Black Opinionated Woman

S4E132 Quick morning chat ... football, rest era, and more

• Black Opinionated Woman • Season 4 • Episode 132

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tiktok: @iamabowalways

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Speaker 1 (0s): All right. Good morning bows and bow ties. Last second decision to go live here. So I don't even have a thumbnail. I'll create that later. So I just wanted to chitchat 'cause I haven't been on in a while. you know, sometimes I take some space away from getting on social media. So I did finally start posting a little bit more again on TikTok. And now here I am. So you guys probably, for those of you who do follow me, let me just say I'm a Black.

Opinionated. Woman, also known as a bow. Sorry about the light situation. It's the way the light is coming in through my patio era, air era area. So I don't know, it's making everything here in the kitchen. It's just weird. So I look weird, which is probably normal. Let's get into it. Hold on. My kids are like really loud. I'm going to mute myself and take myself off camera for two seconds.

All right, I'm back. So I hear somebody coming down. all right, of course, it's my daughter. She's always frowning. Her face is gonna be permanently etching to frown. But let's move on. So I was taking a break, like I said. And then now that I've had about a week, this is like, was it post-election? And I know everybody's in their feelings still. And I'm more on the lines of similarly what everyone had been posting like on TikTok or anything. I had already been in that space. I'm like, don't ask me to participate in any more philanthropic things for right now.

Any more efforts for social awareness or anything like that. I'm like, I'm not doing it. I'm not. I have nothing to give. What am I saying is I understand that there are a lot of people who are upset because of the way the election turned out, and I understand, but I also feel like sometimes people be, there's this thing going around where everyone says that this is not our lesson to learn. It's for all these other groups to learn. Well, I, I would beg to differ. This is a lesson for us to learn too, in terms of sometimes and maybe even myself, sometimes we have to eat our own dog food in terms of like, you know what, sometimes it's we have to rest.

Sometimes they say you can show people better than you can tell them. Well we have to live by that too. So. yeah. While everyone's out there saying like, this is not our lesson to learn, this is their lesson to learn. Talking about all these other demographics who didn't show up in support and now they're quickly learning about the whole tariff situation, deportation situation. but I feel like this was a lesson for people who look like me too. You have to remember there are people who talk and then there are people who do.

Okay. So with that being said, like anybody can talk a good game, but I'm more of the like show me variety. So when I say I'm in my rest era, I'm like, look, don't ask me to help people educate people or seeing like that sometimes I'm like, you just gotta let things play out. I'm sorry, my allergies are the last two or three days they've been misbehaving. So you may see me, I took some medicine this morning, but you may see me go through it. Like you know all of that in your eyes and ears.

I'm like, you know, there's a lot going on here, But. anyway, I feel like everybody has a lesson to learn. I'm not interested in putting, I mean pointing fingers. There are a lot of people who are genuinely surprised about some of the things that's, that's been said and, and and what's to come. And you know, I am not, I remember I was talking with my stepdad and he said, I grew up in Mississippi. I've seen worse than what they think is happening right now. So he's kind of like one of those very like staunch, like he believes in God.

He knows what he's seen, he knows what he has come through. This man is in his late seventies, so he's like, oh, we're gonna be fine. There's a lot that's going to happen, but we're gonna be fine. And I kind of subscribed to to to that sort of thing. That's not to say that I don't recognize that there are things that are going to take place and that are starting to take place. There's a lot that's been said right now where people are feeling the effects of the impending tariffs.

Should they be put in place? There's people who are looking to divorce their hubs because of the concerns of getting rid of no-fault divorce. There are people who are concerned about women's health right now and the things that go with having all kinds of complications with pregnancies, whatever. I don't, no, no, no. So this is what I would say to people. I said, look, there are a lot of good people out here. Sometimes we don't realize they're blind spots. but I also like to remind all of these other demographics.

I'm like, you know, you've been hoodwinked on the affirmative action thing. So now you've got many of in the Asian community, suddenly on the one hand they were going to court And. they wanted to sue saying that, you know, affirmative action was harming them even though they had a significant percentage of the applicants and accept these into these Ivy League institutions. And once the affirmative action thing was dismantled, they quickly learned like, oh, when it gets my own interest, you get the same thing. For many of those who are part of the Latino community I think they're starting to see already with the mass deportations, you've got the people who are part of the, I would say Muslim Arab community.

They're seeing that suddenly that what they thought was gonna happen with the Israel V conflict is not what they think it was after this election. You've got people who look like me who are suddenly being reminded like, thank you for your vote. You're still not part of our group. And what I would say is, I know this is gonna be controversial. I do believe there are some people who vote that way and it's for reasons that may not be racial or maybe they don't understand subconsciously that it is because there are people who, I mean, there's people who are obviously doing it for those reasons.

And there's people who are like, no, but what about, I'm like, do you know how tariffs work? But you know, I'm not here to, to lecture anyone on their, their vote on me. I think people have the right to vote the way they want. They also have the right to the consequences too. So I just let people know that this was post-election. I said, look, I'm resting. Don't ask me for anything y'all, y'all wouldn't but I think the main thing was getting people to understand that although there are going to be changes, I'm like, the earth is still going to be tilted on its axis and it's still gonna continue to rotate.

That's not to say that I don't recognize those changes that are coming, but I select great last few days because I guess 'cause I serve a person that above me and I'm just a small portion of the population that can influence anything. So I just tend to wanna let things play out and not get too emotionally wrapped up in anything. The same thing I tell my kids in sports, I tell my kids, now granted, I know people are gonna say, I know she's not equating this, but I'm, I'm trying to make a comparison.

It's not like a good one, but this is what I would say. They've played games where it came down to the wire and it was really, really close. And there were times when they were on the wrong side of the score line, buzzer, beaters, whatever. And there were times when they played their sports, they were, they were on the right side of the buzzer beater. And I always try to remind them the way you feel right now, you will have this feeling again.

And it won't always be this way, whether you were on the winning side or the losing side. So, and that's part of the evolution of who you are as a person, how you grow. And I don't want anyone to think that I am making light of anything. That's not it at all. I'm just saying like, there, there, there are reasons why things happen. I do believe that God does not play with me. you know, I'm one of his favorites. So I think that things are, it's always gonna be whatever it is, his bill is gonna be done.

I don't know what this season of preparation is for. There's a reason why this is happening. I don't know. But it does mean no good to perseverate on all the things that may happen that have happened, all these things like that. You know, what you do is you just try to be smart. You plan, you do other things. You pray and, and you still have to, even though I haven't prayed for the lead or the income area, but you, you have to do all these things and hopefully people will make sound decisions.

But. anyway, I just wanted to get that off my chest. I'm gonna segue into South Africa for a second then I'm just gonna end briefly with football. I saw on TikTok, there was someone from South Africa saying like to all the people in the United States, I guess she was referencing people who looked like me. I'm not sure. She was talking about like, I'm sorry for what you've got going on, but don't come here. Okay, don't bring your problems here. We can't afford, we can't afford where we are right now. The cost of everything's high, this, that, and the other. So we basically, she's like say, we don't want your kind here.

And I'm sitting here thinking like the audacity of this woman. Nobody's trying to go to South Africa. I dunno why people from the continent think that there's gonna be this mass import of people who look like me coming to South Africa to stay. We are not, because at the end of the day, we know that although the continent is a place that we wanted to go, and I do plan to go visit the continent is a beautiful con continent full of these, these amazing countries that vary in and geography and culture and, and wildlife and and, and just everything.

We understand that the continent is a disaster. Now I want you look that sink for a second. Sit for a second. I know people are gonna get mad at me and you're allowed to be mad. They're a disaster. I think they're trying to get it together. But the fact of the matter is, I know that if I were to go there, I'm not gonna be accepted as one of them. Like ever. They'll take my money, they'll probably practice kindness because I'm a visitor. but I know that. Look, the people that come here, it's not like they're interested in helping people who look like me, learn the cultures, right?

We're not invited to their cookouts, right? We we're talked about we're mocked, we're all these things. They try to separate themselves from us, us even though we're, we are the same people, by the way, different culture, same people, different culture. But at the end of the day, I know that I would not be accepted in those countries. but I just thought it was interesting that this woman thought that she was just gonna make her, like she's tried to center herself. She tried to center South Africa in all of our turmoil over here, which I thought was interesting.

I'm like, lady, nobody is going to South Africa because of this election. I'm like, nobody's trying to move there. I'm like Africa in general. Y'all can't even get yourselves together. I can't speak for South Africa, but I know, like, look, you've got people, you've got China coming over, they're taking over your land. You've got Europe and China and everybody's just siphoning off your resources that you won't even get control over.

They're doing things to your women. There's a lot that's going on over on the continent. You don't even have control over your own area. You don't, your, your government doesn't even, it is just a hot mess on the continent, right? So on the one hand, we would love to be there and visit and we know we're not necessarily welcome. Like they're small groups of them going moving over to Ghana or some other places, right? And, they may or may not have made a life for themselves, but like, let's be real. So I'm like, I dunno why South Africa, or at least this woman chose to center herself as if we care about South Africa.

Like, we're like, oh, this election sucks. Let's move to South Africa. Miss me. all right, let's, let's, let's end this with football real quick. I just wanna talk about college football first. Like, I don't know how Georgia could just lose, like, I don't know what was going on. I'm like, it must be a good old boy network or something. Because I don't think that that quarterback was quarterbacking. I don't, I'm not even a Georgia fan, but I was just kinda like, what happened there? I thought, I just think that this, the, the college football is going to be really, really interesting.

This is gonna be a really interesting playoff. I'm interested to see how the 12 team playoff is going to do its thing. So stay tuned for that. but I just wanted to throw that out there. I was like, I didn't understand what was happening in that game. I was like, okay, this is a whole situation, but I, I'm happy for Colorado that they're doing well. 'cause people said that they weren't gonna be bull eligible and they're seven and two. So shout out to them. I wanna move on to the NFL real quick and then I'm gonna get off.

I'm trying to figure out if the Cowboys are competing with the Giants. I'm dead serious because we know it's a race to the bottom, right? So hang, hang, I'm live. I'm live sweetie. What? Just on the bagels. Okay, but I'm live so they can hear you guys. I I'm literally live so you don't have to eat something else. So there, there, there's bagel gate happening and my son is not happy. So anyway, I'm just like, is there like a race to the bottom?

Because I think that, okay, so he's going out into the garage to go get some waffles from the freezer. So I'm just like, hey, the door is still open. See, let me hurry up and get off because this is turning into dysfunction real quick. I think the Cowboys are racing to the bottom. Don't come over this way. There's a race to the bottom. The giants are bad. The Cowboys were like, we can show you more badness. We, we can show you more badness.

So at this point, I don't know if there's a race to see who can get the first round draft pick or what. But what I do know is at this point the Giants can't win anything And. they need to just go ahead and tank the rest of their season two so that we can get some draft picks. We need a new quarterback. I, I'm going back and forth on the, the coach. Everyone's like, oh, he's a good coach. I'm like, he can't coach this disaster. I don't know if it's him. I know the GM needs to be gone. We saw what happened on hard knocks.

but yeah, Houston on Thursday night, who, who played was Detroit I think it was, I'm having a brain down, I'm mixing all my teams, but the, the NFL was NFL all weekend. I was happy I was here for it. And I still stand by what I said, that Kansas City is still the pick to win everything until someone can prove that they can beat them. They can't beat them in any close games there I think these teams are not mentally tough. I know everyone thinks that it's gonna be Baltimore.

Baltimore has yet to prove that they can win any tough games. They can't do it. All that talk last year about how, oh, we just need for them to see if we can get ma homes out of his from not having like home field advantage. And I'm like, and then everyone had it And, they still couldn't do it. So I'm not rooting for them to win. No, no, I'm not rooting for them to win. I am, I am just saying I think that no one can beat them. So, all right, that's all I got.

I'm gonna get off of this because I don't know what my son is trying to do. I gotta turn off the Christmas. I have two Christmas trees up. I'm not sure if you could see that one. That no was kind of, wait, what am I doing? Yeah, you can't see everything's blocking it. That's the one that I let them put together. It looks how it looks. Situation seven feet. I just have everything blocked. I'm blocking everything and I have one in my front, but I like to be all white. all right. The situation is a situation. I need to go turn off this other Christmas tree and let my kids move freely since I am prohibiting them from making noise and moving freely.

all right, have a good one. Let me know your comments.
