Black Opinionated Woman

S4E41 What is going on? Everything is falling apart...

• Black Opinionated Woman • Season 4 • Episode 41

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tiktok: @iamabowalways

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Speaker 1 (0s): Hey, I'm still gonna, yes, I was getting it in. I was jamming this morning because that was what was on the radio. So good morning bows and bow ties. I was picking up some Dunking Donuts. It's five 19 in the AM celebrating a coworker's birthday. That was yesterday on Easter Sunday. And since I did not pick up a cake, my, the only thing that I forgot to do was get a card because another coworker also lost a family member on Friday.

So I will do that maybe today and bring it in tomorrow. Yeah. So I just wanna talk about how Everything is falling apart, you know? Now look, you guys have been on my channel, you know that I've been talking about several topics and so I actually had a chance to spend some time on the TikTok this weekend. And basically I'm seeing this recurring theme. There's multiple things happening.

There's the breakdown in the family unit and I understand the whys, right? Women are like over it, you know, they're like, I'm not having any kids. All this other stuff. So we got that whole thing going on. I think I've spoken about that enough. I think the only thing that turned me off was when they start coming for married women. but I do understand why like it's turning into a whole hot mess. People are like, oh no, like I'm not dealing with this. But I'm noticing like so many people are talking about the layoffs and you know, I think, yeah, this is all alleged.

All alleged. Okay. 'cause I cannot confirm, I did not confirm, I did not look up I. think they mentioned this. Either I, think it was in FedEx or UPS. I can't remember laying off like 12,000 employees. you know, I, think I, think it may have been FedEx. I'm not a hundred percent sure. So everything is alleged, you know, just basically talking about how these are my seat eaters on, you know, about that seat here light. So, you know, just basically talking about how there's gonna be a restructuring, you know, so they'll be able to bring in younger employees at cheaper prices.

So many young people are trying to find jobs right now. They're like, why even go to college at this point? Because my degree means nothing. I can't get a job. I mean, it's at the point where they're like, I can't even get minimum wage jobs. One guy was like screaming like, I have applied for jobs that are for minimum wage and I'm going through four rounds of interviews and I can't get a job. Why did I even go to college at this point? And then he's complaining about I think one people would experience the experience that I can't seem to get because I can't get it.

They won't hire me. So he is like, I've gotten to the point where I'll get into like the fourth round of the interview, And, they don't even get back to me. you know, he's like, I can't give me normal wage jobs now. So now I don't know what's going into what he's doing. Maybe he's cussing everybody out in his interviews. I don't know. I don't know all the circumstances. I, I don't know what kind of jobs he's applying for. But what I will say is I feel like it's a modern day dystopian society. Everyone is just ticked off.

People are mad because the cost of living is so high. People are pissed off because they can't find a good job. I'm seeing a lot of posts on a lot of young students just trying to apply to get into these schools. And I'm learning a lot about students who are applying to Ivy League schools versus like the really, really, really, really, really competitive schools to get into and safety schools. And let me tell you, I found out online is totally random.

I found out that like we were applying to like really competitive schools like at Northwestern or Northeastern or MIT I'm just naming it off the top of my head. Your Vanderbilts, your all, you know, all of these like expensive schools that are not Ivy League schools. Well take MIT out. This is probably a bad example. They probably are doing the same thing that the, the Ivys are doing.

I can't, I don't know. Anyway, the point I'm making is they're really, really hard to get into schools like your Northwestern and your Duke and your Vanderbilts and all the whatever, right? Those schools or even schools that are competitive but not as hard to get into, but they are competitive. What they're doing is they're denying students entry into the schools because they just assume that all those students are going to somehow make it into like your pride of your, your your Ivy League schools.

So, and I'm like, but then you look at the kids, they're like, yeah, I didn't get accepted into any of the IDD. A lot of these kids have like four point fives, five point zeros. They've taken like 12 to 16 AP courses. And, they may have cured hunger in cancer in some small remote world or something. I don't know. And, they can't get into the schools either. So everyone's in the tizzy over like, I can't get into really good schools And. they, and it's almost like they're like, what was all this studying and working really hard for when I can't get into any of these schools.

I mean, she's coming like this running joke, but then of course you got the women who are still on this. you know, we're not like those married women. This is why we, we are happy being single phase. And then they go off about meth and I'm just kind of like, you know, okay, once again, if you wanna be happily single, I don't knock it. I understand why, but then just be it. like you don't have to sit there and dog out all these dudes.

And let me just say for the record, you know, I don't like caping for these men because they, they don't need women to have to come and put, you know, to rescue them. No, we're not doing that. but I also don't believe in going on and on and on about why these men are so awful. I'm like, look, let the men get out there and speak on it on themselves. A lot of them tell on themselves. You don't have to get out there and go on a whole tirade about live men or just awful people. I don't think men are awful people, but I think a lot of 'em got some mess about them.

So the ones who are, who have mess about them, let them tell themselves, just don't, you don't need to get out here in every two seconds. Sit there and and be mad about some guy doing you wrong. Everybody gets done wrong by everybody. Men and women. Women do women wrong too. Men do men wrong. Everybody is just flawed But. anyway, the point I'm making is it's just kinda like, I understand that like social media is, is not necessarily the real world.

But in the same token, I feel like it is like the current Zeit, like it's, it's the sign of kind of like what's happening in such a small microcosm. And I know a lot of times we talk about how it's not the real world and I really don't think it's largely the real world, but there's something to it. When you have groups of people getting out there, yiping in the app about stuff, sometimes we have to pause and say what is happening? It's almost as if like so many of us are going through this cultural reset.

I was talking to my stepdad last night and you know, he was like, I didn't realize it was like this. I was like, yeah, I was like, did you know, like there's this whole four B movement going on where women in Asia, but particularly in Korea, they're like, don't marry men, don't have sex with men, don't date men and don't have children with men.

They are literally anti everything with men there. Like, we're so sick of the patriarchy, blah, blah. So what's happening is, I said, did you realize that there is this huge population decline happening, that women are, are not even having children right now. They can't replace their population. And he was like, well, what do you mean? And I said, you know, in order for you to have a relatively viable, stable population or population growth, we may have to birth approximately the two foot one to 2.2 children a year.

We need to average about that many births a year in, in, in your population. And he is like, okay. I said, well, Korea's down to like 0.6 or 0.7 or 0.75 or something, something crazy less than one. I said, so basically every other woman is maybe having one child, basically. But it comes down to it. I'm like, they want no parts of it. I said, China has a retraction, but largely because they're reaping or sowing the, the, they're bad oaths.

Like so they're reaping their bad harvest of the one child, the one child policy from several decades ago. And so now that they're dealing with, you know, like they got like all these men out there who can't find anybody to sleep around with 'cause there's not enough women and the women don't wanna have their babies anywhere. The economy is collapsing, like the real estate market is trash over there right now. You've got young people who can't find jobs, it's just a hot mess.

Well a lot of the appears to be over here too. If you look at what's happening. And I was saying like the cost of childcare is so high, it costs more than many family rent and mortgage. So it's very cost prohibitive. I said, so many women are so angry right now. They're like, okay, so you're messing around with all of our rights. How, well, how about this? Let's not have any children. So now there'll be none of us here. So none of us will have rights. We won't have kids. I don't wanna deal with it.

It costs too much anyway, so you wanna tell me what to do with my body? I'm just telling you what the sign of the signs are. They're like, you're trying to tell me what to do with my body. You're trying to tell me all of this stuff. The cost of healthcare is high. I mean childcare, healthcare, all that stuff is high. So they're like, there's no need for me to even engage. That was one of my alarms. So at this point I'm like, wow, it's really going down.

So talking with him and he is like, really? They gotta understand older people are a little bit out of the loop because I said, yeah, think about what's happening right now in your generation. This is the conversation I was having. I said, I said, your generation, think about your parents. They had like tons of children, but then when you guys came along, you didn't have a ton of children. You guys produced my generation and then my generation and the generation below me disregard me.

'cause I ended up having four kids. I was like the surprise of everybody in the family. 'cause I didn't think I was gonna have a whole bunch of kids. I didn't want that many hit. But most of us are not having a ton of kids. And now you've got a bunch of people who don't want any at all. So I was like, this is the sign of the times. I said, so you see what's happening? I said, you don't have enough people producing children. And then what's happening on top of that is we have immigration laws that have become, or our policy has become prohibitive to people immigrating here to help with our population growth.

And so you know what's happening, we're gonna see our attraction in that too. There's not enough of us working to pour into the economy. We can't pour into all these social services. And I said, with older people living longer, look at how Dr. Look at how many there were of you and your siblings and how many of you. He's like, you're right. I didn't have to make children. So with that being said, I said, and now you look at the generations with my generations and the generations below, they're not trying to have children.

So who's pouring into the economy? So we have a situation where we have more people dying than we have people being birthed, at least I know over in Asia. So anyway, when I say Everything is falling apart, I was like, you've got young people who've been told look up to education, but they can't find jobs. You've got young people who are like, I would love to be able to partake in the so called American Green, but this is no dream. This is a nightmare.

I can't afford healthcare, I gotta stay on my parents' healthcare. I can't afford a house. I don't want all this student loan debt. I'm like, I don't understand what, what, what am I working for? Why would I wanna have children? You got men out here and the woman re like they got men talking about being submissive. Submissive to what? You're not gonna get me caught out here. Like it's just a hot mess. I was like, oh my needless to say, everything seems to be falling apart.

It's just everything I'm watching so much. But it is just, and then no one believes in anything. Everyone is like antigo and there's no community. I was just like, oh this is, I not, I mean it's depressing. All I could do is just, just hope that God just continues to bless you and your health, your family. I don't know what else to say, but I do know is I felt bad for everybody.

For everybody. Anybody who's going through something. Health challenges. Love challenges. Financial challenges, security challenges. you know, people are literally not having babies. They literally don't want children. And I can't blame people for that. I can't knock 'em for that. I can't knock people for not wanting. And it's meant there's somebody who don't wanna have children, but like I cannot, women are like, why would I wanna have somebody's baby? I'm gonna be doing all this work.

It's gonna mess with my body. It messes with my financial security. I'm gonna be tired. I get it. I'm, I was listening to this one young man, he's just like, man, if I could tell people not to go to college, I would, I would like just go find a job that, because at this point it doesn't matter if get a degree, they want you to have experience. Your degree is nothing. Like, this is how he felt. And I was like, well, poor thing. you know, like, 'cause you, you can't knock people from feeling what they feel.

You can't. He was just done like, he was just like beat down. I was like this young man. I was just like Chad, I don't know what his name was. I was like, Chad, don't give up. Watch the way he was screaming into his camera and I was just kinda like, oh geez, you know? He is like, you are doing all the right things. It's like, for what? Like I felt, I, I don't know. I just kind of feel bad for the young people out here.

I do. I feel bad for the young people out here. It sucks. It sucks to be a young person out here right now. all right. So while all the older people who have all of their retirements and they're living relatively comfortably are completely out of touch. I actually have some sympathy and, and empathy for some of the people. Some of these younger, some of the youth. Well, for the youth in general, they've got so much to tackle.

There's not enough of them out here. The generations before me ran up such a large time And. they experienced some of the biggest wealth food in, in our nation's history. Anyway, I just get that off my chest. I'm just sitting here rambling. I was just like, man, are we in a modern day? This dystopian society. all right, I guess that's it. I'm going to hang up, hang up.

Like I'm on the phone. You can tell I'm old. I'm gonna go, go ahead and subscribe to my wonderful channel. Watch all of my videos and like this one,

Speaker 2 (17m 35s): I.