Black Opinionated Woman

S4E99 Why are the Black British Obsessed with Black Americans?

• Black Opinionated Woman • Season 4 • Episode 99

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Speaker 2 (0s): All right, bows and bow ties. It's me again. I am doing another video. I am on Vacay, so this is not the back set up, but you know, I'm running it through my iPad, so we're just gonna deal with it. We're gonna run with it, right? So look, so I'm out here on vacation minding my own Blackie black, black business, right? Enjoying what I want to enjoy. And we just happen to be cruising. 'cause my son likes to dig cruises and since it's his turn, so I have a wonderful suite.

I'm relaxed as much as you can on a cruise, right? But we're having a good time. And so I'm seeing a lot of content come through my feed. Now this is during the Olympic time. For those of you, I don't know when you're watching this, but this is August, 2024. The Olympics are still going. And I'm getting a lot of social media stuff where it's a lot of the British black people coming for Black Americans. Now I see this happen in waves, right?

And I usually don't get caught up because I don't really care. But this is the things and the reason why I'm speaking about it, 'cause it reminds me of how the Australians are coming for the Americans in, in this one-sided beef. Like we didn't even know we were like in like a, some sort of beef or turf war or something that the Australians, but the Australians are like literally like coming before Americans right now. And we're like, we're beefing. No, it's, it's, it's in relation to sport. They're just upset with the way we count our medals.

And then with the time that they posted their posts, we jumped up in medals, but primarily they carely about the gold. And so we leap rock them. And now we're sitting, at least as of when I, when I talk in the number one position, they treat the medals as if they don't matter as far as the silver and the bronzes. And well, they happen to matter because it breaks the tie. If you're into that sort of thing right now, it's us over China. But that, that's neither here nor there. The stuff that I'm, I'm seeing is about all these black people who are from the UK coming for black Americans.

And this is what I have to say. Now, granted, I'm coming from a very biased point of view because I identify as an American. My I am a black woman. I am an American. I will always identify as American unless there's some reason why I shouldn't. I grew up here. I was an officer in the military. And this is what I would say best I would say about this. America is clearly not a perfect country, but this is my country.

So when people start coming for black America, you're talking about you don't know who you are, know who you come from. There's so many ways to slicing that. I'm like, actually yes we do. We know that our lineage may date to maybe the western portion of Africa and some other places, but I would challenge many of these black British about the why they want to come for the Black Americans so much. Because black Americans are not thinking about the black bridge.

We're not, there's nothing culturally that is, is enticing to us. I mean like when we're over there, we enjoy the people, but at the end of the day, we live in our own world. you know, we're so self centered. I I mean a lot of people say the Americans and the set and the other world. It's probably true, but we're not bothering you. We don't care. But the thing that's tickling me about black British is they're just kind of like, you don't know where you come from. I'm like, I don't think many of these, these people who are living over in the UK really know where they come from because there's been so many wars and tribal things and lines that have been drawn and redrawn.

I'm like, are you sure you know where you come from? Number two, they have so much pride in their, their ethnicity and lineage. And I'm like, why are you not living in your homeland? Why are you not living in your homeland? Now I hate getting in these diaspora wars because I feel like we are all black people. We just have different cultures, right? It's okay, but they're so hyperfocused on black Americans.

I'm like, I I'm beginning to think that all these people who keep coming for black Americans and we're not coming for them. We don't care, right? Y'all secretly wanna be us. You, you, you copy our culture as much as you guys talk about culture, culture, culture. I'm like, but you wear our, you wear our hairstyles, you wear our clothing fashion. You, you listen to our music, you use our eye. You are more hyper-focused on us than we ever were on you.

We don't care. And it's not that it, it's a bad thing. We're just, we're just into ourselves. We really aren't into ourselves. We don't wonder what you're doing over there. We don't care. We actually think that you guys are the ones who are the most confused. I've never met a bunch of people or talked to a bunch of people who are constantly talking about I am pick, pick a country, Zimbabwean or Nigerian. I'm like, and yet you're living over here. You are choosing to go to the place that actually oppressed your country.

Pretty soon many of you are gonna go live over in China and start talking this stuff 'cause you're letting China come run Rog through your country. You're colonized and conquered over there. We don't understand why. If you are so proud, why don't you fix what's going on in your country? You're letting everybody come over and take control of your country, your continent. They are siphoning all resources left and right, but you guys are worried about what the black Americans are doing. You are wondering why we're not claiming certain things.

I'm like, first of all, why would we wanna claim a country when a group of people don't even like us anyway? Even though I am trying to go visit the African continent in the next couple years, but why would we claim something that doesn't even want us there? I'm laughing at my husband in the background. I'm probably gonna have to cut this out anyway. Why? Why are you trying to claim a country? I mean, why are you caring about what we are claiming or not claiming?

We don't care, right? They don't want us there anyway. It's not like you guys are inviting us to your picnics and stuff, right? When you guys get together, do you invite Black Americans to all of your your get togethers? No. We recognize it for what it is. We love all the black people. We just created our own culture. The thing, the fact of the matter is at the end of the day, check this out, we can trace our family back to 300 years. It may not seem like much, but many of you have been like, I don't know what's going on with your censuses over there.

I said it, they've been talking about it on, on on the TikTok app too. But the fact of the matter is, what's going on in your country? Stop worrying about what's going on with black Americans seeing it. We're so ignorant. I'm like, y'all are ignorant. We know where we come from. We know that after several generations you're considered whatever it is where you are, right? We consider ourselves American, even the ones who wanna be Soho Tapan. We know that we have a an African lineage. But at the end of the day, we are American. We know our families come from certain areas in the United States.

We know that there are all these different cultures in the United States. I listen to a bunch of people who, who flock to the UK or whatever and I'm like, they have no concept like of how they're showing up in this world. They don't even realize the fact that when they, they are literally trying to prove a point, but they look so dumb. I'm like, you literally left your homeland. I don't need to see you making your homeland. You love your homeland so much. like you rather go to your homeland And, they try to pick a fight with the black Americans.

We're not bothering you. The fact of the matter is we're all black people. I don't know why you guys are trying to separate us so much, but we're all black people. But we recognize that we have a different culture. We recognize that we have different cultures and and that's okay. We're not knocking your culture, we're just good with ours. But y'all continue to come and knock our culture. We don't understand with this obsession. This is the thing. Our names stay in your mouth and I just kind of feel like, I feel like you wanna skin us and wear us as cloaks or something because it's just so weird.

Oh my s it's really weird. Nevertheless, this is what I would say for all the black people in the uk, God, it ow y'all need to focus on why y'all are rioting over there in the UK right now. 'cause all I see is y'all rioting and stealing. And I'm not saying this to black people, I'm just saying it's the UK in general. You need to figure out how to make your homeland better, right? I don't see you guys flocking to go back to where whatever country you're coming from in, in, in Africa, I'm dying to get over there to go visit.

What, what I would consider to be the motherland, right? But what I don't want to hear is a bunch of weirdos being so obsessed with why they're like, well you're the child that you're the descendants of slaves. We're descendants of people who aren't slaves too. Free men. They may have been people who did not look like me. you know? 'cause we know we have some of that mixture. But what I would say is it's just a weird thing to be hyperfocused on. And I'm beginning to think that there's some sort of jealousy.

Don't know why you're so hyper-focused on black Americans and and their lineage. What do you want us to do about it? If anything, we need to look at the motherland and say like, you know what? You guys are the worst because you sold your people off. We didn't sell ourselves off. And then you enslaved your own people on the continent. It's just so weird. And we still have love for y'all. That's what makes it so weird. We're like, we're just trying to love everybody.

But you guys are hyper-focused on black Americans and it is just so weird. You guys have nothing good to say. And the funny thing is, we don't care about what you guys got going on. We're like, go live over in Hollands. Go live over in the UK or whatever. 'cause we know that you guys are trying to live everywhere but your own country. When you get mad at us, we're like, why should we try to claim something that doesn't claim us? I don't claim anything other than American.

I know where some of my family hails from, but I'm like, y'all are doing too much. It's just weird. It's just plain or weird. I don't get it. I don't, I don't know why I think the thing that's so weird about it too is the fact that like I think deep down they want to elevate themselves to make themselves seem better than us. But the more they're doing that, the more we're like ignoring and we're like, go, go do what you wanna do.

We don't care. Like we're doing us, we're all the way doing us. I don't care But. anyway, I just happen to see a lot of that in my feed. And I'm like, it's such a weird conversation to me that these black British people are like, cause division. They think like bringing in those from the Caribbean. Like they know where they're from. I'm like, they're in the same exact situation when they, when people left the west coast of Africa, you either were dropped off in the Caribbean or you came here to the us.

So for those people who are from the Caribbean, if they think they, I mean I think people think that this is a different thing. It's literally not. It's either you went to the West Indies or the Caribbean or you went to the United States. They're in the same boat. They got a different accent. But they seem to think like, oh well the Jamaicans and the ba I can never, those from Bahamas or San Lucia or whatever are different. No, they're not. They're the exact same.

They just happen to be over there in the islands. We happen to be on the mainland of the United States. It's literally that. But I think they like to elevate them. I'm like, they're the same. They're they're, they're, look, they're almost like little America. If you ask me in Americas, yeah, they have the islands, but I'm like, they're off the coast of the Americas. It's the truth. Look at the map. Nevertheless, I think they try to find a way to elevate themselves.

And I guess because it's not working, because black Americas don't care. We're like, at the end of the day, you're trying to be like us. All the work that we did for human rights and civil rights and everything like that made it possible for people living around the world today. Let's call and thing and think. It's not like the, the, the the nations over in Africa are, are excelling at, you know, these types of things like human rights, civil rights, women's rights, whatever. They're not, how can you be so resource rich and be so conquered beautiful people over there, but we don't understand.

like you have everything at your disposal and yet you, you take from your own people, you sell 'em off into slavery. Like, I don't understand it at all. And I need to take some history courses 'cause much as what I've learned, I've actually forgotten. Nevertheless, dear UK black people, black Americans are not checking for you at all. We have no beef with you, we have none. We recognize that we're all black people, different cultures.

We also realize that you guys are hyper-focused on us. Like, I don't get it. Like we just don't get it. And if you think that those in the Caribbean know their history, stuff like that, I'm like, you are mistaken. What's going on? What's going on with the video? Oh, the video is videoing. I know what's going on. Nevertheless, those from the Caribbean are not doing any better than we are as far as history stuff.

They got off the boat there, we got off on, you know, what's going on? Okay, I'm back. That was weird. Anyway, the point I was making, I don't know how much of that you heard. I'm gonna have to probably cut a lot of this out. The people, the point I'm making is people from the UK I think are causing division. They're trying to make it seem like those from the Caribbean are in a better situation. I'm like, they're literally all America in the community.

The United States, same situation. We're all black people. We love our Jamaicans, stuff like that. I mean, we get along with the Jamaicans, there's a little bit of playful rivalry stuff. At the end of the day, we're black people. We're not caught up. Right? Like it's, it's not that serious. But the only ones who are losing their mind are those from the uk. I shouldn't say the only ones. 'cause like I said, people from the islands, they, they try to separate themselves too. Everybody's trying to make themselves seem like they're better. But at the end of the day, both the good and bad parts of Black American culture are, are worldwide.

It is what it is. You don't have to like it, it is what it is. I guarantee you, you're probably wearing something that was influenced by a black person or bit by a black person or something like that. You listen to black music, you have black lingo. There's a whole bunch of stuff. And then there's those who don't want to be black. And that's fine. I don't have a problem with my blackness, but I just feel like everybody just needs to just stop anybody. I said what I said, I'm sure it's gonna make some people mad. And even after all of this, I feel like we're like play cousins or, or siblings that are fighting.

We still have love for all of y'all. We really, really do. We just need to stop the divisive conversation, even though this conversation could have been seen as divisive, but you know, I was feeling petty today. Cut it out. Like we're not checking for y'all like that. Like we want you guys to live your best lives because we're gonna live our life regardless. We're gonna live our lives regardless. We're gonna do us all right, I'm gonna get off of this live here and yeah, I'm just gonna get off and, and something guys, go ahead and read like a comment.

Make sure you just like, comment like how amazing I am and go ahead and subscribe and send it to all of your cousins and your aunties and your moms and your sisters. Okay? all right. Like the video.