Black Opinionated Woman

S4E45 High Horse Feminism Dividing Women

• Black Opinionated Woman • Season 4 • Episode 45

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Speaker 1 (0s): All right. Good morning everyone. you know, this is bus schedule for me, so my day starts a little later. So, let me just start off by saying, welcome to the channel. For those of you who are new to my channel and the black opinion, the woman also known as about, and I'm about to make some people a little irritated today. I'm coming. I, I mean, I'm, I don't wanna say I'm coming, but I, I have something to say to, I guess it would be the feminist.

You guys are gonna excuse the lighting because my light over here is not matching the sunrise over here. This is a whole situation. I got a lot of shadows. I don't feel like moving my computer. Let's get on into it. So I wanna talk about these high horse feminism, okay? I've come to the conclusion that these hyper feminist women are not really all that inclusive. It's not loving.

It's, I don't like what I'm seeing. Now, let me just say this. I'm not like a real feminist. I'm a full feminist. I'm like a feminist sometimes. What do I mean by that? Like, I do think that there is a such thing as having balance. Like for example, when I was talking about the four B movement and all that stuff like that, there's nuance to the movement or what I believe it was supposed to be. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. That's fine. There's a difference between saying you want to focus on the health and needs of yourself, like to get yourself healthy, to get yourself grounded, to, to discover what you like to discover things about yourself.

You know, anything is in terms of building yourself up, right? I, I get that. I'm for that. I live that life. But there is nuance to the argument when you are like anti-men. And I'm hearing a lot of anti-men. And let me tell you what else I'm hearing. I'm hearing a lot of anti-women who don't believe exactly what you believe. So I wrote down a couple of notes. These are not in order. This was just what came to mind.

You're gonna have to stop judging me, okay? I didn't do a good job of putting together a cohesive thought, but these were my thoughts. I could try to put it in some sort of order, but I'm just gonna go down the list. Let's start with the first one. I just feel like women have to get out of this making anti-men content. As much as they say they're not decentering, they're, they're decentering men.

I don't believe them because everything they talk about is men. Everything, everything. I can't remember the last time someone had a video that did not involve talking about patriarchy, talking about how bad men are. And let's be clear, there are a lot of, there's a lot of shenanigans going on out here in these streets with a lot of these men. So I get that portion, but I'm like, if you are truly focused on yourself, the health and wellbeing of yourself, then focus on that.

Because I'm finding that men is still, they, they are still the focal point of your conversations. This light situation is, I don't know how to fix this. I got shadows. Okay? Maybe if I turn this way, I don't, I don't like what's happening. It's like super bright, okay? We're just gonna go with it. all right? I wanna get into this next point, and I don't know if I'm gonna do a good job of having this discussion, but I think what I'm feeling when I've watched some of this content, because I actually did indulge some of it, okay?

It came across my timeline, and I actually took the time to listen to what some people are saying. Like all kinds of people, all kinds of women, white women, Asian women, black women, et cetera. And what I'm finding, I'd say primarily with BLI black content, because I try to source black creators, although I do like all kinds of creators, what I'm finding is there is this unhealthy fascination with trying to shame women.

Let me tell you what the, the, the, these hyper feminist women are doing. They actually are pick mes. The very thing that they don't want to be is the very thing. Now, when I say pick me, it's not in terms of pick me in terms of wanting to get a man, but they are very much like, I'm not like those women. They're still doing the same thing. The only difference is they are fighting for the attention of being exalted in these women's faces. See, I'm a real so-and-so, and I'm the one who's really for women, not those women over there.

And if you've made a mistake, they want to, you know, FLA Bay, is it Fla Bay? Is that the word? They want to crucify women. We don't want you over here because see, back in the day, you were pro men and you kicked us to the curb. There's no grace, there's no no education, there's nothing. It's like they wanna get into this cocoon of other, really, some of the content is quite disturbing individuals.

They wanna get into these weird echo chambers. They are literally going hard on women who were in relationships, And, they failed And, they made mistakes. And they're like, and you are the kind of woman that we don't, you know, this, that, and the other. It's people like you, you are the pick me. And I'm sitting here thinking like, you're such a feminist. Oh, wait, this might be the better angle. Let me just sit back. Okay? I, well, okay, they're going hard on these women.

The, they're, it's disgusting. These fo these, these feminists are sitting here. And look, lemme tell you, I'm not even anti feminism, but I don't like this brand of feminism that I'm seeing out here. It's not inclusive, it's mean. Passport, og, I like, your voice is grounded. Sorry, this is the comment. I'm gonna say thanks, but I'm gonna be cautious with the thanks. 'cause when I see passport, og, that, that comes with some mess with it too.

So, we'll, we'll see where we go with this. But the point I'm making with some of the feminists, and like I said, I con I consider myself a foe feminist. I'm not like a real feminist, you know, I do believe in like equality for men and women, but I recognize that men and women are different, but I think men and women should have equal rights in terms of voting and education and all that good stuff. But what I don't like is if you are a hyper feminist woman, you want to come after women who choose a different lifestyle.

It's not for me, but you can't sit there and say, I'm a, I'm a feminist and I'm for women's choices. But as soon as someone make a different choice, you're like, you're, you're anti-woman, and you're, you're messing up the movement. And I'm like, wait a second. Well, which one is it? I don't like when I see women are getting out here on these, the, these social media apps, and they're talking about the, the, the decentering men in the four B movement and everything that they're doing is centered around men.

They say they're not, but, but it's centered around men. I don't believe 'em for one bit because all they do is get out here and talk about how they're gonna de re like, let me tell you something. I I know, I said it earlier. I'm gonna say this again. There is a difference between saying, ladies, we need to take the time out for ourselves, reground ourselves, figure out what we like, figure out how to be mentally healthy, figure out how to be financially healthy, because that is important. I do believe in that. You have, we do need to be educated.

There's, there's reasons why you want to be educated, but I think that's another video. We need to do all these things. But there's a difference between that. And coming out here saying, we need to separate ourselves from men. There's a, that's, there's a nuance to this argument. Hey, I'm live. So try not to be loud, okay? There's a difference between saying you wanna be like, separate from men. Men are the real evil. I'm like, wait a second, you got a lot of bad men out here, but you got women who are real participants.

you know, So, let, let's be honest. Now, do I think there's a lot of really whacked out weirdos out there? I surely do. This is where I would say, like, I understand where women are coming from, but to preach against men versus for women, when we start saying anti, when we start saying for B moving where we have no relationship with men, now I wanna get back into it. When, when we talk about four B four me four B is no marriage to men, no dating men, no.

Having sexual relationships with men and no children by men. If you've got that going on, and then you've got the whacked out weirdo men in the, I don't even know what it's called, the the, the man is fear, the red pill. They got all these pills, which I don't even understand it. It's so weird and creepy. And if you've got them out there who hate women, because a lot of 'em don't like women, I don't care what they say. If you listen to what they're saying, they don't like women. You got the women who are out here preaching shenanigans. I'm like the women who are sitting here on this high horse.

I'm like, you're no different than the whacked out weirdos in in the, the what. I don't know what these pills are and mean and this nuance to the conversation. But the biggest thing that's killing me about these hyper feminist women is how dare you be a woman. And now they're gonna refute this. How dare you be a woman who says like, you know what? I just wanna be loved by a man. Why is that wrong? Because the last time I checked, we are on this earth to be with each other.

I don't care what the men say, either they, they're psycho too. We were here to copulate, we were here to mate well and to serve God, but we were here for a reason to sit there and preach on both sides against our very nature. This has gotten so cycle to me. It is disgusting. And it is, I'm suffering from secondhand embarrassment because we've got primarily, go ahead. You can get what you need to got, we've got primarily black men and black women. 'cause I'm, well, I'm, let me rephrase that because I'm sure there's, I, I've seen other groups of people doing this, but I'm spo I'm gonna focus specifically, I'm gonna lend this a level of specificity towards black people.

We literally have black men and black women getting up on podcasts and rehashing this over and over again. It is so embarrassing. It's even more embarrassing seeing all these men out here with these podcasts, And, they don't even realize just how stupid they sound. It is so embarrassing. I was like, oh my gosh, secondhand embarrassment. We're literally preaching against our very nature. Instead of saying, everybody, let's be better humans, better people. We are preaching against, don't deal with men, don't deal with these women.

Well, the the men are on some weird stuff. They got their little passports and it's like a new phenomenon to them. And I'm like, it's not new to us, but whatever, you know? And I'm like, holy cow. If you think about what their message is, their message is, go get a passport to go overseas. I don't care what flowers, they wanna put 'em on the wording and deal with these kind of women. They don't even understand what geo arbitrage really means, right? They think that they're doing something new. I'm like, men have been doing this for centuries, by the way, going overseas doing this stuff.

Just look at the military. The military has done this, but they don't go out there and beat their chest and talk about it. But you got these blacked out weirdos over here talking about this, this craziness. It's, it's embarrassing. But they get on these podcasts and And, they And, they talk about going overseas to go find a So-called traditional woman. And you know, look, I've lived overseas, I've been around this world. I lived overseas. These women are smarter than these men think. Trust, I'm gonna say it again.

I lived overseas. I've traveled around the world and these women are smarter than these. So-called Passport bros. Think I remember I had to school people stateside. I said, let me tell you what she's gonna say. And I would tell the dudes who were going off to the Dr and where else were they going? I can't remember. It's gonna come back to me. They would go off. I say, let me tell you how they're gonna get you. You're just another, well, what we say now is lick, but that wasn't what I was using. Then I'm like, but you're just another lick.

And I would talk to 'em. I was so sweet, And. they were like, she said that to me. I'm like, I know, I think, I don't know. Now moving back to the, the weirdo feminist, they're out here shaming women for wanting to be in relationships with men. They're shaming women because they made these these mistakes. And now the very pick me that they don't wanna be, they're being in a pick me for another group of people. It's the hyper feminist women.

So they're pick mes for them. We're not like those women. We are good over here by ourselves. you know, you know what we do? Our money is so good now we get to travel, we get to do this, we get to do that because that's what being a single woman is all about. Being a feminist woman is all about it is having a lot of money. Now, don't get me wrong, go ahead. They can't see you, don't get me wrong. When I was single, I was a high earner and I was able to do a lot of things.

But what we're not talking about is the stuff that some of these women are saying. The, the stuff that they're saying there. There's, there's this little threat. There's this undercurrent underneath there. In order to be one of these hyper feminist valued women, one of these women who can de men and divest from men and engage in a four B movement is you have to have A lot of money. So what about the poor woman? What about the poor woman?

Reasonable voices like yours need more ears. I don't know. I don't think anybody probably thinks I'm reasonable at all. I'm on an island by myself. So anyway, I just find it interesting to hear these hyper feminist women. Like I said, I'm like a full feminist, not a real feminist, but a sometimes feminist. I'm, I'm a sometimes feminist. What I'm saying is, I'm listening to these women come after married women. I'm listening to these women come after single women who were, who got outta relationships.

It's really weird. It's so weird. But I'm gonna move on to the next point. I actually think I started touching on it, which was, if you're not that following their narrative, you are a pick me. See, remember with feminism is, is is really like equal rights and right to choice on how you wanna live your life. But as soon as you don't live the life according to what they want you to do, you're a pick me. And sometimes you are, but I say, wait a second, I'm gonna go back to the trad wives things for a second.

Being a traditional wife and stuff like that. The way that they are promoting it online, okay, I'm gonna talk about the way it's being promoted online because there's nuances, there's levels to this conversation, right? I think if you choose to live that life, it is not necessarily bad. I would say, I always say you need to have agency in yourself, which means when you have agency in yourself of, oftentimes it kind of makes you less traditional, right?

Meaning I have seen this multiple times now. This is where it's, it's weird. It's gonna seem like I'm splitting the fence and just, just hang with me for a second. I think women should have the right to want to live the traditional t trad wife life. Okay? And a lot of women will get out here and lose their mother loving minds because somebody chose that life. I also say you need to have your eyes wide open, right? Open your eyes. Now I have seen this in other relationships, primarily ones that don't look like me where the women weren't traditional wives and then they got to middle aged and their husbands got rid of them and now they have to hire forensic accountants.

Forensic accountants, not regular account. No, no, no, no. They gotta go hard on their husbands to go find the missing money.

Speaker 2 (17m 47s): Let's take a quick break.

Speaker 3 (17m 50s): The heart behind the I'm on podcast is storytelling because every mom has a story to tell. I know that when I talk to my friends who are parenting and we share stories, we all end up feeling less alone and more capable of loving our kids. Well you can find information everywhere on the internet. Some is bad parenting advice and some is pretty wise. We like to think there's a lot of wisdom on im and when you combine that signature wisdom with a great story, it brings parenting to life. We want a mom who's listening to see herself and her kids in these stories and rest in the confidence that she's the perfect mom for her kids.

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Speaker 1 (18m 34s): I've seen where they have gone and changed and got like a younger model because the men that they're choosing, from what I have seen, I have to clarify, they're on some other kind of stuff, neither here nor there, but I feel like if people want to choose that lifestyle, it is their right to choose it. It's not a bad lifestyle, it's not one I would choose, but they get upset because a woman choose, chose to want to be with, be a stay at home mom.

Now, let me just say this too. I wanna, I wanna talk, I wanna stay on this point for a second. The women, these hyper feminist women seem to not understand that there are women who enjoy serving, they enjoy serving. The only reason why they don't look down on nurses is 'cause nurses get paid, right? But there's a lot of people who actually enjoy nursing. Now there's a lot who who don't because they're burned out.

But there's a lot of people who like to serve people And, they like to nurture people And, they like to bring 'em, nurse 'em back to health and, and and all these things. There are people who genuinely love serving. There are women who genuinely love staying at home with kids. Not me. Did it for three years. I realized it's not gonna work for me. I went back to work. And plus it helps us financially for the goals that we want. There are women who genuinely love to cook. They love it.

They love taking care of a home. There are some women who really enjoy doing that, not this one, right? I think women should be able to do that. And we shouldn't start judging everybody because they made that choice. But these freaking hyper feminists who are really psycho out here, just like the whacked out weirdos in the manosphere are sitting here going hard. Let me see. Do I get more light this way? I dunno what's happening, okay? They're going hard on all women. It's so weird.

That's why they're preaching all these things. Yeah, we're good over here. I'm like, who are you protesting too much for? Yeah, we're good over here and we don't need y'all and all this other stuff. And I'm like, this is a psycho conversation. It's an unserious conversation at this point. I'm like, men and women need each other. Yes they do. They like each other. Most of us are attracted to each other. And if a woman is attracted to a man and a man is attracted to a woman And, they wanna get together and and do the things that adults do, why is that so bad?

And yes, I know there's some men out here who are on some other kinda stuff. 'cause you know, I don't like to cake for the men because many of the things that these women are saying, it is true, but it's also okay for women to say, Hey, I still wanna keep searching for love. I don't wanna be in this movement where I wanna be single by myself because I wanna be loved. And if they admit that publicly, if they admit it publicly, you pick me. You pick me. They say things like you are you, I heard one person online say like, yes, there are married women who are part of our movement and your singular relationship, if it's a good one, does not do much for, I forgot exactly how she worded it.

And this is what I was say, we need to start seeing some of these singular relationships being portrayed online too. We need to show that because we have, what's happening is we have a whole bunch of women out here losing their freaking minds, okay? Because a lot of 'em have been in these really bad relationships. And, they don't And, they only know people who've been in bad relationships. And so now what they have done, they've painted this picture that all women in relationships are miserable. And, and then they look at these weirdo data points.

This is the thing that kills me about that, that stat. Married women are not as happy as single. I forgot what it, what the thing, but they're saying, or maybe it says single women are happier than married women or whatever it is. And I'm sitting here thinking like, it's like the stupidest thing because a lot of people don't understand data science, they don't understand data science, they don't understand data. I can, I can take a hundred people and take a survey. Let's say take a hundred women, say they're all middle aged and I'm gonna do a really bad job of explaining this.

Somebody much more eloquent can do this, but a hundred people, single married or whatever and say 50 of 'em come back and they're all unhappy for whatever reasons. The difference between the single woman and the married woman is the married woman remains in the covenant. It is a covenant, it is a vow, right? And so they ride the ups and the downs. The single woman gets the option to say, I will not do this anymore.

Now there's levels to this, right? Obviously if you have a whacked out weirdo dude who's slapping you around and cheating and everything, that's one thing. What I'm saying is what happens is they'll do these things and I, I gave a bad job with the numbers, right? They'll be like married women are unhappy in their relationships. But, so you can say 50%, you can say 50 out of 100, or you can take from that same cross section depending on the women that you pick. It could be eight out of 10 women.

You see how data goes. And also, I wanna say something else. If you're trying to make a point with a statistic, is it better to say five outta 10 50 outta a hundred out of 100 or 50%, right? Five outta 10 women. That doesn't seem like there's a lot of people, right? But it's the same ratio. 50 outta 100. It sounds more.

50% sounds like, oh yeah, but you only surveyed a hundred people. It's based statistics But. anyway, neither here nor there. Anyway, so I just wanted to go there with you. Getting back to the, the hyper fism, this whole pick me thing. Like I said, they're just pick mes for a different group of people. Because if you are a woman and you don't speak that exact narrative, and you could be for a woman's rights and everything else, but you're not exactly in lockstep with the whacked out weirdo nest that's going on in these women's spaces, just like a whacked out weirdos in that I don't, the the red pill and all the pills they've gotten and the manosphere and mixed towels and I can't even keep up.

They got way too many movements. If you are not speaking the exact language, how dare you are like excommunicated. There's no grace for you. You are, pick me is really disgusting. I don't like what I'm seeing. And like I said, like I said earlier in this conversation, the women, these hyper feminist weirdo women who are out here, let me tell you something. They don't even realize how exclusionary they are. The things that they're saying, if you don't speak this narrative, you're not one of these women. You're, you're not one of us.

And the things that they talk about it, they, most of the things that they talk about is not about bettering them. Most of the things they talk about is, ever since I talk decent men, I had more money and I had this, it's always about their money and their stuff and it's important. But I'm like, how are you better? How did you get better? Did you give us any solutions? You told me that you got A lot of money, but you don't seem healthy. All I know is you guys get out here on these apps and you set it off and you're, you're, you're mad about everything. And there is a movement for everything. First it was divest and it was decenter.

Now it's the four BI can't keep up. The men got 500 different pill colors. And I'm like, y'all get out here on these apps and set it off. And the women claim that they're trying to decenter men and no they're not. 'cause that's all they do is talk about men, men, men, I. think some of 'em still wanna be with men, but they're angry. They're angry And, they should be angry. Some of it's their own doing. Some of it's the whacked out weirdo dudes who probably follow with the the weird old pill stuff moving on.

Anyway, I wanna get back to their, to these hyper feminist women in their high horse. I don't really typically hear them giving solutions. I hear them telling women why men are bad. It's no different than the the the the black dude who's like, I don't, I I date outside my race because I don't like black women. They don't even realize how stupid they sound. You're telling me. You never tell me what you like about the other ones. Number two, we already know there's some self-hate stuff going on, but it is usually everything that they don't like in a black woman.

But they go find those same traits in a white woman anyway, right? Or or Asian women or Hispanic women. And I feel like this I think people should date outside their race. Just don't, don't take anybody down. You don't have to take anybody down. But that's another conversation. 'cause I don't really care getting back to it. The the, they don't, these hyper feminist women, they don't have any solutions. At least not the ones I've seen now. It could just be whatever's curated for me.

They're just showing me the whacked out weirdos. I don't know. But they don't typically come with solutions. By the way, that noise you hear, that's, those are my kids in the background as we are preparing. 'cause in about like about 13 minutes, we gotta run to the bus stop. It's my day. My husband does it during the week. And so do i We are in a partnership now. And by the way, I did I was a stay at home for three years. I've done, I've done both sides. But my husband also supported me going back into the workforce too, because I wanted to work, well, let me rephrase that.

I didn't wanna stay home. I like having my own autonomy and money, et cetera like that. Anyway, so these, these weirdo women who are out here, And, they all get into these same little groups. And, they have their echo chambers in, they're echo chambers, And, they all think they're so cerebral and so advanced and enlightened. They don't realize they found, they are basically creating, they they're helping create division among women. There's no grace at this woman.

Yeah, let's say a woman went out there and she, she, she kicked all her friends to the curb and, and she was with the guy and then he kicked her to the curb and now she wants to come back to the collective. There's a way that you can handle that. You don't throw everybody away. I mean there's a way that you can handle people. There has to be, you can't, you know, when there's tough love, it can't just be all tough. There has to be love too. There has to be both.

Let me see what else. Oh yeah, I. think I already touched on this. I basically said that many of these hyper feminists, their value is in their money. A long time ago I did a video. I believe that a woman having access to finances, it is valuable. I believe a woman, a woman having an education is absolutely value. But your value is more than your money. Your education and I think a lot of people lose that.

Your, your education and and your access to to resources brings value. Absolutely. But that's not your va. like you understand what I'm saying? Because there's a lot of valuable women who don't have a high education. I'm not advocating for not being ed educated. Very, I wanna be clear 'cause I always advocate for education. There are a lot of women who are not wealthy women, right? Are you gonna tell me that they're not valuable because you get not gonna tell me that. Like the women in my family, like, you know, I've had all kinds in my family the way that they're talking, like I said, there's this undercurrent about how great of a person they are.

They don't come out and use these words, but I'm like, everything you said was in relation to your resources and maybe you engaging in activities, you're fine engaging in activities, right? And let's say you've done every activity you've seen every place around the world. Then what, Hey, I'm live,

Speaker 0 (31m 6s): Let's take a quick break.

Speaker 4 (31m 8s): Moving is right up there with death and divorce in the stress Olympics. But fear not. Turn that box of woes into a creative woes with moving tips in the Life, Beyond Boxes Podcast with premium Q moving dive into the world of hassle-free moves, learn tips and tricks to save on cash and your sanity. Say goodbye to those moving meltdowns and hello to the smooth sailing. Or should we say smooth movings. Tune into life beyond boxes with premium Q, moving on life beyond or find us on your favorite podcast platform and with us unpack the secrets to a stress-free move.

Speaker 1 (31m 43s): It's fine. Go check the freezer out there. Sorry, somebody ate up all the waffles and I said go check the freezer outside in the garage. you know, this is a whole situation here. So anyway, I forgot what I was talking about. Oh, their money, this and their back. So I feel like many of these feminists are talking about their money And. they, and I've done more things and, and I slept in, okay, you slept in you great. There's nothing wrong with that. And, they talk about all their activities and the places they've been like I told you I've done all those things.

Then what? No, this is not a PSA for having children or being married. What I'm saying is tell me now how you are a better person. How you affected somebody. Did you, did you make all these people better people? Are you spiritually grounded? Did, did you cure cancer? I mean, you explain to me how you are a better person. Don't tell me about all the money you had and all the places you visited because okay, now what?

Now what? You can, you can visit all the places in the world and have all the money in the world. Now what you tell me these hyper feminists are are getting just as psycho because I feel like it's, it's a, a knee-jerk response to the whacked out weirdos in the manosphere. Now I do believe that it is exclusionary, like I said I. think I touched on that. And, they seem to be very anti married. The anti flawed woman, the anti-woman who made mistakes in anti poor. That's what I think is going on. This is what I think.

I mean look, these are just my opinions. That's why it's called the Black Opinionated Woman channel. Okay? So, oh, I know what I wanted to say. This whole, I feel like the zeitgeist of our times, everybody's got a movement. It's remind me of when the women that who are promoting the soft life, now I do promote the soft life. Don't get me wrong. See this whole lighting thing, like I can't get right over here. Like I don't know what is happening with this sun. And this is the whole situation. It reminds me of when they were going through this whole soft life thing, right?

And I felt like the soft life wasn't inclusive. They were telling women you need to be part of the soft life. The soft life. And, and you had women out here trying to teach you how to be f very feminine. And it's like, oh my goodness. And I have a point. It's like they had women get out here And, they would talk like this. And one of the things you wanna do is you wanna do this. And everybody had the same face, And, they all had the same hair. And, they talk like this because see that's what they thought fini feminine was, right?

It was almost like a shift away from the So-called feminist, right? So they, this whole movement is like a knee jerk reaction. It's reminded me of the soft life era where everyone was trying to tell you how to be feminine and live the soft life. And what they weren't telling you was the things that they were saying requires you to have a lot of money. Yes, they weren't, they weren't being honest. It wasn't inclusive.

And like I said, everybody had the same face, they had the same hairstyle, they had the same everything. And I was like, you guys are full of, they were full of it. Anyway, let me move on past this. Lemme move on past the soft life and the whacked out weirdo hyper feminist women. The, the, the these hyper feminist women I think assume that most women want to be hyper feminist.

Now I'm just talking here. No, they're not gonna come out and say I think every woman wants to be hyper feminist. I hate that. We have to qualify everything. What they're doing is I think they, the way it is being conveyed to me it's very like anybody who wants to support feminism, wants to support it in the way that we are delivering it. That's what it comes up to me. Hey, I'm live. I can hear you.

Sorry. That's my, one of my older ones. So anyway, what they're and I think that's what it is, right? Like they feel like if you wanna be a feminist, this is what femin feminism should look like. And if you don't agree, you're not one of us. I think that there are a lot of women who enjoy being able to support feminist ideals, right? Without doing the extreme. They still want to have healthy relationships with men.

They want healthy relationships with men. They don't wanna be anti-men, right? A lot of these women I think they're, they're, they're pushing this message like this is what this should look like. And most people who wanna be feminists wanna support it in this way. And that's not true. It's flat out not true. That's why I say I'm a foe feminist. I'm not a real feminist. I really am because I don't go that hard on everything. I'm gonna be honest, I'm not one of those people who thinks like everybody should, should play women's sports and stuff like that.

No, I just think women should play women's sports. And then if you wanna sit here and argue with me on saying that everybody can be a woman, argue with yourself. I'm not arguing that we're gonna move on past that. So when I say that I'm not like a full on feminist 'cause you know, feminism had four waves, right? What I am saying is from a pure standpoint, most women support women having the right to vote, having the right to education, equal pay, et cetera, et cetera.

But most women and men who aren't psycho recognize that men and women can be equal but different. That is why we're complimentary. And if anybody is out here saying that they need to separate from men all together because they're like the, the, the evil empire and well they, they kind of are. But like to, to separate from. And same thing with men, to separate from women, you need some help because we were not meant to be alone anyway.

We were meant to be. Here we are to compliment each other. We are different. We are different. I mean I'm amazing in every way and can practically do no wrong. But hey, I'm almost done. I'm live. I'm live. I'm almost done. So anyway, lemme see what my last point is. They don't have any real solutions. And honestly, I think that most of the feminists out here are creating low self-esteem women. I surely do. I'm not saying that some of the content can't be helpful, but I did take the time this week to listen to some of these women out here.

And I was like, some of these women are, I'm trying not to cuss because this is a family channel, but they are psycho, they are crazy. They are back. SHIT crazy. Some of the things that they're saying, I was just like, y'all are psycho anyway, they should be coming up. Hey guys, don't me that I'm almost done. They should be coming up with solutions. If you want these women to decenter men, decenter men should not sound like anti-men. It's the messaging.

The message is not being clear. And so what's gonna happen is they're gonna lose a lot of women. They're gonna gain women and they're gonna lose women. 'cause everything's like a pendulum shift. Yeah, you can grab it. It's a pendulum shift. Okay? Everything's like a pendulum shift. And what they're gonna do is they're gonna cause actually a big divide. Oh, I'm sorry, there's a comment here. You need to tell young women that you aren't a slave in motherhood, in marriage. I don't really need to tell women anything. I think sometimes they're just gonna have to learn to observe.

Okay? I mean, I could, but right now I think people need to observe I think the messaging right now, unless you have a lot more women out here saying, wait a second, not all marriages are like this, but the preponderance of what they're seeing out there looks like that I, I, I don't know. I go back and forth on like, because there are times when motherhood and marriage isn't glamorous. It's not, it's not.

There were times when I I was like, oh my gosh. Like, look, my daughter was looking at me saying what? I know. Well, I'm almost done. Okay, I gotta get ready. She's letting me know like, I need to get to my book bag and your camera's in the way and you gotta get to the bus stop. So, let me just say this, I need 30 seconds. This, this is the thing. I don't think that they have any real solutions I think what they're doing is they're making women feel bad. I think that a lot of these women are out here just mean these hyper feminists are super mean I. think you can say what you mean and mean what you say without being mean.

I. think there's, are you serious I think that there is no love in any of their conversation. It's all tough, but no love. They think they're doing, we're giving out tough love, but there's no love. They're coming after older women. But I think I understand why some of these hyper feminists are coming after older women, but I, actually I think a lot of these older women need to start delivering some better content actually. And I think women need to evolve. That's pretty much it. I would've said more, but I ran outta time. Go ahead and subscribe and like, because And, they go watch all my videos.

Watch all my videos. I need to go run my kids to the bus stop. It is 7 43 and I need to get them there by 7 46. And she's gotta make her water. And everybody else is doing did, did your brother leave? Okay. all right. I, I, I gotta go because this is a dysfunctional situation. Have a good one. Get outta here.