Black Opinionated Woman

S4E56 Women Opting for Bears Over Beaus Viral Topic

• Black Opinionated Woman • Season 4 • Episode 56

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tiktok: @iamabowalways

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Speaker 1 (0s): All right, bulls and bow ties. So I was just wanna jump right on into it. You guys saw the thumbnail? There you go. So this is the viral topic that's, you know, popping and logging. Would you rather, would you rather be stuck in the forest or the woods or someplace with a bear or a man? So if you wanna give some context to it, what I've done is, I've actually gone back to one of the original videos that sparked all of this on TikTok and on YouTube.

So. let me get this set up right here. Hold on, let me yell at my kids for one second. Okay, I'm back. all right, so let's get on into it. This is the video that is, is, is setting it off.

Speaker 2 (1m 20s): Would you rather be stuck in a forest with a man or bear?

Speaker 3 (1m 25s): Bear Man is scary with a bear. Well, I've heard about bears. They don't always attack you, right? Unless you like fuck with them. So maybe a bear prob depends what man, but probably a bear or a hundred percent a bear, which is like terrifying to say, but definitely a bear. Some men are very scary out there. A bear I would say. I would say a man.

Speaker 1 (1m 51s): Okay, so that was what was on TikTok.

Speaker 2 (1m 54s): Would you rather be stuck in a forest with a man or bear? all

Speaker 1 (1m 58s): Right, let's stop that. Now I'm gonna bring myself back here. So, let me just preface with, ultimately I would rather be stuck with a person or a man or whatever, but I have a, but I understand the sentiment. Now, it is not lost on me that whoever compiled this data, you know, there's selective compilation, right? Like all the people who would rather just be with a bear versus a man and I think the point, this person was making a point.

And look, you guys can go out there and search and, and YouTube and TikTok and everything else, and you can look at what everybody's comments are. I'm not gonna do that. But this is the thing. What I think is falling on deaf ears for men before. Well, let me say this first. Number one, I'm not some lonely, lonely, angry, bitter person that you probably think everybody who's responding to this is, and my reasons for wanting to have a man is not necessary for sexual, it's just regular old human connection.

It could have been a woman, and this isn't a sexual thing, right? But that's me. But let me just say this. A lot of the reasoning behind this now is a lot of women talk about how men can be scary and how men can, there's a lot that goes into it, right? Like, a lot of times people feel unsafe when people try to argue like, who's gonna protect you from other men? It's kind of like, that's the point. Why should women have to be protected from men? Most of the harm that's coming to women, it's coming from men.

Now, like I said, I don't like to cake for men or anything like that. And I'm not gonna sit here and bash women, but I understand the sentiment. And I'm, I have a, a story action, two stories, but I'm just gonna wrap it hopefully up. In one years ago, actually, I had two conversations with men. One of them, well, they, no, they were both older. They were both older. One of them was more of like a leader in a leadership role and one of 'em was more like a coworker person.

And I don't remember how we got onto the conversation. I think it was in re it was in response to something I had heard or whatever it was. This was years ago. I would say we're in 24, maybe like four or five years ago. And these two men not related to each other, they don't talk to each other, they don't work with each other or anything like that. I asked a couple, I actually asked more than two men. I talked about what would it be like if you were stranded on an island, right?

With a woman or whatever. And I'm thinking in terms of power dynamics, I I think about in terms of like the apocalypse, like there's chaos before order is formed, right? You know, thinking about like what are your first things that you're thinking about? What is the first thing you wanna take care of? Is it potable water? Is it shelter? Is it all these things? But the common thing that I got out of that conversation was both men, two separate stories.

They were talking about how if they were stranded on an island with a woman, like of course, well the one person said they would want to, I guess it's like seek comfort with a woman. I'm trying to keep this clean. Okay? And I was like, I can understand from a companionship standpoint I can understand all of that. Now I'm thinking in terms of like society structure. Like at some point you put laws in, hold on one second.

Sorry about that. So I'm thinking, like I said, in terms of like society and structure, at what point do you create, you know, laws or standards and, and like, what are your basic needs? They were thinking in terms of I, think bringing a woman under, I don't wanna control. So basically what was said, the one person said within a few weeks that whatever woman is there, right?

Keep in mind I'm thinking in terms of like, are you okay with a woman taking control or being in charge depending on like, if they're best fit for, for the scenario, if they have some sort of knowledge on, I, I, I don't know, whatever it is, I don't know. Because sometimes there's just people who are better suit who might be women or men. And the one guy was just kinda like, within a few weeks, it's not gonna matter because you are going to be with me. And I was like, whoa. And so you'll, you'll listen to what I could say anyway, not as in club you over the head, but basically like, if I'm not getting what I want or my needs met in a few weeks, what I'm going to do is stop providing I was, like I said, few weeks.

That's all it takes, huh? you know, I'm thinking like, how do we survive in terms of your initial needs, potable water, shelter, determining what can be eaten or, or you know, what is, what are your threats? And here I am like, you are my threat, right? Like, I was such an idiot. And thinking in terms of like if there's like some sort of dystopian time that we're living in, what do you do?

What, what happens? What is the natural course of things that's gonna happen? The other guy, it was even worse, he said, I think within three days, three days, it, it messed me up because what he was saying was, within three days we will have already engaged. And you know what? And I'm like, you are thinking about that in three days. That's what you're thinking about.

And he's like, well you gotta understand everybody. I'm gonna use the word heightened. Like, you know, everything is stressful, it's heightened and everybody's gonna need to see comfort and blah, blah, blah. And we all have needs. I'm like, I can see if things happen like naturally over the course of, because what happens is if you put anybody in, in confined quarters or anything like that, over time, you know, there will be some sort of generally speaking relationship form some sort of attachment form, right? But I'm thinking in the first three days, and he made it clear to me, I am bigger and stronger than you and all this other stuff.

And so, you know, the first couple days of the year, but after the third day, you know, because at some point you're gonna need me to reach up and get things and move things. I am a lot stronger than you and you're gonna need me. And if you are not willing to, basically I'm gonna say engage in, you know what, then I'm gonna stop providing for you similar sentiment. Maybe the timeframes were different, right? But that's what he thought.

And after having a couple of those discussions, I'm like, well, my, my concern at this point now is not so much is how can I survive the night? Is how can I protect myself from some man? It was like wild to me. And I'm sitting here thinking like, what an idiot, what an idiot I am. you know, like I used to joke with my neighbors and such about like, if there was an apocalypse, like we, we always had these jokes about like, who's gonna go out and do what, what are we gonna plan to sustain ourselves?

And we had the silly discussions and I think when I had those discussions at the time, I, I was just naturally thinking in terms of survival, in terms of eating and sleeping and health and, and what is the environment like? you know, like we need shelter. We, we need shelter from, from the wind, from the sun, from the rain. I don't know. But instead I I, I realized that I needed protection from man.

Now normally you want that, but you want that in terms of when it's, it's wanted, it's needed. but I didn't know I was gonna need protection from that standpoint. Like, do you understand what I mean? And it wasn't so much that this person was saying that we wanted, not me, like, but what they were saying was like, if you're stuck on an island or whatever it is with somebody who's halfway attractive or whatever it is, they said that after a few days, if it's just you and this person.

So the the first guy, I said, wait a second, are you forcing yourself onto somebody? He's like, no, I just won't provide, she's gonna have to come willingly. But I'm like, but that's not a willing participant. Their hand is forced. He's like, well, I would never force myself onto anybody. And he is like, but I'm like, but it's still a form of like, you understand what I mean? And so this person was like, you know, I'm not gonna take something.

but I said, in essence, you are, it's a form of abuse. The other person said, I said, so would you force yourself onto somebody? And this person was basically like, well, I'm not saying I wanna force myself onto somebody, but let me just say that oftentimes like people, if they're put in situations where there's basically no, no repercussions, there's no retribution for bad behavior, you don't know what's gonna happen. I would like to think I'm not gonna do anything like that. And I'm looking at this man, like, are you serious right now?

He's like, I don't think it would ever get to that. He's like, I'm a Jeremy Guy. I mean, he thought he was being funny, but I was just kind of like stunned. Like, okay, so maybe I'm a dumb dumb, I'm a full on dumb dumb because I never expected that response. I'm thinking in terms of the human, your base human need, your base human need. How do we organize ourselves? What is our first order of business? And somehow we went down this bunny trail and ended up talking about like those needs and you know what I'm talking about.

And I was like those, I, I said, I can't see those needs being that important in the first three days or first three weeks. But then again, I dunno, I've never been in that situation, right? Like, why is it that that's where your head goes in instead of thinking what is our escape or return back to civilization? How do we ensure that we can sustain ourself?

What does shelter look like? What are the natural threats on the environment, in the environment or island or wherever you, you know, so getting back to this video, which I think I want to play again, I want you to listen to this again.

Speaker 2 (13m 44s): Would you rather be stuck in a forest with a man or bear

Speaker 3 (13m 50s): Man is scary with a bear?

Speaker 4 (13m 53s): Well, I've heard about bears, they don't always attack you, right? Unless you like fuck with them. So maybe a bear

Speaker 3 (13m 59s): Prob depends what man, but probably a bear or a hundred percent a bear, which is like terrifying to say, but definitely a bear. Some men are very scary out there. Bad, I would say, I would say a man.

Speaker 1 (14m 16s): Okay? So with that being said, I purposefully did not download other creator's content. I try to like leave that so that you can go find it on your own. There's a lot of men out there losing their mind instead of catching the message. And the reason why I came on here, not because I'm some sort of token different person, I wanted people to understand I'm a woman and it doesn't matter if I'm married, a lot of times people are getting out there saying, oh, these women are out here.

I'm like, no, women have been through it. It's women across the board are are feeling threatened by some situations, right? And a lot of people don't wanna hear it, but these are the things that are being said. And I would challenge the men who are watching this video deep down, you know what I'm saying is true. And you may have had those thoughts. And, and I'm not saying that men are bad, I'm not saying that. But what I am saying is right now, many women are feeling like, I'll just take my chances.

Now, that is not my choice. Not because I think like men are so much safer. I, I don't know what my mine is more from a human standpoint. Like I'm gonna want the, the human contact, the human, you know, conversation, the human everything. But, and I do recognize based off of prior conversations I've had with men that you know, well, there are men who really think like, yeah, well at this point it's just you and me and we are stuck together and now you are at my mercy or whatever, right?

So now there's a power imbalance, at least a physical power imbalance. And so I'm not thinking about trying to, you know, harm some dude. but I will say this, I don't know if I would take my chances with a bear, but I understand why people would, it is just crazy. So anyway, the person who just joined my livestream, I already went into the reasons why you might wanna go ahead and cast on, on the playback. And I played the video that sparked all of this, but that's pretty much it.

Look, don't get mad at me, I'm just going and saying a thing because men say some wild things. Now, I've had other conversations with men. There are some men who are like, okay, well we gotta figure it out and let things naturally progress. But ultimately, I thought about in terms of how do we structure ourselves. you know, I, I don't think humans do well with chaos, right? At some point you're gonna form some sort of society or some sort of laws or hierarchy.

You're gonna have, you're gonna figure out a way of sustaining yourself. And their mind went to after a three days and a few or a few weeks for the first person. If you're not interested in having, you know, a very close relationship, then they could care less about you. It was more like, I won't provide for you, you'll be forced to come back to me, and now you will have to basically live on my church.

Like, you know, I was just kind of like, what is happening here? Oh, and I saved this old thing. Like, but what is happening here? all right. That's pretty much it. You guys know what you need to do. Go ahead and leave a comment. Try not to be in your feelings so much. Bye.