Black Opinionated Woman

S4E92 For The low self-esteem women in the community

• Black Opinionated Woman • Season 4 • Episode 92

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Speaker 1 (0s): The energy efficiency item while supplies last. Okay, bows and bow ties. So I'm hoping that this video is actually recording with a sound in the background because my phone, my power was low, my battery life was low. I think I can get through the interview without plugging it in, but I just wanted to be sure. So look, I'm going to talk about, some of you are aware that there was a lady, there was a German lady who got out on the internet and started basically badmouthing women who look like me, talking about all this stuff about why she could have a man that looks like me and all this other stuff.

And the funny thing about that video was I just saw like a few clips of it. I think I might have given it at most five seconds, but it kept circling back. Like people kept trying to talk about it. And I was just kinda like, why are we even paying attention to this lady? I don't pay attention to stuff like that. And I feel like people is so caught up and, and and full of rage because some woman who does not matter says something about you and your community.

I want you to let that one sink in for a second. Why do we dedicate cycles to people who don't matter, right? And then when I say people don't matter, it's not the fact that she's German. I just mentioned that she was German because she didn't look like me. So you understood like when people do those things, I don't stitch or attach your information most times, right? I get them no cloud, I don't even put their name out there. If you wanna find out who she is, you can go do it yourself. It'll be really easy. Trust me. All you gotta do is say German lady or something like that on TikTok or something.

But yeah, so this woman comes out, she bad mouths women who look like me talk about, you know, women who look like me are not feminine and also herself. And this is the thing that I find so interesting. Now, this is for all the low self-esteem women out there like me. Number one, not everybody is worthy of your time. They're not worthy of your time and attention. Oh, I gotta get in front of this truck so I can take this exit, put in. I thinking shut up car. I know I know, I know.

all right, safely cleared. When people do things like that, I just feel like when you have a strong constitution about yourself, not everything is worthy of of having a, a clap back, a reaction. You have women from other communities always trying to come after women who look like me. So I, I usually just don't give it any cycles. So when I first saw it come across my feed and this was how many days ago, I just swiped past it and just don't care.

Like, I'm like, why would I pay attention to someone who's trying to be part of my community? I just like it. It holds no weight, it holds no clout. So For The, low self esteem of women out there who feel the need to constantly comment on, on such ridiculousness, I'm like, this is the thing. The only reason why it stings for some people is if you actually believe it. If you believe it.

Like I don't feel like she's talking to me because I don't believe it. Like she's talking to the people who have low self-esteem. But number two, you have to remember men who go out into these other cultures and pass your culture, you gotta understand you don't want them anyway. They're not for you. Those men are already conquered individuals. They have issues with everything about themselves that they will go out and empower somebody else. Like And, they don't think about the anti-blackness that's happening, right?

They don't think about how they are actually arming other people to try to harm people in your community. So like people like that, like you don't care about people. like you just let let 'em go. Like some people, I really do believe some people just can't be saved. They can't be saved. So I'm just like, why do I look so washed out? I need some or something. Oh my goodness, I look like I normally have myself put together.

So. yeah, I, I just feel like this, this woman was silly and the, the man that got that woman feeling some kind of way number, let me just move on. That was number two. Like don't engage people who don't matter. Number two, the men who say these things are clearly conquered individuals, And, they are suffering from anti-blackness to allow some like, to like empower someone to talk about women community. These are people that are in your family, people, your sisters, your aunts, your cousins, everything.

Your mother. It's just really weird. I'm onto a third thing. You have to stop engaging women like this. People like this, I don't engage them because all you do is give them a platform, right? You are giving them clout and there's a lot, lot of ra race and rage baiting. It's just like, you know, they're like, we're gonna profit off of black women rage. I just always want, the way I look at it's like this for the people out there with the low self-esteem who likes to engage this kind of content.

I'm just sitting here thinking like, has it ever occurred to you that these women, people who do these kind of things make these kind of comments? You notice they all come for, for people who look like you. You don't see, at least I don't see women who look like me going into other communities telling them why their men don't like them, right? They are comparing themselves to you.

I want you to let that one sink in for a second. They are comparing themselves to you. There's a little bit of a cognitive dissonance going on because on the one hand, they want people, they want to almost distance themselves from you, right? 'cause they wanna make themselves seem elevated. But in the same token, they're comparing themselves to you. They want you to let that one sink in for a second. You typically compare yourself to something that you want to Lord and applaud and you admire.

You don't compare yourself to something that you deem to be less than. I want you to let that one sink in for a second. There's a company distance going on because on the one hand they're talking so bad about you, but on the other hand, their actions don't match what's coming out of their mouth. They're comparing themselves to you. They want to be part of your culture. And you look at what sink in for a second. So For, The, low self esteem woman out there, especially the ones that look like me.

I want you to understand why are you engaging the dinglings? You need to stop. Let me move on. Much of what that woman said was based on a whole bunch of, okay, so she had a whole bunch of stereotypes that she was trying to perpetuate, which was hilarious in itself. And I'm like, because of very things that she seemed to be talking about, I'm like, and yet you're exhibiting those things.

She's talking and I'm just sitting there thinking like, let's be real. We know what the old stereotypes were right Of, of people who were from Germany. Now I don't think German women are these big male women, but that is the stereotype of German women, at least back in the day. So for her to try to compare herself to a woman who looks like me because she's trying to elevate herself. 'cause society has tried to, you know, denigrate women who look like me, right?

She tried to compare herself almost to make herself seem better. But like I said, people only compare themselves to things that they think are amazing. like you wouldn't compare yourself to something that was like, you understand what I mean? like you wanna compare yourself to the best. And I'm not saying black women are the best. What I'm saying is you can't outta your mouth try to denigrate something that, and the very thing you're trying to denigrate is thing you're comparing yourself to. People compare themselves in relation to what they think is the best. Something that's admirable.

I think much of what's going on is, you know, women think they can get out there and spout off all these, these ridiculous things. And that's based off of like bad media representation and how we are being, you know, shown in the media. It doesn't help that we have people in our community who continue to perpetuate these negative stereotypes. Tyler Perry. So I just kind of feel like, look, stop giving people like this woman, like all this attention.

At the end of the day, I think women who are not from here recognized that that is a anti-Blackness is a problem here in America, right? They get it And. they know that, okay, this is how we can do this. This is how we can spend this, this is how we can work this. They think they're getting a prize in some of these weirdo dudes that over there. And I'm just sitting there thinking like, these are not the ones that we want. Just like if you have to come into the community to find love, right?

Typically you're not welcomed in your own community. You are not the top, you're not the criminal look friend, you're, you're not very attractive. you know, many of them are sloppy big, not all of them. but I'm just gonna say this is the stereotype of what's happening anyway. So I'm like, come on everybody, stop paying attention to people who don't matter. I mean, when women can get out here online and say some of the crazy things that they're saying, it's just kind of like you can't engage all that.

And this is the thing, I feel like we really as women should be supporting living period. I'm not trying to make this like all lives matter type thing, but I'm just kinda like, this is silly to me. I'm like, you got people out here engaging this. I'm like But. anyway, those are my both thoughts. So I got, you guys are wearing me out, like low self-esteem women like talk about something else. all right, bye.
