Black Opinionated Woman

S4E110 We stopped celebrating milestones?

• Black Opinionated Woman • Season 4 • Episode 110

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Speaker 1 (0s): Good morning bows and bow times. Since I'm always talking about my sinuses in the morning. I'm having a halfway decent sinus morning, which means I just took my medication a little bit earlier. So let's get on into it. I don't really feel like in general, maybe it's just me, but like, we're not celebrating much anymore. We're not celebrating, and I honestly think the economy has a lot to do with it.

What do I mean by that? For one, people don't know how to date more, right? Dating is expensive. It's done on apps now, so they're not doing it in person. So you're not like smelling each other's phone or perfume. You're not feeling the vibe of like, you know, when you're close to somebody, how they look, how they're talking. There's difference, this difference between digitally versus in person. you know how the person walks, how the person sits, how they lean in, how their voice changes and stuff like that.

So when you're not having those kinds of dating experiences leading up to marriage or whatever, right? So it is tough. So right now I feel like very few people are getting married. So many people are disillusioned. So we're not even celebrating the union of marriage right now. People are like anti-marriage, And. they feel everybody's anti everything. Everybody's got a movement for something. Everybody's mad about something. But we are not like, at least we, we don't, I'm not celebrating a whole lot.

Now. I am going to a wedding later this month, but outside of this one wedding, I'm like, holy cow, people aren't really having a lot of babies. At least not people I know. People aren't getting married, people aren't having babies. There's very few baby showers. We're not celebrating baby showers. It's like crazy to me. We are going to fewer birthday parties right now.

I just came from several for my, one of my sisters just happened to have kids that are born in June, July and September. So the last few months, I was able to go see my niece and nephews from, from my sister. So And they their kids, right? So watching them, you know, open their little gifts and eat their cake and have a sugar meltdown and all that kind of stuff like that, right?

That's all like the rites and pass passage, right? Seeing the one child feel some kind of way when the other child is celebrating. you know, I just had my nephew celebrate his first birthday, you know, and everybody's like, happy birthday. And I'm like, I like it. you know, that's all normal stuff that you should be celebrating, right? Watching him taste the, the, the cake and you know, his birthday full balloons and you know, but I'm just kinda like, we don't celebrate things anymore.

It's like we're, we're de ball. I don't know. There's there, there aren't many marriages, there's not many children being born. My other sister and I, our kids are a little bit older. We're not dealing with little ones anymore, but like, so we're not getting married, we're not having tons of children. We're not going to birthday parties. We're not having baby showers. Let me see, I wrote a couple other things on here. you know, what else is happening? People are like, it costs us to go to school.

So we've got people not wanting to go to school. Like we, we see like, there is like a decline with men that attend college. But outside of my niece recently who graduated from college, I can't remember anybody graduating from college in recent times. You have kids who are not graduating from college. Like, 'cause all the kids are older, right? And part of the reason why we don't see at least around where I am is because not enough people are, are having kids where we're having the high school graduations and the college graduations, right?

We're not celebrating graduations. You've got kids out here who have completed college and everything like that, right? But there are kids who are like, they're not, not everybody's purchased a home they can't afford to their first home, right? So we're not having house warnings. I was like, we're not celebrating what else is on here? Oh, this is my favorite one. I feel like now we don't typically celebrate in an obvious way.

Maybe more like with friends, right? But like career milestones. So we didn't necessarily celebrate career milestones, but sometimes if we had like a promotion back in the day, maybe would go out to happy out or, or something like that. People aren't having these huge career milestones, right? Because we've got like the boomers that both retire. They're sucking up a lot of air impositions. It's like the biggest grip. It's like, I can't even knock it. But the same token, people aren't having these huge career milestones.

And a lot also I think has to do with, for those who are younger than me. Now I want to preface this. I am 48, right? So those who are like in their thirties or whatever, their life looks completely different. This is the gig economy, the hustle, the hustle economy, right? So these aren't milestones that people are, are, are, are making because they're just like, well, I'm gonna just try to have multiple jobs at this point. There's no big career milestone.

At least not that I'm hearing my generation, we've had some of that. But like those above us are not trying to move on. They're not dying off quick enough. I know, I shouldn't say that, but you know, I was just sitting at work yesterday. I was talking to a coworker and I'm saying, look at the people around, there were, there's quite a few older people now. I actually like working with some of the older people. But the same token, I was like, boy, there's a lot of old people, meaning they won't retire.

The one guy was walking around not swinging his arms just shuffling along. And I was like, I can't take that. You see a lot of these older dudes walking around, they won't swing their arms wearing the same kind of like little khaki pants. you know, they, their coffee mugs look gross. 'cause they don't wanna wash 'em out. And some of 'em are cranky, some of them are not. And I was just like, oh my, these men are not retiring.

Some of them are scared to retire because me I think some of them may have had wives that that, you know, stayed home. So they were the single source of income. And where I'm going with this is because some of them won't move on. There are people below them that can't move up. They're not celebrating like, Hey, I was just made, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Right? Gone are the days where people could work for like a handful of companies and progress and have like 401k pensions, et cetera, right?

Those days are gone. So now the people who are below me, they're like, you know, I've got about like 85 jobs. I have my main job, a side job, a driving job. I've got, I half of them think that they're gonna have this fantastic podcast career, something like that. So they need podcasting. I don't know, I I'm just making that up off of my head. That's not fact by the way. But like they've got all these jobs. A lot of it's because they've been told you have to, to have multiple jobs, right?

Some of it's because they've been forced to have multiple jobs, right? To afford the economy. They can't move up because we can't move up and we can't move up. When I say we, I'm talking about my generation. It's because you got people who are like 65, 70 years old, still working, not swinging their arms. I mean, there's beauty in that, but, but then there's kinda like, okay, time to go. Like I see now, like when working with some of the older population, like there's a lot of knowledge for some of the people.

There's wisdom there too, right? Well a lot of 'em have wisdom, but you know, and it's great. But then it's kind of like, okay, well we're trying to usher in new things. You want to have new technology, new methodologies, processes, whatever. You wanna be more aligned with like industry best practices. But you can't because you've got those who don't wanna swing their arms when they walk. 'cause they, they don't wanna change. So we don't get these, these milestones of people now being in a position to try to influence.

I mean, you can still influence, but like, you wanna be able to have the hammer too, right? You wanna be in the position where you can influence change. And whether it's shifting paradigms of thought in in, in your, your culture, your work culture or whatever it is. The point I'm making is we're not really seeing that. At least I haven't seen it recently and it could just be me. Look, these are just my opinions, okay? Why they call me the ed native women.

By the way, while I'm talking, make sure you go ahead and hit that thumbs up because I'm amazing in every way. Could do it all wrong. The point I'm getting at is I feel like the economy, the culture, et cetera, is such that I don't feel as if it's lending itself to celebration. We don't see that celebration and I think a lot of it has to do obviously with the economy, right? We we're not getting married, we're not dating, we're not having babies, we are not or getting pregnant.

We are not, you know, having baby showers. We're not celebrating birthdays. you know, we're not doing those things. And you know, you got me thinking, oh, because when I was thinking about like a week or so ago with my, my little nephew who turned one, he's the one by the way. I love him dearly. He's so cute. But we're not go see him like two visits ago. I was like, hi, blah, blah, blah. He hod off and slapped the, the mess out of me. And I was, you know, I saw PTSD, but that's what like babies And, they just do stuff, right?

And I still love him. He's so cute. Yummy. But the point I'm making is like, we should be having those experiences right now. I got beef with my little nephew, like for real. Like, we're gonna have a conversation of like, I appreciate the way you just hauled off and slapped me. You got me good too. I was like, Now yeah, I think we're I, think we're on good terms. but yeah, because I'm gonna have a conversation with that, that guy.

But the point I'm making is it gave me time. I was I was I, I paused to watch over the last few months at different birthday parties or whatever, watching how, you know, like they're playing with their toys and stuff like that or whatever. We're excited about like the dumbest things. Like look, she brought me candy. Thanks auntie I have candy. Like, you know, because I know that my sisters are gonna be like, no, you can't have that. I'm like, auntie loves you. Give it right to 'em. 'cause I remember how they did me.

But you know, we're not celebrating any of these things. Like watching young people graduate college and now they're out in the world and maybe they wanna buy their first little condo or home or, you know what I mean? Like, we're, I'm not seeing these things, I'm not seeing enough of that transition. I mean, of course with my current crop of niece and nephews, yeah, right now I had to get on my, my other sister because her son is graduating high school this year and I was like, she's like, I don't know if I'm gonna do a party I, think I'm just gonna take him on a trip.

I'm like, you could take him on a trip, but you're gonna have a celebration too, because I need one. you know, it doesn't have to be a big one. We can have a small one, but I'm just like, we don't celebrate anything anymore. We don't celebrate. So I say this, I don't even know what point I was having other than the fact that I was just saying we don't celebrate anything anymore. I do think it's tied to the economy, of course, but Don don't have a major point after that.

I just feel like the, there's been a culture shift based off of I. think where we are in the economy and the access to information that people are so disillusioned on everything. So we've got men and women out here in this world hating each other. I mean like literally not liking each other. They built whole platforms to sit there and talk about each other all the time. Like about how many SHIT women, SHIT. I'm like, oh my.

So now granted I do live in my protected bubble, but I observe and I hear many of you out there losing your mind on, you know, zaps. But yeah, we're not celebrating anymore. I I, outside of my family, I can't remember the last time I've been to, well no I did miss a bridal shower because I was out of town. I, like I said, I am going to a wedding this month.

My husband's niece is getting married, but kids aren't getting married, kids aren't graduating from college anymore. Kids aren't able to have these career milestones because the people in front of them can't move up because the boomers won't retire. So they're walking around not swinging their arms. People aren't getting, they're not dating, they're not married, they're not getting pregnant, they're not having babies. We're not seeing kids have birthday parties. I mean people aren't being slapped by their now 1-year-old nephew.

I mean, he got me good. I'm telling you, I have beef with this cat. It didn't even make any sense. This cute sounds. I can't even be mad at 'em. I still got beef with them now. Alright, So, I mean, I just wanted to just put that out there because that's where I'm at with it. There's no, I don't really have a point. It's more of an observation. all right, I'm just gonna get off now because I don't know what else to say.
