Black Opinionated Woman

S4E89 OK... I am back for a short video Meagan Good

• Black Opinionated Woman • Season 4 • Episode 89

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Speaker 1 (0s): All right. Good morning. Both in bow ties. So look, I don't think Tyler Perry likes himself. I don't, I am convinced he does not like himself because you know, there's that old saying that art imitates life. Now, I don't believe that every time an artist, whether you're in the music industry, whether you're putting something in paint, whether you are in theater, movies, whatever it is, I don't believe every time you do something, it's going to be a reflection of your life.

But to me, I feel like Tyler Perry has some sort of sick cry for help. I don't know, I, well, I think I do know, but Don don't know any, I mean, like, I don't really know, right? Like, I can't speak to what's going on in his mind. but I can see the kind of products he puts out. Because, let me just say this. I did not see Divorce in the Black or divorce in black, or whatever it was.

I was minding my own blackety, black, black business. And it came across my feed in the TikTok, the Clock app. And so what I didn't know at the time was when I first saw a clip of the movie, I didn't even know there was a movie that was out. So when I posted the clip of the movie, okay, so this was several days ago, I just happened to see the clip of this movie and it was a really psycho scene.

And I was like, what is this? And I see that it was a movie that Tyler Perry is now, I guess I think it's streaming on, I dunno if it's Amazon Prime or Netflix I. think it was Amazon Prime. I don't know. But it's says streamed movie. And I saw the Square and I was like, I don't wanna see this garbage. That's like legitimately where I was at with it. I don't wanna see this garbage. I don't care if it's streaming for free or for not free, or for free, free 99 or 1 99.

I just didn't wanna see it because to see there were so many things wrong with the clip that I saw. The clip I saw was, I can't remember the, the first clip I saw, I saw multiple clips subsequently after that. But the first clip I saw was When he, he took, they were out at dinner.

They were out at dinner and the guy, I don't even know his name, was talking to the Megan, good character some kind of way. And I was like, who does this? Then there was another clip where, no, the first clip I saw was the one where he comes to the house. Apparently he was kicked out of the house and the guy sets it off on, I guess her new boyfriend. I saw so many clips, now I'm losing track of the clips. And he's, then he tries to bomb out his friend for, for cheating.

Before it was just, there's so many clips. There's one clip where he just invited himself back to her house. And I don't know if that's the same clip from when I'm not gonna spoil what, what happened. And I was like, this is trash. But the first one was I. think when the, the, the, he shows up at, at Megan Good's friend's house, I guess they were having some sort of double date. I can't keep up. There was so many bad scenes. And I was like, this is trash.

The way he was talking to people. So, let me just say this. Number one, I don't think Tyler Perry likes himself because his view of black culture is, is crazy. His view of black men, His view of masculinity, his view of black women, let's just start with the man. I can't watch another video where I see some disturbed psycho man who is either struggling with his job, can't, like, he's angry and violent, he mistreats women.

He's the whole thing. It just seems so bizarre. Like, I didn't understand the character. Just, he, he, every single scene, he was so angry. I've never seen anybody that angry before. I'm sure they exist, but it didn't even make any sense. Well, I didn't understand why this man was so angry all the time. Every scene. Now with that being said, like I said, full caveat, full disclosure, I did not see the movie. I saw, oh, every itching my, my sentences, I saw clips of it, but it was a no.

For me, I was like, if this, if this is what I'm going to watch, this is an absolute no. What I didn't know when I first saw the, when I saw the first clap, how much people were like, absolutely not. I thought I was just being my same old self. Like, I don't want to see this. Apparently, from what I can tell, a lot of people were like, what is this nonsense? It was a no for me. They, I heard the first seven to eight minutes was like pure psycho.

The first seven to eight minutes was pure psycho. I'm like, I don't wanna be traumatized by something like this. And, they call it a good movie. This is what he's putting out there and he's fleeing people look like me. While he's doing it, it is clear that he has a problematic relationship with himself because you know, with this whole art imitates life, he does not see anything good in men.

The black men, the guy that was supposed to be his best friend was some weak dude. That's not how most men are that I know of. Black or white. They would check their friends and I'd be like, well, what is this? Don't come up in my house bringing this crazy, Hey, hey, hey, partner or whatever, I don't know, whatever, what the link is, you know, during the day, back in the day. like, you fuck, Hey, hey, hey. you know, it's like really crazy. His view of manhood is psycho.

And look, you know, I don't believe in caping for men, right? Men have to learn how to stand on their own And, they have to check each other, but right is right. Like that was psycho. I don't know why he would want to create a character like that man who was violent and angry and, and just psycho. He was like completely disassociated with the rest of the world. And that's how I think he sees himself because he continues to create these really bad characters.

All the stories sound the same, throwing a couple of twists in here and there. They sound the same. They sound the same. It's always based off of some bad relationship. It's never based off of like, you know what it is? Like, remember that Armageddon? It was Armageddon, the one with Bruce Willis And. they had to go blow up the asteroid or come or whatever. It was coming towards Earth. There could be a small like side plot of love or the undercurrent of love, but behold me point was we gotta nuke the asteroid, right?

You gotta nuke the comic. And that's where it was And, they, they, they, they added in some comedy. you know, they training with nasa, they've gotta do all these things, right? They, they added in a level of comedy and a little bit of science, humor, just a little bit of love. But they added in, they built this urgency, right? Like, we want them to succeed. you know, this is for the world to go America, right?

Like he never builds or create stories that are in support of this, this fantastic event or about like remember a Beautiful Mind, right? Remember that story with a Beautiful Mind? The guy that owned, that had, that had, oh gosh, I can't remember his name, but I, just remember like Tom Cruise I, think it was called A Beautiful Mind, but Tom Cruise, that was his brother.

Like, it wasn't about being in love or anything like that, right? you know, he never writes good stories because I think he's right in himself because I think Tyler Perry has so much trauma. I really do. This man is not healed. I don't know what his childhood was like, but he is clearly not healed. He needs to heal himself because look at how he writes. These men, the so-called Good guys still weren't good 'cause he was out there calling and he, he came off a super weak, the, the lighter skinned guy, like I was just like, what is this?

They, they, they, I don't know. They, he made black women. Like he has the one girl that he, that they keep trying to say as ghetto. They kept calling her ghetto. 'cause the guy like you ghetto friend, your ghetto friend, your ghetto friend. And I'm like, I, I, I don't know what, but I, I just didn't like it. I don't know why was getting next to me so much. I'm like, why is he calling this woman ghetto? Is it because she's, you know, voicing her opinion? I don't know.

They made Megan Goode's character a punching bag. She wasn't even talking on the flip side. I saw, it's not like she was whispering. I'm like, why is she talking like that? Just talk regular. Well what do you think? It was so annoying. I don't think talking like that defines like this feminine character, right? So he tried to make it seem like the friend that had a backbone was always called ghetto.

And the woman who was wronged in this relationship, she couldn't even put any decibel in her voice. I'm like, speak louder. Like, why are you talking like that? It was just really weird. Those clips were so weird. I was like, I don't wanna say this. This does not make me want to support him in any way. And you know, when people get mad, of course they're like, you gotta support black business. No, I don't. I absolutely do not because see that that traumatizes me too much. That movie is just not something that I would want see or recommend anyone.

See, I don't want young girls to see a woman being treated that way. And I don't want girls to see men being comfortable with treating women that way. So Cory must have needed a job. Cory Hardick or Hardrick or whatever his name is, he was when I was married to one of the Tia Tamara's sisters. And I never know which one it is. Tia or Tamara was one of 'em. I don't know. So I'm just thinking like maybe he took that role 'cause he was angry.

I don't know. I don't know how long ago that movie was done. I just knew that he probably needed the money because I was just like, why would you wanna be in that role? I don't understand. Anyway, Tyler Perry needs to heal himself. He needs to heal himself because these movies, the the I'm, I'm tired of seeing these movies. These movies are out of control. Like I am over it. I don't want to see it.

I want him to go find some new writers. Rumor has, it doesn't have any writers, I don't know, like these writers are not good. Or maybe he's writing all of it, I don't know. But he needs some writers. He need writers that's gonna bring in real comedy. He needs writers that are going to talk about, if you wanna make a Blackity black black movie, it could be something funny. You can make it funny off of maybe an invention, like how this adventure can be. And, and you can, you can bring in some humor, you know, bring in and you can write a movie on the person who created like a new way of doing vaccines or something.

I don't know, like, I just like make it centered around like an event or something. And you can have little pockets of glove or dysfunction on the side. but I, try not to put the dysfunction at this point. Just like when Spike Lee made movies, I never felt like I was being beat down. I never felt that way. I've never felt like he wanted to be a Madea and, and have like something like a matriarch be deemed as just all these bad things.

Like I just, I don't know. I don't understand Tyler. What I do know is he needs to be on somebody's couch. He needs to be on somebody's couch. He needs to heal himself. He needs to heal. He has his studio, he needs to invest in writers. Not, not this. I, I don't know if he went to AI And, they said, well this is what he's done in the past, so let's do more of it. I don't know. But he needs to get some writers.

He doesn't have a, his finger on the pulse what the current cyclist is of the, of the times. Like people are tired, I know I am I cannot watch another Tyler Perry movie where he's out there with these bad black characters. I cannot, he could have done anything. There's all kinds of stories to tell. But he wanted to tell that story.

That's what he wanted to spend the money on. That's the story he wanted to tell. Alright, so I just wanna say for the record, if you guys are enjoying the content, this is the time where you go ahead and you subscribe and then you leave a comment because I'm amazing and everybody can do no wrong, but this is the time when you go ahead and do so right Now. I wanted to also say the reason why you haven't seen much of me posting videos lately was because I needed a break.

I was really busy with my kids and everything else going on. And when I say I was exhausted, I was driving exhausted. My eyes are burning to the work and my kids all their games and tournaments and everything and just life trying to like lay eyes on my husband, right? So we can continue to connect. Just everything I I was just in need of sometime I needed a break. Usually when I need that time, I will probably tend to put more shorts up versus a video because I needed time.

And to be honest, I need more time. but I suspect I will be putting out more videos they got. But yeah, I just took a little bit of time for myself so that I can like survive But. anyway, before I go I just wanna say, y'all need to go call up your friend Tyler, like Tyler, Tyler, it is time for you to go get on somebody's couch. I need to call Better Help or some other counseling service.

And you need to schedule your counseling appointments immediately. I'm talking not just one day a week. We need like 3, 4, 5 days a week. Because now you're traumatizing all of America. You already got like the rest of America looking at a idea characters like this is what black matriarch looks like. I'm like, oh my gosh. I mean seriously. I could never, oh, he's got like America viewing men.

Like he's put, he's like almost memorializing in his, in his movies, in his craft, how I guess we see men, which is not true, but I'm sure that's how the rest of America's gonna see men or at least our men walking around slapping people and carrying on or I don't know, just cussing everybody out and, and not having jobs, picking your hair, I don't know, whatever. Like I was like, what is this So?

yeah. I mean, 'cause the rest of us I think we tend to I think we're trying to like move on and, and be healthy in our lives. Tyler Perry is so weird. all right, go ahead and subscribe, watch all my videos.
