Black Opinionated Woman

S4E98 BOWTHOUGHTS on Paris 2024 Olympics, Tacky France, Australia, and More

• Black Opinionated Woman • Season 4 • Episode 98

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Speaker 1 (0s): All right. Bows in both eyes. It's hard to see with this glare. Yeah. So I'm on vacay with my family and this isn't the ideal recording set up here. I have my little iPad, so I am somewhere international. Don't ask me any questions, but let me see. What time is it? It is, yeah, I, I'm, I'm still on my East Coast side back in the States, so I, I am catching some of the Olympic stuff.

I'm getting the updates 'cause some of it I can't catch live. And let me just say this, first of all, now when I left, I already knew that France was on some Bs, right? I mean, because they weren't feeding me athletes. Like the food was nasty. Well, some of it's good, but they didn't have enough protein. The beds were, were card boarding. I mean, they had cardboard beds, they didn't have any air. And then, you know, so I was really disappointed to find out that, let me see if I should do it this way or this way.

Okay, I'm trying to make sure my kids don't come out. So like I was really disappointed to find out that, first of all, when it comes to tracking field, what we're not gonna do, which apparently they did, is number one mess with the events, right? So how do you mess with the Women's 100 meter Yvette? 'cause we wanna see who's gonna be the fastest woman in the world at that point in time. You don't mess with Jamaica's like royalty.

And, and, and oh my goodness, I could not believe Shelly Ann Frazier did not write. Now I saw the videos stuff where people like Shakar and Shelly Ann, they weren't even allowed access to their warmup area. They changed the rules overnight. Who does that? So I'm like really disappointed that they would pull some sort of shenanigans against these athletes. You trained so hard just to make it to this event, to make it to this stage.

And then you pull that, I'm like, this is probably gonna, this was probably gonna be her last Olympics. What is going on out there? So? yeah. So I was so disappointed to see, like Francis continued to be tacky. They didn't wanna have three meters of water, so they had two meters of water. I mean, the whole thing is just so tacky. Everything about it, changing the rules overnight so that people will have to come in on some, some bus or whatever I think to get something to elevate this so you guys can see me better.

I don't know. This is a bad glare. Okay, whatever. all right. So anyway, I'm really disappointed that they would do something like that. Who does that? I'm like, they should never have agreed to host the Olympics if they could not handle it. And look, me being petty, I'm beginning to think that when the African nation said that we're not gonna give you the resources that this has to have played apartment. Now granted, usually when you agree to take on the Olympics, you do it like four to eight years in advance, right?

So they had plenty of time to get it together. but I just feel like maybe France is just cast strapped. It sounds like the only thing they had good there at the Olympics was were those chocolate muffins that everyone was reading about. Now look, I've been fortunate enough to have visit France many, many times, have been to Paris twice. I feel like it just takes away from the experience for those people who were over there to not only enjoy the Olympics, but to enjoy the cuisine and all the history and the, the countryside, et cetera, right?

France, a beautiful country, has got a lot of old, old history there for people to just learn about. There's so much to, you know, you can get from being, being at the Paralympics. But a lot of this mard by their tackiness, they're all the way tacky. And so if this was your first time, you know, coming, you know, flying over the water to this event, which is supposedly prestigious, it's a worldwide event that happens, you know, every four years. I don't know, I just felt like the Olympics were just tacky.

But I'm gonna move on for a second. And I wanna go to Australia. So while I'm over here in these international areas, we're on a cruise. 'cause my son, it was his turn to pick. And so he wanted to do a cruise. I'm like, Lord Jesus, last year we cruised around Europe. Now we're not in Europe. And you don't get to know where we are. Well, while I'm here, I'm able to catch up on some of the news. And I'm just laughing at like these Australians.

Now look, I love Australia. I've been to the country. I've been to I. think it was the Northern Territory. I've been to Melbourne, I've done Sydney. I enjoyed my time while there. My husband took me when I turned 40. Thank you babe. And the people of Australia were just so awesome. So awesome. but I did not know there was this, this one-sided beef with them. Like they literally, I, that's all I've seen is like the Australians coming for the Americans, they're getting upset because we don't count our metal tally the way everybody else does in the world.

We go by total me metal counts, I guess. And of course we care about the gold. Okay? Like, come on. but I just found it to be so interesting because usually on the front end of the summer, Olympics people jump out there, right? Well, certain events are held first. So you may have like the swimming events held first. Well, you, United States does well in swimming, but still does Australia and a couple other countries. So Australian jumps out there and they're like going hard against see Americans. They can't stand to hear the, the, the national anthem.

And this is what I say to the Australians, now, you know, I love y'all, but we're gonna just have to like talk to each other like we're cousins for a second. 'cause you know, cousins and, and siblings, we fight and then we get back together, right? Look, if y'all are tired of hearing the United States play their national anthem, well then y'all need to win some more medals. How about that? If you're tired of hearing, then you need to go win something. Okay? Go some other stuff. Look, let me just tell you how I feel about it. Now, this is where I'm gonna sound like real petty, but can I, can we just call a thing a thing for a second?

Can, can we do that? Listen, truth be told, many of these worldwide athletes, they need to be competing under the American flag. They have dual citizenship. But because the competition is so high here, they go compete for their other countries. But the fact of the matter is, they all train here. The Jamaicans train here. The Africans who are competing in the, except for maybe like the really long distances. I don't know if they're training here, but your sprinters, they're all the, our schools.

The look, the guy from Leon, from France, swimmer. He's I think, isn't he at like a school in Arizona? 'cause he wanted to train under Michael Phelps. This guy. Most of these, I shouldn't say most, but I'm gonna say because it sounds better. Okay? Well, many of these athletes, they trained in the United States, American facilities, American trainers and cultures and stuff like that. I'm like, if you are truly training, you know, for your country, stuff like that, then get trained by your own people.

Not just be a petty, right? But the fact of the matter is, they, everybody recognizes that if you want to be the best, you gotta go with the best is. And oftentimes it happens to be stateside. We have really good coaching. We have facilities, training facilities, et cetera. There's something that we're doing is right. I'm not saying it is the only way, but it is anyway, right? I mean obviously China has some good athletes, but they have like a bajillion people they have a lot to source from. And a lot of these countries, they train all their lives.

Well, everybody trains all their lives, but like, they train all their lives, they get like focused on one thing really quickly, right? It's like state sponsored and everything I think our, our systems are different. but nevertheless, the Australians have a one-sided beat with the United States. Now they're like getting upset because of the way we count medals. The fact that we count all the medals, it, it, it like that bothers them. It all the way bothers them. They're like, that's not how you count. You're standing. You only count the gold. And we're like, so we count all of our medals.

They say that those other medals don't matter. Well, it clearly does. 'cause the last time I checked the metal tally, we were ahead. We were number one. We were tied with China for gold. But then it comes down to those other metals. See, you can't tell me silver and bronze don't count. They do. That's why we're considered number one. Now I'm just enjoying being petty because I'm in a petty kind of mood. But my main thing is I just could not understand why the Australians were just going so hard.

They were going way too hard. Way too hard. but I wanna circle back to the tackiness of the, the Paris Olympics. I didn't get a chance to get on the details, so take this with a grain of salt. But my understanding was I've come to learn that there was a Chinese lic that suffered some sort of heart condition during competition. And all I could think of was like, oh my goodness, this young person trained so hard, flew over here to compete in the competition of their life.

I think they were like 17. This person was 17. And based off of my limited understanding. So full disclosure, I think that the person didn't receive help quick enough. And I just felt how horrible for that family, for that young individual to lose their life, for their nation, to lose their athlete, for Team China to lose somebody. Like I was just like, that's just so messed up. Because in the spirit of the games, like usually the athletes love supporting the athletes.

There's healthy competition between the nations. There's always a couple of nations who are gonna be beeping, of course, but there's healthy competition. But athletes enjoy watching like these amazing athletes from around the world. And so to see something like that, that's just so heartbreaking. Like I don't care if you're the person who's from China or wherever it is, right? At this person is a human being. This is an athlete that's a competitor. And you would hate to see like, I don't care where you're from. Like it's, it's just so messed up.

It's just so messed up. And I'm like, where was the, like where were the paramedics? Where, where was the help for this young man or woman? I'm not sure who it was. I didn't get a chance to deep dive, you know, I'm out here baking, so I don't spend a whole lot of time on it. But when I have some downtime, you know, I'm checking what's going on. But I'm like, how unfortunate is that for that individual to, it's just so unfortunate. Anyway, I just wanted to throw that out there. I was just really disappointed.

Like I said, that, you know, Shaki Richardson did not have an opportunity to do a full warmup. And there's no, this is no shade to Juliet Albert because she did what she, she can only do what she can do, right? Like she ran her race, she ran it well and she beat out everybody. But in the same token, I feel like all we do is train up a bunch of people anyway. And then they don't run for the US flag. They come and siphon off all of our, our training and our knowledge and stuff like that. And, they run for somebody else.

But I'm also very happy for that lady too, because it's kind of like she brought a medal to her country, right? That, that's just absolutely amazing. but yeah, like I said, I always look at people, why always anybody who's training and living in the United States, training in the United States, went to school in the United States. I just kind of feel like their medals all have stars next. So it's like, yeah, but you're really training with Americans, training with the best. So it's not like your country produced that, that's how I feel. I just feel like your country did not produce that athlete.

The United States produced you. Let's be clear. And that goes for a lot of Jamaicans too. Now the Jamaicans are doing their thing, don't get me wrong, but like, I just feel that a lot of these, these athletes that are competing, they're produced in the United States. They're not French produced, they're not Jamaican produced, they're not St. Lucia produced. They're produced here. They run at our colleges and stuff like that. So I'm just calling a thing a thing, but nevertheless, congratulations to outfit for Julian.

I mean, that's a really amazing opportunity for her. She ran well, but I just feel like Shakar was not given the full opportunity. She wasn't given the full opportunity in terms of her warmup and everything else. And I was very disappointed that they did not have Shelly Ann Frazier. Like, I don't know what's going on with Shaka Jackson. I know she's not in the 100. I, I don't even know if she's doing the 200. I don't know if she was in, I don't think she ran the 200. I don't know what's going on in Jamaica.

And because I am on vacation, I am a little bit out of it because, well, I'm on vacation, you know, like I, I care about the Olympics, but like, not at the expense of my vacation. So, so, and I love the Olympics and I'm considering next year, next Olympics going, but Don don't know if I want to be in LA for, I don't know. We'll see. So anyway, I just wanted to get that off my chest. I felt like France was just being tacky. Like all the way, just flat out just how like, you know, when it comes back here to the us, you know, we're gonna like show out, right?

Look, athletes, you're not gonna be sleeping on cardboard beds. We're not gonna tell you, oh, we're promoting a plant-based diet and not give you the protein that you need. Now granted, I'm sure the food was much more natural over in Europe, in France, I will give that to them all the way. But like, how are you like rationing out the eggs and the chickpeas and the freaking chicken? Like, it's just so weird to me. Like, you know, here in the States we're gonna have ac, we're gonna have ice for our water and all that stuff. And yes, I said what I said because I know what it's like living in Europe.

I travel to Europe. I mean, we're airlines here. I know what it's like. So this is what we going to do. I'm going to consider going to the Olympics. Okay? And maybe I'll, I'll get my thoughts from there. There, I'll consider it. You can thank me later if I go. And that's pretty much it. I mean, there's more I could probably speak on to the Olympics. Go Simone, Biles, I. think I wanna do a separate video if I have time.

Maybe I'll do that this morning. About all you psycho women out there who are going so hard on her husband. I mean, like, he made a major gaff and in that interview they had several months back or year whenever it wasn't that interview and now people won't let it go. And I just kind of feel like it's just really disrespectful to her relationship. And I feel like as a person who is married in a relationship, I can see how she can take the facts. I mean, many of these women that are attacking her don't, I don't even have a relationship that can hold any water.

This man is, is at the Olympics supporting his wife. but Don don't know. I may do another video on that. I, I don't know what I'm going to do. I, I don't know, I don't know if I wanna talk about it or not. I thought about having a conversation about what I'm seeing right now with all the people from the different African nations coming from coming for the US especially most, lemme rephrase that. Most of the people from the uk the British blast is so weird. I'm like, why are you obsessed with us? all right? Maybe I'll start another video.

It's seven o'clock. I need to get ready and go eat and clean my body and all that good stuff. but I might do one more video. all right. Go ahead and subscribe by the way. Subscribe and leave a comment, leave a whole bunch of comments and then forward this video to all your aunties and your sisters and, and your cousins and all that good stuff. Okay?
