Black Opinionated Woman

S4E60 What a weekend… Kendrick Lamar, Drake, Metro Boomin

• Black Opinionated Woman • Season 4 • Episode 60

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Speaker 1 (0s): All right, bows and bow ties. So I'm back. I took off yesterday. I had so many errands and I wanted to take my braids out, and then I didn't really do my hair the way I wanted to. So now my hair is all tight, like these little tight curls and just like, I don't know, I just don't like how I did it, so I'm gonna have to redo it when I get home. So that's why like I have old lady hair. all right, so let's just get on into it. So let's talk about the weekends for a second.

I totally hee hog all weekend. I didn't change my background. Let me change it to my normal background here for y'all. Let me see where, where's my situation? Here we go. all right. So. yeah, I had a really good weekend, but when I say good weekend, it was a busy weekend, but I primarily just enjoyed all of this wrap off the beach and stuff like that.

And let me just say this, it was entertaining because it was just strictly people like between Kendrick, Lamar and Drake going back and forth. Now I know I'm biased and I, I like Drake, but like, I don't like, like Drake, you know? I mean, but I like Drake, he has vs. Half the time. I can't remember who's his anyway, 'cause I'm not really big into rap. But Kendrick Lamar, I mean I, you know, I remember when he first came out years ago, my husband was like, are you listening to this guy? 'cause he, he at least I think he enjoyed him.

I don't even know who he likes now. I can't remember if it was him, Jake Cole, some other new guy Friday. I don't know. I can't keep up. Like I don't keep up on the rap game. I'm into love music like, like, you know, you just wanna like sing. I like love songs, I like gospel, I like that kind of stuff. I like, like Smooth Music. but I do listen to, you know, hip hop and rap, you know, stuff like that. I just have to, I can't listen to it a whole lot because like all the misogyny and the cussing and the inbound sometimes it's just like a lot.

but I did enjoy the, the wrap off the dissing tracks that Kendrick Lamar, let me tell you, I know there's some of you out there who are total Drake stands, but I'm just kind of like, I have been bopping to those dis tracks. I haven't. And then when Metro Beats, I keep calling 'em Metro Beats Metro, Boomin came out with the BBO bbo. I could not stop laughing.

That was so funny to me. But you know, I sat down like while I was doing some of the things, you know, I took some time off yesterday and well this weekend and I actually listened to his lyrics and I was like, there's a lot of double entre here. Like he I was saying, let me tell you, I was like plus one gold star for the culture. you know, I am not sure if people who are worldwide understand, like I'm, I know on the surface they know what'll Rap beef is or Rap battle is.

But there are things that are in like within Black American culture, African American culture. It's just, there's just certain things like you gotta kind of like be in the culture. Now I'm not really big into rap culture, but like there's just certain things I was like, okay, you know what's interesting too, because I'm gonna be honest, generally speaking, I don't even pay attention to like a lot of these, these artists, right?

I don't. I just really don't. But I think the biggest thing is I wasn't above it either. I was like, lemme hear, I wanna hear it. Look, lemme tell you, this rat beef thing this weekend was way better than any verses, you know, remember verses when it was actually fun and good before they ruined it and tried to turn it into some nonsense. It was great during like the pandemic break. Anyway, this was better than any verses.

V-E-R-Z-U-Z-I believe is how we spelled it. But those of you who wanna know what verses was or is, or I don't even know if it's still around So. yeah, that was really good. And I think, what I liked was when Patrick Lamar, when he dropped his track and it's like he followed up like within like nanoseconds later with another one in response to Drake's diss I was watching on TikTok actually, because there was like all this artwork that was associated with these songs that like, 'cause if it wasn't like on TikTok and people weren't putting it out there, I was never gonna know what it was.

I wasn't gonna go search for it. I think the the kill shot was when he posted Drake's house with the sex offenders. Like, like those little like markers, but I guess that identifies like if there's someone nearby or at your house or whatever. When they even he posted it with those on his house, I was like, oh, this is dirty word. Like this was one for the books. I was entertained, I was entertained.

I actually wouldn't mind seeing one or two more just to tie this up with about, you know, know, it was interesting because previous, the previous week we had gotten the Chris Brown Quavo. Like I don't even know who Quavo is. Like I know he's part of that S group or something, or I think he was like, I know I probably know his music if you put it on the radio. But I don't listen to music like that that much anymore. I listen to my old stuff or podcast or whatever and all I know was Chris Brown, but how do you up, so then with this follow up with Kendrick, Lamar I was like, I'm done.

you know, Kat Williams started a lot of stuff. He said this was going to be the age of exposing or whatever, 2024, let me tell you, January was Kat Williams. What was February? I think February was Monique, April was Amanda Seals. I don't remember what happened in March, in May we got Kendrick Lamar and, and Drake. These people are not playing. I, I wanna know what's gonna happen in June.

What is going to happen in June? Because at this point I'm like, I don't think anything could talk this. I still think the way Kat Williams came out, he just totally set it off. I mean like he wasn't playing in 2024, but May this belongs to Kendrick Lamar and, and and Drake. Well Kendrick really because Kendrick was not playing. I mean this student was just flat out diabolical and the way he just dissected Drake Drake tried to say that, Hey, well you know, I planted these stories.

I'm like, you think that's a flex? 'cause the very thing he kept talking about, you lied about this and you lied about that, you lied about this in his songs. I think it was, was that euphoria? I can't remember. He like, you lied about this. And he's like, you have not given us anything. He is like, you lied about so much. And so to sit there and flex on the fact that you supposedly, allegedly lied and, and and, and tried to put fake information out there that is all the more, it just goes to support everything that he said.

You're just a manipulator. I was like, this is just too much. It's too much. Well anyway, I just wanted you to know it was a really good weekend to watch the shenanigans. I'm looking forward to seeing some more track and field. I caught a little bit of the four by four men and four by four mixed relays. I did not get, and I did not get to see anything else. 'cause I was like caught up all weekend with sports and that type of thing.

But. anyway, I just wanted to get that off my chest. I I thought this past weekend was highly entertaining and for those of you who think you're just so above it, you're not, people are always, okay, so what is happening over there? That lane, that lane is ignorant. So, you know, a lot of people wanted to make it seem like they were above the rat battle stuff and I was not. I just wanna be clear now. Don't ask me to follow on a whole bunch of other stuff. I mean like, if you put it in my face, I'm going to listen.

I was just hee hawing at the whole thing. So for all of you who are just too, too just like above it all, well I guess kudos to you because I was not, I wanna be clear and I'm 47. 47. I was still here for it. I, I listened to it. So anyway, that, that's all I got. It was a good weekend. Kendrick killed that. He bodied him all the way up.

I mean, I'm at the point I think I, I might wanna learn how to Crip walk. you know, I'm not from the west coast, but I was like, yo, I'm, I'm gonna have to learn how to Crip walk. Now I gotta learn how to Crip walk. They threw down. So, all right, you guys know what you need to do. Go ahead and leave a comment and go ahead and subscribe. I'll talk to you later....