that show Club Shehe and she started talking and I was like, okay, so this is Amanda. Because when she started getting rowdy, rowdy about it, about it, I'm like, be who you are.

Talk your talk. That is your space to be rowdy, rowdy and rowdy about it. So she I think that she needed to be who she was in that moment, right? Not to say that she's always like that. I'm sure she has a much softer side too. But you know, I think she was excited about what she was talking about. She was calling a thing, a thing. I think she was very cur about being kicked out of that Emmy party. The Emmy's in Hollywood or whatever it was called. I don't even remember.

I don't care because you know, I don't really care for Hollywood. But you know, I think the thing is like, she probably was done dirty, but I mean all of Hollywood is dirty. If you ask me I think h weird is a place that I want no parks in. It's just weird But anyway. And me, the Seals was out there talking and abruptly feathers, smart woman, I think her outfit was a lot.

Though I don't usually critique outfits, but I think it was just because there was so much going on and I don't know was way it blended into the set. I don't know what it was, it was just a lot going on with her outfit. But overall, you know, I think she did a good job. I'm not saying that I agree with everything or don't or disagree with everything. I, I'm more, I was just more of a passive listener. I agree with a lot of the things that she says I most certainly do. But I think the funniest part for me was when she was like, my mother is not white.

And it is so funny because when I see Amanda, like I look at her as like a light skinned black woman, right? Who's probably got something going on in her family. but I never thought of her as anything other, a black woman. And the reason why that resonated with me so much is because I used to get crap the time. Especially if I don't do a great job. So I just slap it up now, let my hair painted, it's gonna be, and I have a much more kinky or texture here than Amanda's all but I just thought it was so funny.

but I would get that all the time. People would come up to me and say the wildest things and I would look at them quizzically, like, where does this come from? Like, I guess maybe because I always grew up like never questioning anything. Like we didn't, my family was, I don't know. I mean I just, my mom was black. My, my dad is black. So my, so it was one of those things where I was like what I used to cat. Even recently, I, I remember even down to Asians thinking I was some sort of biracial or something.

I'm like, y'all have been around black people. That was as a matter of a couple, two, three years ago, somebody said, oh, I thought you were mixed with something. And I'm like, you are around black people, you know, this is becoming all color shapes and sizes. So anyway, I was just tickled pink by that when she's like, my mom is a whole black woman from Grenada. My dad is black. I was like, yes, talk here, talk. I don't know why that was funny because most people who are around black people, they get it, you know? So you just, I don't know.

I guess to me, I, I just never understood why people were making a whole bunch of assumptions. I, me, but she very been biracial. I don't know. But when I first saw her, I, I never thought differently. I thought this is a very un skinned woman who clearly has something going on in her family. you know, DNA But. anyway, I just thought that was funny only because I have had to, you know, get people together on that too all the time.

Especially when they would say things like, oh, are you like Puerto Rican or Dominican? I'm like, well those are nationalities. There's white Puerto Ricans and White Dominicans and black Puerto Ricans and black Dominicans that, that's a nationality. That's not a race. That's not a, they're like, yo, so you're mixed with Puerto Rican And. they would still say it. I'm like, oh my gosh, like what is happening right now? No, I'm like regular. Regular. Anyway, I found that little tidbit to be hilarious.

I don't know why it was that funny to me, but I could, that resonated with me for some reason. But ultimately I think the biggest thing was she said what she had to say, you know, it doesn't matter I think if you're just predisposed to just not liking her for whatever reasons you're gonna find fault with everything she has to say that it just is what it is. It's kind of like it's anybody else. you know, you're gonna find a lot of things that you just don't like about her. It's kind like Beyonce.

I found that in recent times. She turns me off for a variety of reasons. Like, I don't deny her talent pretty woman, woman, she's a talented lady. But there's some things that I see that I'm like, okay, you know? And so what happens is sometimes you can develop a blind spot. I'm human like everybody else. So now I just don't even really deal with it. Like, I don't even care about Beyonce. Like I don't half of every listen to because I think it's so stupid.

It's silly. So I just let people be where they are. And so what happens is when people start to ru irk you and rub you the wrong way, you really don't wanna hear it. And I think that's what you're gonna get with Amanda Seals. People are just not gonna want to hear what she has to say about whether it was her time at the Emmy party, her experience on Insecure. Okay. And how she may not have necessarily felt like she could really, you know, truly advocate for herself that she didn't use those words.

I don't rephrase those words, but, you know, 'cause technically he says her boss, you know, whether it's about her experience growing up or, you know, it could be anything. So I saw the portion of the interview. I see the entire interview because I do have a life by the way. Maybe I'll catch the rest of it or maybe I'll play it from the beginning and, and listen to the whole thing without, I try not to have too many interruptions. But ultimately Amanda Seals was up there talking, she was just talking her talk, and I'm sure people are gonna be in the uproar over things.

Shannon Sharp took an L on that whole life. So your mom is white. And I was like, what? And I didn't even know that much about her parents. I was like, oh, okay. And she was like, no, she's not. Why do keep saying that? So, I don't know, funny to me, and then him discounting the whole thing as a child, you know, when she was doing stuff on Nickelodeon or whatever, I was like, Shannon, just stop. Just listen.

you know, it reminds me of, you know, well it's not the same thing. I, I'm getting ready to make this bump myself 'cause I'm driving. But I was just sitting there thinking about how oftentimes people will say, oh, well someone didn't mean it that way, but this is the way I took it. I remember when I was in high school, I, you know, okay, so when I was growing up, the school system I lived in, you could take Spanish in sixth grade for half a year in French for half a year.

And then in seventh grade you choose which, which language you wanna take, et cetera. So I took Spanish to seventh grade, Spanish and eighth grade. And then by the time I went to ninth grade, so then you go into, was it Spanish too or I, I, whatever it was. So when I was in high school, I had completed Spanish four. And then I was like, oh, I'll take some extra electives with, with languages and stuff. Right? And so I signed up for Italian.

Now with the teacher, didn't know was I had cousins who were Italian and American. So they spoke fluent Italian. 'cause they lived in Italy for years. Even though they were born in America, they lived, moved over to Italy for years. And, they came back. So they, Italian was almost like a first language, not a second language, believe it or not. So I signed up for Italian. 'cause I had, I had completed all my Spanish didn, didn't really take AP Spanish.

And I went, I took Spanish from Spanish, I mean, I'm sorry, Italian too. Now, when I was in class, the teacher was getting upset with me because I, I started later, like a junior or senior or something. I forgot what it was. I was like, I was gonna take these electives. The teacher would get angry with me because she felt like I wasn't studying. Well, for those of you who know, you know, Italian is one of the, a romance languages. And it's similar to Spanish, not exact, but because I had cousins around me then.

'cause they had moved back to the States at the time. We were all living together at my grandmother's house, by the way. And so they would speak Italian all the time. And so I would go to class. I never really studied because it, it was, it was, there was nothing to study. I was for me, it was just, you know, it was easy. And I remember the teacher came up to me, I finished my test within, it was a quiz or a test. And I don't I think it might've been like less than 10 minutes.

It was very easy. The teacher, I turned my paper over and the teacher came over and snatched my paper, do your work. I was like, excuse me, next thing you know, we're going at it. She was like, you need to finish your test. I don't know who you think you're now she starts coming at me crazy. And I was like, you know, a little bit on the mouthy side, but I'm like, don't tell me what to do. I did finish my test and some other stuff. And she was like, there's no way you could have m like what does that mean? And she was like, you need to study.

Do you need to finish your time or whatever. She's like, fine, you're gonna fail. I was like, I'm not gonna fail. This was an ECA. Now I shouldn't have said that, but the way she was coming up on you, there's no way you could have, she kept saying that. And I'm like, what do you mean? And then, you know, of course my mouth is up. I'm like, you don't know what I know. You don't know what I know. She was like, I know that you, you, I know that I'm gonna grade this as is. And I was like, grade it, you can grade it right now. And I wound up getting like, it's either a hundred or 98, I can't remember.

But she was pissed. But you don't, so next thing you know, somehow we got into some little verbal discussion that was not pleasant. And then I got sent to the office and she, she's made a comment about like, I think I know so much or something messed. But I was kinda like, well, I do, your tests are easy. And it not knowing how to read your room, she just shut up. But the point I was making with that whole Seals is she kept saying, well, there's no way you could possibly accept the other you. And I don't think, you know what, I'm sitting there thinking like, lady, you don't know anything.

And it comes and then she finds out, of course the whole situation, like, I'm like, I've got cousins who speak full Italian. And even if they didn't, it doesn't matter if I tell you I'm done with this task and I'm done. I mean, I got an a, I mean, but the point I'm making was, it wasn't that hard. But she kept saying, there's no way you could, I'm like, well what does that mean? Because I was outperforming the kids in the class. So I took it personal. I was like, you know, what are you saying?

There's no way I can do it. For what reason? Why are you saying that? I don't know. Not exactly the same. but I made it about me, me, me, me. all right. There's more I could say. I didn't wanna deep dive on. Amanda Seals I think that many people will dissect that interview today, And, they will judge accordingly to how they they're feeling. Ultimately, the parts that I heard, I heard a good portion of it.

I found it to be entertaining. I don't know if I was gonna sleepover. I mean, Amanda Seals is either like it or you don't. So, but all right, I'm done. Have a good one.
