Black Opinionated Woman

S4E93 Is America OK?

• Black Opinionated Woman • Season 4 • Episode 93

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Speaker 1 (0s): Good morning bows and bow ties. I mean, is America okay? America? Are you guys okay? Are you okay? There's a lot going on. Oh, say can you see the early live, what is happening, you know, echo right now. So I just wrote out a couple of things.

I'm not gonna be, it's not any real order. This is what I wrote. Okay, let's start with number one. I was listening to a couple different content creators this morning, but only for like a short period because I was just flipping through while I was getting my copy, everybody and everything else. And well, let me apologize everybody I know I'm in my other vehicle today. This is my louder car. but I need this vehicle from when I leave work early because I have to pick my son up today.

He's coming back from football camp, so you know, even on your crap. So anyway, that's why I'm in this vehicle. So. yeah, I was listening I think this time I clicked on Roland Martin for two seconds and he had, I wanna say it was M-M-S-N-B-C, joy Reed or whatever her name is. 'cause you know, she stays mad too. Everybody stays mad. It's like hard for me to listen to M Ms NBC or Box, right? Because it's just so crazy. And actually they're all crazy.

but nevertheless, I had on Roland Martin and Joe Joy re was talking about how there were at least 10,000 men. I forgot what she called that. Like men for Kamala or something like that. I don't know. All I know is like, it was like 10,000 men were out there campaigning and raising money or something along those lines. I can't remember the exact words for Kamala vp, Kamala and I was like, what?

Black men supporting VP Kamala for president. No, because you know how the, you know, black men and women are, are, are just going through it right now. Air all the dirty laundry and everything. you know, black men vote for Trump and black women just vote the complete opposite of every anything a black man does because it's psycho out there in these streets. Why is my, why my windshield ripers going so needless to say I was like tickle pink.

I'm like, what is happening? I'm like, because you know, from my perception, like right now, you know the black dudes are not supporting black women in politics. So black women have learned how to galvanize without the black man. Now I say that a little tongue in cheek because I'm sure they've had black male support. Okay? So before you guys start getting in your feelings, stop just having a little fun. Just having a little fun. Nevertheless, there's something to be said, right?

Because some of y'all are out here in these streets like mad about everything is, oh, you're black women for everything. And the only ones who know how to galvanize honestly in this country. Now look, I'm gonna be totally biased. If you wanna get something done either as black women or white women, it's what it's, it's what? It's, if you wanna get something done in this country, and I'm not saying that the VP com clause won this election, I I, I would like to see her win because I don't want to see the other alternative.

What I will say is when people get mad, it's not being that to get done. It's either what's the I? think somebody said the black version of a Karen Sat. All I can say is this. When black women set it off, oh they go in, they go hard. When white woman set it off, they go in, they go hard. If black women and white women ever figured out how to work together, I'm telling you right now, this is like that.

It's a good deal. It's America. Okay? Oh my gosh. So now what makes all of this like so heat, like black people are coming out raising money for vp. She like a bajillion at about three nanosecond, you got the white women galvanized. That shit is actually comical.

I mean I know everybody wants to be all serious and buttoned up, but I'm just calling big. All I know is when black women move, when they get themselves together, they move hard. When white women move, when they get themselves together, they move hard. And men have yet to realize you have to really go back. The women, 'cause when they support you, they support hard, not hard.

Poor is America. Okay? What is happening right now? I was, I don't know why that was so fine to me, but it was newsworthy that black men were getting together to raise money. And, they supporting community that lets you know how much black men and black women are so divided when people actually start to hone in on the numbers and report on it. Like, yo, did the black, black, black dude like, like did they get on board?

Maybe, maybe not. All I can say is this. Getting back to my he horrible moments. When you want to energize a group of people, when black women get it serious, they show up and show out. They raised like a chameleon dollars for PP and like the span of like practically no time in practically defy the laws of space time.

I was like, yo set records when white women rock with you. I'm telling you right now, they know how to get stuff done. You got two groups of women when they are focused, they are unbelievable. They both know how to be Karens. They know both know how to be highly educated, they know how to love people. They do it differently, right? They do it differently.

There's nuance on how they do it. Maybe that's another topic or you know, that might be another video for another day if I can get my mind together. But lemme move on because I just thought that was funny too that somebody had to say a group of 10,000 black men got together. Oh why? Yo, the fact that we have to call that out is hilarious. Now I suspect we may have done that before, but you know, black men were out there like, you gotta go up.

They still are. They still are. So I don't wanna make this up politic video. I just thought it was funny that they had to highlight that. But let's just move on. I wanna get back to USA men's basketball. Everyone keeps making all these excuses like it's only been a couple of weeks. They haven't been together that long, which is true. However, comma, the fact of the matter is they're not just going up against nobodys in the rest of the world. Many of these teams have chemistry. They should have thought about this.

They keep thinking that the, the men can get together and play for about three seconds and like we got it because we've got some of the best talent in the world. Not realizing, but iron is sharpening the iron, right? Like a lot of these people have come into this league from all over. They're great players. And so now they've learned from us, we never forget like, like they said, like some of the best players in the world right now are not American. Are you okay? America, y'all are struggling to win exhibition games.

These teams have gotten so much better. They're coming in your league. It's almost like stealing intellectual property, right? But you wanna make it very competitive. They're coming in your league learning from you playing in your league. And, they take that knowledge back to their country, which actually for the better to be honest, it makes for a much more interesting world platform when it comes to basketball. but yeah, so now the USA men's basketball look, this is what makes it so fun.

Everybody except for me, 'cause you know I've always been team LeBron is like, we don't think he's this. He's no goat, he's not this. He can't finish. Even my husband was like, he can't finish. I'm like, well he finished the other day when y'all needed that bucket against South Sudan. You got ignorant Gilbert arenas out here and making a video, which was so like dumb and insulting. I actually saw that clip. I was like, what is happening here? I'm like, this is so anti-black right now. Like what is, but he doesn't like black people anyway, so let's be clear.

So he made that ignorant video. I was like, is America okay? Like are we okay? Are we okay? So now we're clowning South Sudan. They don't look, lemme tell you something, it has to be something to be said for a country that does not have any indoor basketball facilities almost whooping up on the us. This has to be the wake up call. We gotta stop getting these guys together about three minutes before the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. like you guys wanna do a quick exhibition? Exhibition real quick?

You to stop doing like you the best in the world right now. Okay? I'm not even convinced the u USA men's basketball is going to have a whole bunch of dominant wins. I think they're gonna struggle the entire freaking They talk so bad about LeBron, but yet I watched him in the South Sudan game and in the Germany game, I only got the second half of each one of those 'cause I was coming back from a thing for my kids.

And I'm like for someone they just don't seem to, you know, he's the one that was like me, go to work, he went to work. I just wanna know, is America okay? America is not okay. It's not okay. So then I wanna circle back to the German lady, weirdo lady. I dunno why all these black women are out here in these streets listening to this one weirdo German lady who Wanted to to denigrate black women.

I'm like, wait, lemme get this right? You are comparing yourself to something you don't like and you want something that we naturally produce. You want this man? I'm like you. Nobody wants, nobody wants that guy. Thank you very much. but I feel fairly confident after viewing that little bit of a clip. I told you I was like maybe five or 10 seconds, something, something small. I was like, I don't see this. I'm like, you are not at the top with you in your culture. You're clearly not a prize in your culture.

So you go to a culture where you feel like you can be received, which you feel like, well at least I'm better than that. I'm sitting thinking like, girl, you got once. If you don't want, just like in your culture, you're not what they want in our culture. Those guys are getting under what we want. So now you got black women out here, why are they crying about this lady? I'm like, why are you guys giving this lady any cycles? She's getting new cycles. I'm like, she's comparing herself to women that she thinks she's better than most people.

Compare themselves to the best. You don't go compare yourself to an ugly person or a stupid person. You compare yourself to beautiful people, smart people, whatever. So I just found her so interesting that she's trying to compare herself, trying to denigrate when actually she's comparing herself to I think subconsciously something that she thinks is amazing and then she's trying to tear it down. It's so weird. So I'm like, I don't know why American women, I ca I said, why?

I'm like, why y'all engaging this crazy lady? Is America okay? I'm gonna move on to the next point. Now I'll let it go. Just because I done eat all way too many times about everything this morning. The last thing I'm gonna talk about is this. How are we gonna claim to be technologically proficient? I'm still laughing. I look back that Microsoft's relationship with CrowdStrike was so effed up that somebody made some sort of update, I dunno what happened, but took down our like whole like aircraft industry and other industries.

You got other countries who are trying to pull away from using like American, I guess having a brain dump safety software. I know I work in technology and I'm having to brain dump. Oh my goodness. But they're moving away from, you know, some of our stuff, right? And they're using their own, I guess from what I have. but I have, right? It's their national security, which probably means that they're attacking it. So it's kinda like if you're a country that wants to use different software, something like that for your national security, that means you're probably one of those countries.

I was like, is America okay? But I'm looking at the pictures of the people in the airport luggage everywhere. People sit there for days. I'm like, I would've made a phone call to somebody and said, get me a rental car. I don't care if it takes you two hours, three hours to get it here. I will drive myself to the other side of the United States. I can get there. But these, they got people who just can't get it together, are sitting in the airport for days like there's no hotel.

I'm like, I want you to be be resourceful. Let me tell you something Tru Tea of of one of the parents, one of my children's sports team. She was away for another child for hockey. And long story short, at the airport, she was in Chicago for hockey and she ran into a scenario where the airlines was canceling her flight multiple times because of weather.

Now she has no control over that. And the other parents, they, they can't control that. But you know what they did? They were like f that. They went, got them a rental car and drove through the night. 13 hours. They took turns. They like, we gotta get our kids home. Gotta get sit here in Chicago in like minus 500 degrees of temperatures waiting for the planes to thaw out.

You know, in that car. It was like, we are going home. I keep telling y'all, we go back to my first point. If you don't wanna get something done, you gotta galvanize the black women or galvanize the white women because they don't play. And two America's gonna figure out, oh, if black and white women can figure out how to work together, they'll set it off.

If you wanna get something done, that's who you go to. Because they're like, absolutely not both sides. See why, let me tell you something. I know, I would be, I'd be like, okay, so this is not gonna happen. I don't care where that rental car needs to come from. We don't have to be comfortable, but I know it's not gonna happen because you won't be sitting here. I'm sorry, lemme circle back. I just wanna know if America is okay between the basketball team trying to come together for two minutes thinking that they're gonna blow out people that they've invited into their league, sharp iron.

They think that they're gonna be disrespectful and just blow everybody out. They're like, we don't need that much play in time. We just need like three nanosecond between the basketball team not looking all that great. but yeah, people talking about LeBron, but he had to keep saving them in these exhibitions. But between black men not wanting to vote with black women, but suddenly everybody's galvanized. So people are like 10,000 black men. So now you gotta call out the black blackness of it all.

Like what? Black men support black women. You got BT Kamala raised a bajillion dollars in 14 seconds setting records. I was gonna see, you got former VP Mike Pence who just does not like Trump at all. He's got stuff to say. I meant to say something about that, but he's got stuff to say. You got the, the RC is mad that he had stuff to say.

So he's the traitor. Then when they found out that DP was gonna be, I guess the presumptive new nominee now suddenly I, I'm hearing from, and that came from another content creator. So I need to verify this, that Trump is dropping out the September debate. I don't know if that's true, but I'm like, well why did he drop out before drop?

Oh, because it's bg. Kamala, I just wanna say is is I wanna ask, is America okay? Is America okay? all right, I wanna thank you guys for listening and participating in my warning. Hee-haw. I don't know why this was so funny to me, but it was that basketball team needs to get itself together because I don't know what that is, but it's not good. Everyone keeps saying, oh they're gonna blow people out. They're gonna blow people out.

They can't blow anybody out, they can't blow. Look, honestly, I think we could take one of these college tee right now, book them on the floor and they're gonna give us savings, basketball run for their money. So they need to figure it out. I don't understand why Ed is over there because I'm like, is he actually American? I thought he was Ian, but I mean I hate to listen to him talk. Right? By the way, he sounds like he's slow because Kevin Durant, who can't get out there and do anything, the Olympics to start, was it today or tomorrow?

And then he's out there on a, on a hobble knee or foot or something and I'm like, why is he there? We have other people that could have been selected. Yeah, I'm not talking about his talent, I'm talking about his health. They're like, we just want you to be here and sit on the bench. It looks like you might go in. He hasn't gotten in shape for this as far as I know. He went to a couple of practices. I'm like, what is happening? It's America. Okay.

America is ing the F up. Alright, I guess I should end this here because I'm completely dysfunctional. I have Heehaw by myself and that's all I got.
