Black Opinionated Woman

S4E131 Over 40 brain, podcast weirdos, etc

• Black Opinionated Woman • Season 4 • Episode 131

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Speaker 1 (0s): Okay. Good morning bows and bow ties. It's 5 34 M. Oh geez, I gotta stop that. Okay, sorry about that. So look, I just wanna talk about a few things. Okay? The first thing I wanna talk about is I have been scaring myself because I feel like I am like when I forget things. And so I'm like, does this mean dementia?

And I had to do a little bit of reading. And, they talk about like pre menopause, brain fog, that type of thing. Because I was like forgetting names of people. I was just like, this weekend my whole family called me out because I have seen my son throw away utensils before, right? And I'm like, where are all of our utensils? And then apparently I was doing something and I went to go take my boy and put it up and I threw my fork out.

I don't know why I threw my fork out. And now my husband was like leaning in on me like, oh my gosh, you know the real cop? I'm like, no, I'm not the bill culprit all the time, just this one time. But the point I'm making is this is like, it's been stressing me out that I'm like, why do I forget names? And like things that I would normally remember. I'd be like, oh, you know this person's name. It is really scary. And I'm like, I don't know how to fix it, but I'm like, fix it. Jesus. That's number one. This getting over 40 thing for the last couple weeks.

Okay, let's try this again. Getting over 40 thing. I'm well over 40. I'm 48, right? So like my lower back hurts me every day. So in the last few weeks, and I can't figure out what I did. So now my husband and I were talking about getting rid of our mattress. I mean like it hurts to like bend over and like, you know, I have a whole routine in the morning. I have like my skin routine, body routine, et cetera, right? And I don't like when my routine is messed up. Like I know it sounds so simple and crazy more than you guys wanna know. TMI. But like when you're done showering, you come out and you gotta dry your face with the one towel and dry your body with the towel and hold nine yards.

And when you're drying off, I like to get pretty good and dry so that I just like for my, I my body cream or whatever I use in my body to go on, like I don't like for its feel too lotiony. I don't know what it is. I don't like that feeling. So I like feeling, but, but if it hurts for me to bend over, okay, I can't, I don't know. Like I can't lotion up the way I want. And it was driving me crazy 'cause my lower back was hurting so much.

So when I go all the way down to my feet, I like to spend time getting on my feet. So now I'm rushing through the feet lotioning process and I hope my feet don't look like I've been cooking flour. Like I'm freaking Casper, okay? I like to be fully, fully moisturized. So, yeah, I'm on a struggle bus with this being over 40 thing, pushing 50, like my back hurts, I can't remember stuff. It's just like a whole nine yards and it's driving me crazy.

It is driving me crazy. Anyway, so I'm gonna leave it at that. Oh, one last thing. I wanted to take my breaths out this weekend, but my back was backing. So I was like, I can't, like I just need to just not, so now I'm walking around here like my looking psycho, okay? Because I couldn't do the self care I wanted. I know personal problems. Okay, so I'm gonna move on to these podcast weirdos. I don't wanna say they're new, but we have new weirdos, ladies and gentlemen.

We have some new ones and knows not the men who look like me, like me. It's those who are, and this, I hate having to go through a whole bunch of qualifiers, but I have seen over the last year or so this rise in Asian podcasters saying some shenanigans about people who like me. And over the last week or so, it's been crazy. I just saw, okay, so I'm not sure if many of you are aware of this, but there's this one Asian podcast, but I had never heard of them.

Her name was Esther and she was from under the Influence UTI, which is a weird name for a podcast. Or she was on air. I don't, I don't know, I've never even heard of that. But that had been surfacing over and over how she was totally dehumanizing women who look like me talking about the badge and you know what I mean? And what she thinks the size of it is based off of the type of men in the community. And, and like, it was just like so, oh my gosh, I don't even wanna repeat luck.

You've got already people dehumanizing us as it is sexualizing us as it is, right? But then on top of that, there was another one where like this former housewife was asking Cynthia about like black people and their hair growing. For those of you who remember Cynthia from Real Housewives of Atlanta, they showed a clip of Crystal from, she's no longer on Beverly Hills asking people like, does your hair grow like your wig? And like some ignorant kind of stuff. And I'm sitting here thinking like, you know how many people are wearing hair extensions and hair wigs all the time?

Black people grow a whole lot of hair. The problem is if they're trying to keep up with standards that are not meant for them, it's gonna totally damage their hair. But the fact that she was asking these kinds of, it's just like on and on and on a whole bunch of that. Like I'm sending, look, those of you in the Asian community, and I know that community is quite diverse, I would be careful of leaning into your pick me era because just like you thought that there would be more opportunities for Ivy League entrance or admissions, you saw what happened when you wanted to dismantle certain things that were put in place and you know what I mean?

Right? And now you're seeing firsthand what happens when you decide, yeah, I want to dismantle of affirmative direction or whatever it is, right? When you engage in certain activities, let me tell you something, you can be upon, you are a, a pawn to be used. You are not playing chess, you're playing checkers. I want to make it clear, you need to be careful of trying to denigrate a group of people.

I think it was a year ago, I, I remember seeing something coming across my feet where you had this Asian woman talking about telling everybody about beauty standards and don't line your lips or whatever when everybody lines your lips. Now I'm not a big lip liner or anything like that, but like she was going after people who look like me. And I'm like, why is it that there's this vested interest and constantly trying to, so-called punch down, I don't understand this. We already get it from the whacked out weirdos who look like us, right?

Like they don't even realize that they are being used as a pawn. So they think they're winning and they're not. But now I'm seeing this other group of podcasts, people trying to, and I don't know if there is like some looming threat of something. Maybe they feel like they're being threatened or some, I don't know what it is. So maybe they're like, well we gotta like recheck these chick. I don't know what, what's going on. Probably because I don't invest a whole lot of cycles in trying to figure that sort of thing out.

But it is kind of weird. It's just really weird. So I would caution, for those of you who are in the community, be careful about the kind of rhetoric you're putting out there. Be careful because all you're going to do is continue to highlight yourself more and you think that you're winning and you're not. You're gonna be used in a sophisticated pawn game. all right, so I'm gonna move on to football. My giants just suck so much. I mean like the ity of the stuckness is just, and it's like a race to the bottom between them and the cowboys.

At this point, I know this is gonna sound bad, but I just feel like don't even win another game. I want all, I want all of the draft picks. I just want 'em all like at least 16 in the first round. Can we get 16 first round draft picks? How many draft picks are there in the first round? I don't even know, but can we get 'em all? Like, it's literally at this point a race to the bottom. I don't know who's doing most Maybe the Panthers. Are they Jacksonville? I don't know. Are they the same as us? I mean at this point it's just a race to the bottom.

I hold the Cowboys win another game so that they, they stay at least two games ahead of us. But I just wanna make it clear. The Giants are just a horrible team. Like the, it is tough. Excuse me. you know, I walk around with my Giants lanyard, which still like cracks me up when people say, are you a bandwagon fan? I'm like, of a really bad team. Why would I pick a team where the ity is so real to be like a fan of, it's just so weird. Anyway, the giants are bad.

They're just a bad team. but I had to listen to my family, get their Hee Haws at my expense watching Quan Barkley in the Equals game because you know, my husband's an equals fan. One of my children is a Ravens fan. I think, but the rest are all Equals fans. And I had to watch Sequan Barkley, you know, practically do back hand springs in acrobatics on the field yesterday, which I'm not mad at. Went to the Eagles. I mean like it is what it is.

I'm not anti Daquan Barkley, but I had to definitely hear about like, man, he saved our season. What were you guys thinking? I'm like, we weren't, the Giants had, it's just bad. The Yankees imploded in game five. I'm like, New York is going down bad New York Liberty won their championship, which was somewhat controversial on that last game, but I'm glad they won. I mean, like New York is gone on bad. And I'm not, I'm from New Jersey, but I'm on this, I'm from this side that's closer to New York.

Nevertheless, I'm just, just over New York science. That's all I've got. I don't think I should even talk anymore because it's just disaster. but yeah, once again, I just wanna say to podcasters who think it's okay to get out here and try to punch down on black women. Be careful. You're gonna become nothing more than a cautionary tale. all right.
