Black Opinionated Woman

S4E63 Just a few comments about the WNBA and Caitlin Clark

• Black Opinionated Woman • Season 4 • Episode 63

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Speaker 1 (0s): Bows and bow ties. So recently there have been many people coming out commenting about Kaitlyn Clark, the WNBA. They've been talking about the veteran response to her league. A whole bunch of comments have come out. And of course I have my favorite runaway slave. Charles Barkley gets up there and he weighs in.

I just find it interesting listening to a bunch of people or a bunch of men look like me weighing on Caitlyn Clark. And this is what I would say to the Caitlyn Clark thing. Let me start off by saying this point, first favor is not fair. Okay? I'm gonna start off by saying favor is not fair. It's not fair. Caitlyn Clark did not ask to be thrust into the spotlight, okay?

She didn't ask for it. She didn't ask to be the unofficial face at the WNBA. She didn't ask for any of that. I just wanna put that out there. but I also wanna say this, America and our history with race relations kind of boosted her into the spotlight, especially since Angel Reese was also a star in college.

But when Angel Reese said that you can't see me, John Cena fa in Kaitlyn, in Kaitlyn Clark's face, that brought a lot of attention because the America, as we know it, they don't like to see that, right? So you get a Starlight who was amazing and she was known for just shooting lights out like she is a shooting phenom and phenomenon.

I also think that she was able to hone her craft via hard work and the way they structured the Iowa basketball team so that it basically all ran through her. Like the other team. I know they're gonna say there's no I team, but they're not really a factor. I barely remember who was even on the team, Gabby, somebody and a cater somebody. I don't, I don't know, right? But realistically, they were like non-factor, right? So, so it was the Kaitlyn Clark show, unlike the team atmosphere that was built in South Carolina, LSU, et cetera, right?

They had a team of people who were highly capable. Iowa built this, this, this whole story around Kaitlyn. She got all that shine. So she had a lot more touches. And also she is a really good player. Let's be clear. No one will deny her talent, okay? But I think what's going on. And I think what people are failing to understand and recognize is the fact that with Kaitlyn Clark, what the, the veterans are not anti Kaitlyn Clark.

At least that's not the impression I get. I mean, you might have a couple haters, but Don don't really think that there's so much as hating on her I think what they're saying is, Hey, put some respect on our name too. That's number one. Number two, I don't know why people feel like they should take it easy on her. They're not taking it easy on Angel race. Angel Race is quietly doing business. She's scoring, rebounding, all that good stuff. She's playing defense. Caitlyn Clark is just an offensive, sometimes threat, depending on the team and how open she gets open.

I mean, how get open, she's open, she goes to her left, she shoots her shot. She, she can't handle the ball, she'll get better. She's also not somebody who plays defense, okay? There takes on types to be in these leagues. Look at Steph Curry. Steph Curry, I, it's where you see him play any difference. All he does is shoot, shoot, shoot. Which people wanna see I think he is amazing. I also think the WI mean the NBA and the WNBA, it to me personally is a little bit boring.

I, think it's softer, I. think that all we do see a bunch of people shoot a bunch of threes, and this is why I really don't watch it as much. The only one I have with on a watch is watches, is maybe LeBron when he's not flopping. And I like LeBron and maybe Ant Man or something like that. Like, I like to watch people who are gonna play defense too. But circling back to Caitlyn Clark, I feel like people want these women who worked so hard to be at the highest levels in the game to take it.

You want these women to stop being competitors. You've got, I wanna say it was Colin Cowher, whoever the, the guy was who said that they need to give her an easier schedule. I forgot what it was said, but basically they wanted, he's like, you gotta take it easy on her where they're trying to take it easy on Angel Reese. So people are upset because Kaitlyn Clark is now receiving scrutiny and and ridicule. Were they, were they sensitive to when Angel Reese took that?

And so everyone's like, oh, you're being a hater. I'm like, I don't think it's true. I think these women should be allowed to express themselves that this isn't a one person show. This is a team thing, and hey, we've got some ballers here, and you're the next great hope. Well, you gotta live up to it too, right? Welcome to the league. You're talking about grown women who are competitors, and now you wanna tell them, Hey, don't compete as hard because you gotta put a pillow under there. Kaitlyn Clark, if she's the truth, she'll be the truth, she'll adjust. Now, as quiet as it's kept, angel Reese is adjusting.

She's just moving on. She's not caught up. Caitlyn, I mean, angel Reese has been Angel Reesing the entire time. The way she, you see her out here now's as she was in, in college, and I'm just sitting here listening to some of these dumb dos, especially our runaway slaves sitting there lauding and applauding, applauding another competitor. They're giving her like this, oh, poor Caitlin. No, no, this is a young woman who has to learn how to handle this adversity.

The last time I checked I favor isn't fair, but let's be clear, she has not won any big game anything. She hasn't even won a W-N-B-A game. She will eventually, and let me tell you something, they're gonna make a big deal of it. They'll be like, Caitlyn won a game, Caitlyn and the team won a game. Because that's like the, the bar is so low for her to be amazing, right? They set the bar low. All she has to do is win a game with her team. They're like, oh my gosh, she won a game the last time I checked.

The great hope y'all tried to say, oh, this was a good team that she was on. They were just, okay, that team will not make it back to the final anything. That team's gonna be what it was all built around Kaitlyn. I'm talking about when she was at, in at Iowa, right? She couldn't win a championship. And look, they gave so many favorable calls to the championship, she couldn't get it done. Now, I'm not taken away from this young lady's talent because I actually like Caitlyn Clark, but I wanted to call a thing a thing.

So to see somebody like Charles Barkley who gets out there and he does a whole step and FET show for America all the time, he, he, he's basically a slightly more sophisticated court. Je okay? Let's be clear. He's the modern day vaudeville act, although he has some comedic moments, but he, he, he sounds like an idiot. And he is our modern day, you know, stepping fesman.

So he has never won a championship himself. He was a great player. He was an amazing player. At the end of the day, Kaitlyn Clark has not won their championship. She hasn't even won a game. And you guys are out here pandering because you're, like, you're saying, everybody's being petty. There might be a couple, but at the end of the day, you're trying to talk to grown women and tell them, be less competitive and don't feel some kind of way. Like I said, I recognize favor is fair.

Kaitlyn Clark didn't ask to be in the spotlight. To be honest, I think Angel Reese helped boost her being a spotlight. I can understand why there are women who feel in that kind of way as people in sport in general, when you go, when you put, you lay all this foundation for people to paint away, you could with that, people can walk who can later run. It is tough to see that they're not getting paid any money. You got women who were phenomenal college athletes.

They've won championships in college and, and at the highest level in WNBA, they've represented the United States and the Olympic Games and everything else. And, they didn't get the same, you know, I think attention and monetary opportunities. I get that. I can understand that frustration. I, I, I but I also think to sit there and tell these women that they can't play her hard. You are outta your mind. She's a competitor.

They are competitors. At the end of the day, they're not gonna take it easy on her. It's no different than if you go to Clan and Steph Curry or LeBron James or Anthony Edwards. When they show up to a game, people are gonna come extra hard for them. So the fact that people wanna sit there and give the great hope of America, and you know what I'm talking about, like all of this difference. I'm like, give me a break. I think also too is this. She doesn't come off and she, she doesn't have to because she doesn't come off as a warm person, A nice friendly person.

Don't claim she's classy. She's not classy. She's the biggest th look at the her clips, she puts her hands on people. She's, she's got a disgusting mouth like all the rest of these competitors. I'm not mad at her for, I mean, I don't like you put your hands on people, but at the end of the day, Caitlyn Clark is also a competitor. She wants to win. She's got a little fighting her too. They don't wanna show that they wanna, they wanna paint her as something that she's not. That's the part I think that people are like, wait a second, let's call a thing, a thing. I think that also she's not giving, she's not coming off as like, she doesn't have to kiss anybody's time.

Parts other, but she also was not giving the, like, respect to some of these other people. And so what they're saying, yo, you, you know, understand what I'm saying? Like, she's not coming off as like, Hey, I'm happy to be here. I'm happy to learn. I'm happy to compete too, right? She's just giving like cold FU vibes, but nobody says that she has to be friends. But also understand like, hey, there's consequences to everything. You don't have to be friends. You don't have to kiss anybody's hinde parks either. Just understand people are going to treat you a certain kind of way too.

It's what it's, it's what it's, see everybody is out for themself, but I think what you're seeing, and I'm going based off of how I observe it, these are my opinions. This is not based on fact. These women have done so much for the women's basketball game. And it does not appear like Kaitlyn Clark wants to do the same, right? Her name is being proliferated throughout, but she wasn't thinking about making sure that everybody had chartered flights.

She got chartered flights first. like, you understand what I'm saying? Like, you'll see somebody like at Cameron Brier or Kaitlyn Becker's or whatever, the ball, I shouldn't say Cameron Brier, Kaitlyn Buck, I mean basically Paige Bucker, sorry, she'll say, Hey, the, the people before me, you know, made it possible for me to play the people before me, 57. And the other, she's paying homage. She's recognizing that Kailyn Clark does not. And like I said, when you have somebody who's into themselves like that, you know, there's also a great fall too, because you can't do everything on your own.

You need people too. So there's a lot of humbling happening. So what they're saying is, welcome to the WNBA. I'm not expecting her to bow, bow down, but I do expect for her to be be respectful. And you know what? The fact that, you know her name is getting people stuff. Let me tell you something. You, when I see people like Charles Barkley and all of them saying like, they need to be thanking her, I'm like, they don't have to do anything. Absolutely not. They do not have to sit there and kiss her Hinde parks. They need to be there.

I'm like, what the heck is coming out of your mouth? She needs to also thank them. Thank you for paving the way so that I can come here. What are you talking about? If you listen to what he's saying, like almost like they should be bound out thanking her. They didn't, I don't think he said about that, but I was like, absolutely not. It wasn't like she did it. She did not make the, the, the whole Lee greet. Somebody elevated her And, they used her name and, and, and she's garnering tickets.

Sounds why? Because she's the great point. Hope, right? And so she didn't do that for the WNBA. Let's be clear, she was chosen. Caitlyn Clark didn't go out and do that. Now, what I will say is she worked really hard. She can shoot, she can't do, she can't play defense. She, she can't go, right? She doesn't really have a good handle. It's easy to pick her pocket, right? But with that being said, they're not gonna deny her talent. We're not gonna deny, you know, she brings eyes to the game.

But let's be clear, she didn't like actively do that. She was chosen. She was chosen. So I'll say this. I feel like she's not giving respect to her elders and respect does not mean bowing down. You can respect the people who came before you and still compete. But she's not coming off as likable Right now.

She's not coming off as likable. So people who look like me, see for what it is, many of us, I, I don't really tend to value much of what Mr. Steppen fetch AKA Charles Barkley Sachs, okay? That's him. Even LeBron, he should not have even commented on what's going on with the women's game. you know, I've always find men who look like me will be the first ones to sell women out.

They'll be the first ones. They should have kept their mouth shut. And then because they don't like the fact that women are speaking up, everybody's a hater. Like I said, favor isn't fair. It's not Caitlyn Clark's fault that she was chosen. Is she a good player? Yeah, but all she does is focus on the offensive ball. I don't see her playing much defense. She doesn't really have a great handle. She hardly ever goes to the right. She does the same thing.

Like I don't see how she's making the team better. What I do know is I wanna see Cameron Brink, I wanna see Angel Reese. I wanna see, I can't never remember Erica his name. I wanna see Cameron Osa. I wanna see all the other people. Asia Wilson, she's funny. Anyway, I wanna see all these young women. I do.

So if Kaitlyn Clark is ever coming into the area, I more wanna see other people. I I don't necessarily need to see Kaitlyn and her Adams apple. I know that was petty. That was petty. The point is, she's a good player. She is a good player. And it's not her fault she was chosen. But what we're not gonna do is keep getting out here, coming at these women in the WNBA who are voicing their opinion. They are allowed to voice their opinion and y'all need to stop expecting them to like cut her a break.

Are you kidding me? I would be assaulted if I was Kaitlyn Clark and someone said to me like, Hey everybody cut me a break because we need, we need for me to win. Like what? I would be assaulted as the competitor, as a professional. She is at the highest level. She's a professional. Her job is to, to get better. all right? So look, this may be a little Inflammatory.

I know people aren't gonna necessarily agree and I know everybody wants to get on the Kateley Park train. I am not. I'm not. but I do wanna see her have some success because she does bring eyes to the game. but I also think she was chosen I. think the w b's doing a horrible job with their marketing. They're making it about Caitlyn Clark instead of making it about other women. I do wanna see other women, women, I wanna see Cam, lemme tell you something, I wanna see Cam and Angel re because they're pretty, Hey, hey, look, I'm allowed to want that.

I'm, I wanna see them when they, when they walk in right before the game. I wanna see what they're wearing. 'cause their kids, they're pretty And. they love, those are like your little bombshells. There's some other bombshells, but I. Look, I'm a woman. I just, I like to see the fashions. You wanna grow the game. Women wanna see women athletes and stuff too. They wanna see what they're wearing because you know why? When they're playing that sport, let me tell you, I, when I was playing tennis, like I, I had all the outfits.

I sure did, I surely did. I'm like, I'm gonna get that Serena outfit. I'm gonna get the so-and-so outfit. I wanna see what they're wearing. I wanna see it all. Now granted, I'm not greatly influenced by a lot of things now, nowadays 'cause I'm older. but I wanna see what they're doing. you know, these little young girls who are playing in middle squad school and everything like that, and they're all into their little face care and stuff like that. That's the growing trend, right? You need to get one of your, the pretty girls out there. Like, this is what I use for, for my game.

Introducing new so and so And. they put the, the product on their fingers and you see them doing their face. These young girls would eat that up. They would bevy up the, the, the, the Angel Reese fa hair face line or skincare line and camera leggings. I don't know. 'cause some legs are long forever, you know, legs or days or whatever. you know what? See, look, they need me on a marketing team. They need me. That's what they need to be doing.

You need to be putting these other stars out there. You got pretty girls in the N-W-N-B-A and women. Do you know what people wanna see? Pretty women too. They don't wanna see all these other manly women in the N nba. but I said what? I said, you get tired of seeing these, these women who are on act like men. Like, I don't wanna see that all the time. Well, I do wanna see the black girl. I'm like, I don't wanna hear 'em talk unless they're funny. I wanna see the other ones. And. they like, yeah, because they're young ladies.

They crack me up. They're funny. I don't wanna see, you know, androgynous Kaitlyn Clark all the time. She has no personality. What is she gonna sell a sport drink? Well, that, that'll be popular. That might work. This is how I hydrate and refuel. Other than that, I wanna see some other people. That's how you grow the game. You gotta look at everybody right now. It's hard for people to watch the WNBA. I mean, we're interested, but like, they're up a bunch of, dude, I don't wanna hear that.

No. If I wanna get that up, watch the NBA heck. Like, I can listen to myself because I feel like I have a deep voice at time. When I wake up in the morning, I said, I'm like this. So anyway, I digress Anyway, I said what? I said favor isn't fair. But let's be clear, these, these professional women do not sit here. They, they do not have to kiss her high parts and no, they don't need to take it easy on her. And if Kaitlyn Clark wants 'em to do that, then it waters down her brand then she's not the real star. She thought she was, she didn't ask to be putting star.

It's stardom. But now she's gonna live up to it. Alright, so y'all going out there and, and fight him amongst your side. you know what to do. Leave it. Comment. Go check.
