Black Opinionated Woman

S4E57 Take 6, light skin commentary, and more

• Black Opinionated Woman • Season 4 • Episode 57

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tiktok: @iamabowalways

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Speaker 2 (0s): Look, if you're new to my channel, I'm the Black Opinion native woman, also known as Vo So. let just hop on this. I don't think this is gonna be long today, but I say that all the time. I saw Take Six and let me just say I was completely not impressed. Now I am familiar with a lot of their old hits, right? So first of all, I went to the Bootleg Birch Mirror. I don't really like the Birch Mayor for those of you who you who live in the DMV, you know?

But you know, I went to the Birch Mirror and I look, if I go see a group that's been in the game for 5 million years, I'm expecting to hear some of your old songs. What I don't want to hear is you see a whole bunch of covers and like, look, listen to my new stuff. I get it. Artists want to, you know, stretch their legs and all sort of stuff like that. But this is what they fail to not understand. If you're an old group, 90 to 95% of your stuff should be your old stuff.

No one wants to hear you try to say, so do blah, blah blah. Like, no, no. I'm sitting here like they're covering. They covered Stevie Wonder's, overjoyed, they covered Eric Clapton's. If I could change the world, they covered who else. you know that Christopher Cross song Sailing? Then they wanted, they told some corny jokes. They then they wanted to let us know that they sang in South Africa someplace.

So now they're on like some African beat stuff. I didn't know they was trying to be Tyler, the water girl or Tims, or Nims, whatever the tickets is, one has the same beat for all of her songs and just, eh, you know, all that whining she does. So I'm just like, I don't understand like, well what is happening right now? Then they wanted us to hear some stuff off of their new record that's not ready yet. And I was just like, they don't sing any of their old stuff.

They got out there doing these old people dances like And. they were like making fun of it. Like, Hey, hey, if you can do the Temptations two Step I was like, shut up. Insane. They're out here. I I know I. Guess I'm just not doing a good job of picking concerts lately. Because the last one I saw before that was I. think it was Boy Cement. They were decent. But then the one guy who, I can't remember his name right now 'cause I'm having a moment.

He decided, Hey look, I learned how to play the guitar. Ding. The next thing you know he wants to play rock music. And. they, and I was just like, we wanna hear you sing because he, even the got rough, you never turn away. You were right there. That's what I wanna hear. So between Take six sucking Balls and, and Boys to Men out of breath trying to do a couple of twirls and stuff on stage. The only concert that went well, which seems everybody was talking about poorly, was the one that I went, when was it Babyface came to town and, and with Anita Baker, and I know Anita Baker was Clowny.

But let me tell you something. Babyface Anita Baker put on a good child. Let me tell you, I enjoyed that one. You buying jail? Yeah, yeah. I was up. I was, look, oh, she was singing all of it. All of it. I can't remember stories. you know what I'm talking about? And I'm sitting here thinking like, so when Take six came and I listened to them, I should have been hearing there is a quiet place I should have been hearing.

Oh, they tried to play the biggest part of me. You knew there's gonna be a little whack OnCore, right? And. they were like so digable. So like, as soon as everybody's heading out, 'cause like whatever, now they wanna sing, you know, sunrise Sun Rising, now you wanna sing that all the way out. And then it's like, not only that, but I feel like these artists, when you are like as old as Methuselah, they wanna do all this extra arranging. Sometimes just singing. It is okay, just sing the song.

I was just over it. I was just like, so now my husband was clowning me last night. He is like, so this is what you picked. This is what you picked up. Like leave me alone. Leave me alone. And so I'm sitting there, you too busy. He hollering and laughing at me. He spills his glass of what he was drinking of somebody, adult. Adult libation. So now my shirt on the right side, 'cause it bounced up. I don't know, it was a whole situation. It got on my shirt or my skirt. So now I smell like DUI.

So on the way home I called my sister and the guy that she's dating. And it's so funny because they are like heehaw in the background. 'cause my husband is laughing at me 'cause I'm the driver. I'm let the driver and he's laughing at me. They're laughing at me. 'cause they went out, they're, they were out golfing at like top golf and all kinds of stuff like that. And I'm sitting here smelling like DUI, I'm like, I didn't even get to enjoy a whole, you know what I'm saying? Like the music is just like, I'm like, but I want you to dooo pop bop on the song.

but I know they were making us up. A lot of us I was like, I don't, I don't know what this is. Like what is, what is this? That's how we were looking. Now you're still gonna have people who are gonna enjoy it. I saw the lady on the table next to me. I don't know what beat she was on, but she was enjoying herself. She was in her, she was, I don't know what she's doing. There was a clock that was offbeat. I don't know what beat she was on. I don't know what to, I don't know what melody she had in her head, but she had a good time. So I'm glad she had an offbeat good time.

And basically, I'm speaking like a little bit of a hater. I am a hater. Now lemme move on to the light skinned comments. So, you know, black people, you know, that's the trend on TikTok. Let me just say this. I appreciate people leaving their comments. I mean, I get it. 'cause I didn't want to make everything about the plight of a light-skinned woman. That that wasn't necessarily my intention.

I just wanted to call out a couple things because I just get so sick and tired of everyone screaming colorism for everything. And I think colorism presents itself in a whole lot of things. I surely do. but I also feel like if you are a person who you could just simply be disagreeable, everything's gonna be layer layered, labeled, colorism. When maybe you're just a disagreeable person. Maybe, you know, I don't know.

I, I, I feel like I'm riding a fence because on the one hand I feel like if you're, if you look a certain way there, there is no expectation that you can speak with any kind of authority or any kind of intelligence or anything like that. When you do, they see you as the elitist or, or you know, they started labeling, labeling you with all these things. And one of them is colorism too. 'cause they're like, oh, you get to say this because of the way you look at, I'm like, there's no winning. There is no winning. It doesn't matter what you do.

People are going to be upset. But I think the biggest thing was with the Amanda Seals interview. Like I said, you know, Amanda has some mess about her. She most certainly does, but I'm like, she still should be allowed to speak her mind talk or talk. Everything is not colorism. Everything is not whatever it is that they think. And I think that oftentimes that they talk about how people look a certain way, you know, may have these biases, whatever. I'm like, well, I feel like a lot of darker skinned people also have biases.

They wanna make it seem like if you say something or if you operate in a manner that does not fit the narrative, then it's kind of like, oh, so she's using her, this, that, and the other. I'm like, shut up. And if you dare refute somebody who's darker skinned, let me tell you something. You'll, you'll face the wrath of, of something. How dare you, this, that, and the other I. think about how I saw the clips of, lemme put something on my car last night.

Lord Jesus, there's a little, a human people put stuff on under my windshield wiper. Don't do that. didn didn't even know it was there. I was there, you know. Anyway, I was thinking about on that Potomac show, I saw the clip. I haven't watched the actual show in about a year and more. Was it a season and a half? I keep saying a year and a half. That's about right. Maybe a year and a half. I guess. Season and a half. Close to two seasons. Because the previous season, I was, I had to check out. I just couldn't, I've seen so many episodes of Candace is a vile person.

I'm not saying that Giselle doesn't have some mess about her, but a lot of people will co-sign bad behavior and they'll, they'll, they'll make it, they'll call it a read. It's not a read. It's not if, if anybody, so she gets to talk about everybody's looks in there body. If somebody would come for her, 'cause I would say something, but I sure would. I'm like, you don't get to talk to me until you use the shade. Your shade of makeup. How about that? You got all these weird lines down your nose trying to over contour you, you're so concerned about what everybody else's kids and body and, and husband's dancing look like.

I'm like, you're really obsessed. You wanna skin me and wear me as a clock. You have your own problems. You need to focus on yourself. That that woman is psycho. Look, Giselle was a piece of work too, but you can't say anything to anybody who's darker because if you do, you are a colorist. Now I do think colorism does present on that show, but every moment is not a colorist moment. Sometimes people are just a-holes sometimes it's just that.

But I think for me was, I don't know why. Her comments, Amanda Seal's comment on the club CA interview for whatever reasons that day. It could have just been the space I was in. I was just like, you know what? I get what she's saying. I get it. I get it. And no matter what you do, what's gonna happen is people are going to do and say what they want. You can't, you, you can only be like quiet and agreeable. You can't disagree with somebody who's darker skinned.

And it's stupid. I'm like, we're all on the same team. We're on the same team. You know, these conversations cannot be had in a vacuum, right? like, you have to have the conversation instead attacking people. He's like, you wanna have a conversation about colorism, but then you claim people don't have the range. And I'm sitting here laughing at her. I'm like, you are. Literally, this was Wendy. He was sitting up on the stage. Sorry, I got like multiple thoughts going in my head like that a DD kicked in hard. I'm like, you literally cannot even sit here and talk to me.

Then you are looking like you want to assimilate. like you, you're a refresher or whatever. Like, I'm just like, girl, what is happening right now? But they wanna have these conversations, but then they shut you down because they wanna have it on their terms. It doesn't work like that. It doesn't, and I think, for me, I was just like, look, you know what, if you don't wanna include multiple people, then don't bring it up at all.

There's no way you can move forward in these conversations if it's gonna be a one-sided affair on your terms. No, no. Not for me. It doesn't work. Absolutely not. Absolutely not. Anyway, I, this is not to say that I don't think these kinds of issues aren't present in, in all many of these scenarios. I just don't think every single moment calls for a colorless conversation. But it needs to be half for sure.

It most certainly does. all right, now that I got that off my chest, I do not recommend anybody going to see Take six. They are not singing their old songs. They'll do. That's what they're gonna do on some, some songs that are not theirs. They're gonna cover everybody else's song. They're gonna sing a couple of songs from their new album that they said isn't ready, but they want to give a snippet. They're gonna tell some pointy jokes. They was trying to tell people, look, can you do this? Can you do this? If you can do this, you can hang with us.

We only have three steps. And I'm just kind of like, I'm not waving my hands in the air and waving 'em like, I just don't care. I am not at a hip hop or a rap concert. I wanted to hear Take six in their harmonies. They were harmonizing on songs and was like, what is this dude? And I was like, then because you know the song, you don't know the words. You don't know what, what it is you're listening to. Everyone's clapping like, okay, I was just done.

So apparently my husband is looking at me sideways now like, well he didn't go Tonita Baker, what do you call it? A Babyface concert. I went with my brother and my sister. But you know, the last few things we, we did was we saw Boys to Men. That was just, okay. He went to see Mike Epp. I did not. So we saw Mike Epps and I was like, I mean I had a couple of Haws, don't get me wrong, but he, I don't really care for Mike Epps.

Then I picked Take Six and he never wanted to go. So now my sister's like, I'm glad I got that bullet. 'cause I was trying to ask my sister, she wanted to go. She's like, yeah, I think not. So basically I think he's banning me from picking stuff in the near future for a while because I've been striking out, striking out. Take six in that garbage I was like, make a Wish. That's what we should have heard. We should have heard that early on Sunrise.

That's what we should hearing instead. They were like, I was like, what happen? People were looking around at me like, like I knew I was like, I, I, I don't know. I don't know. but I do know that I smelled like DUI on the right side of my body. 'cause my husband's so busy laughing at me looking mad. So he knocked over the remnants of what he was drinking. He had ice water in it, but it was cold too. So it was cold. I was a shirt. I was like, I had a wet DUI shirt. all right, have a good one.
