Black Opinionated Woman

S4E96 Yo! France is buggin! Bad Olympics host

• Black Opinionated Woman • Season 4 • Episode 96

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tiktok: @iamabowalways

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Speaker 1 (0s): All right, good morning bows and bow ties. So look, if you see me adjusting my mouth, it's because I just finished eating and yeah, that's that. So I just wanna heal for a moment because you know, I was on that clock app and everyone is sitting there complaining. Why is France like totally sucking balls right now? Now I'm not talking about them just in general.

I am talking in reference to the Olympics. There are one big old cluster. On the one hand they have that remarkable story of Leon, you know, he is like the next coming of Michael Phelps. He's trained under Michael Phelps I think coach or something like that. I can't remember. you know, he, he won a gold medal over the weekend, but then you have the cluster of how they, Kayla Namor is going to go compete for Algeria and she posted a monster score on bars in gymnastics.

She's not playing, I mean, she's not competing for the country of France. So now France didn't even make the team final. And had they had Kayla Naor bars specialist, they would've been in there. So now their Olympics is done. See, that's what happens when you're like anti-Muslim or something like that. I think that's what they were saying. I'm not so sure exactly why, but Caleb was like, yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and compete for Algeria. And she's like a phenom, like she's basically the runaway to win the bars when it comes to the individual.

but yeah, but the biggest story is the shenanigans of the Olympics, meaning they called themselves in the name of sustainability. Basically it checked out on everything. See, first of all, they got the athletes, you know, sleeping on these little hard hardboard beds and so, you know, they've got cardboard beds, they don't have any air, and the food is this whole situation.

Now, of course, you know the divas and divos of places like, you know, the United States, Australia, maybe Great Britain, especially the us, there's like, oh absolutely the F not, they had to go out and get extra like pillow toppers or whatever for their, for their mattresses. They've ordered air conditioning. And so my understanding is from what I've heard is that they call themselves running cool water through the walls so that they don't have to have air conditioning, but they're like, it's like 79 degrees in there.

Athletes can't sleep. I'm like, Yo. So you know, the US is not playing that they went and got like air conditioners for their athletes pillow toppers. But look, you know, like the NBA guys, they're staying someplace completely different. That's my understanding. So you know, they're not gonna put up with that. But then it's like they were talking about the whole cafeteria situation. They're like, it's all about being sustainable. Plant-based diet. Well these athletes are like, we need our carbs, we need some eggs and we need some meat And.

they are running out of the eggs and meat with all that good stuff. So now the I think I was beating, I was on TikTok and someone was like saying that Great Britain was like, do not eat the food in the village. I'm like, oh my gosh, you cannot expect these athletes to perform and the rooms are hot. You can't even sleep the board, the bed, the beds are like, are hardest cars. I was like, really?

I mean, I've seen so many tiktoks that people are like, all right, look Sweden. I mean, no, I'm sorry, it was Switzerland. They were complaining. They were like, what is this? Now let me just say this. The one thing that the US is not gonna play games with is like, you know, we like our air. I'm sitting here in the car. Now let me tell you, this kind of shenanigans I do, because I don't know, maybe I'm going through the change now. I haven't done this today, but my air is on in my car. But a lot of times I'll have my air on and my seat heaters on. I don't know, I don't know. It makes me feel good and it is a requirement for me in a car.

I'm like, I need to have sea eaters and good a and a sunroof. So like during the summer, I don't use my sunroof. I like to keep everything closed because it gives me more shade. And in the winter I like everything open. Not like actually open, but the cover port, I like all the sunlight in. I'm just kind of like, how can you be this tacky? Either? It's like they call themselves trying to be sustainable. I don't know if it has anything to do with the fact that, you know, Africa was like, we're not giving you any more of our resources.

I don't know. What I do know is the US is like absolutely the F not and could be part of their whole program. Maybe they're just like Yo. If we don't give them air food or places to, I mean like the basics, they'll perform poorly and we can win. All I know is France is acting out. You cannot host an Olympics. You cannot host a Summer Olympics and not feed people.

Maybe that's their way of restimulating the rest of the economy. I don't know. It could all be part of France is the op in their own country. France is the op. What I do know is the UIs is like, we're not doing this. I don't even think the men are staying in the village. I don't think the men, the the, the men from the the NBA men. They're like, no, it's a mess. It's a whole mess. You guys should get out there on that clock app and find out what's going on.

But that's pretty much it. France is sucking balls. They pissed off the one girl, so now she's competing for Algeria. Algeria, okay. Oh my gosh. Oh, and then they were talking about the water And. they were talking about the same river. Now I'm like, Yo I, it wasn't just that like people had to dive in some of these waters and stuff like that. They were like, the water is no longer looking blue. It is looking brown. I was like Yo. This is so messed up on so many levels.

They were talking about the depth of the pool. Somebody mentioned that. Now I don't know how true this is. They're talking about the depth of the pool is different. So normally you wanna have it at three meters. They said it's at two meters. Now I don't know if that's true, but they're saying like, if you're like swimming, that's one thing. But if you're doing water polo I was like, my goodness, all I have to say, 'cause you know, they do all these intricate things underneath the water. So I guess they need a certain amount of depth. I don't know. What I do know is people are complaining about the water, the cleanliness of it. you know, they were like, no one get the same river because we have an e coli outbreak.

I'm like, well that river has always looked suspect. Anyway, now it's been years since I've been to Paris. I've been to Paris two or three times. I have not been in probably two decades. And let me tell you that the same river was always seening. Okay. Anyway, I just had to get that off my chest real quick. I've been enjoying the Olympics. I'm glad to see that the United States got their act together against Serbia for men's basketball. I'm disappointed for Jordan Chiles not being able to qualify for, she missed it by like less than a 10th I.

think Sun Lee just beat around. I like Sunni though too, but Jordan Chiles, it's like she's just been so solid and I, I just felt like that was a tough break. And of course Simon qualified But. anyway, stay tuned. Keep reading up on the the French shenanigans because clearly they don't know how to host an Olympics. By the way, I'm probably one of the few people who halfway liked the opening ceremony. A lot of people didn't, I didn't really care for the performers like Lady Gaga and her weirdness to some other stuff like that.

But I'm just talking about the visual effects of like things being lit. I like how the people came in on boats. I thought that was different. Other than that, yes, I'm drinking a Dunking donut today. I did not make my own coffee and it's already cold. Don't even get me started. I like my coffee hot. This is a latte And. they was so short staffed that the latte just kept sitting there and I'm like, Yo, my latte is not latte.

Speaker 2 (9m 10s): Hmm.

Speaker 1 (9m 11s): Anyway, so that's all I have later. Go ahead and comment and subscribe.
