Black Opinionated Woman

S4E136 Morning chat ... more bad podcast topics. Fugazee dude

• Black Opinionated Woman • Season 4 • Episode 136

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Speaker 1 (0s): Good morning bows and bow ties. I know it's been a minute. I didn't really have a whole lot to say, so I didn't really record a video. Okay, let me rephrase that. I always have a lot to say, but I didn't necessarily wanna come on and do a video. So you, excuse me. As you look at me in this video, I, my hair has these two braids. For those of you in podcast land, it's like two corn rows on the side and I had my hair pulled back in a ponytail for like two small corn rows and then a ponytail.

So I look like one gigantic face of booty or something. I don't know what's happening here, but it's happening. So anyway, so people are continuously reacting to, apparently there was this guy, now I, I saw the guy go on the, I think I even referenced it maybe a couple weeks ago, maybe just kind of like circular. I don't remember what I said. But the guy went on one of those podcasts and he was talking about, he was six foot four and he was like, like high value or something because he makes over a hundred K.

And I'm like, that's your criteria. So anyway, they continue to follow up on this dinga delay. So it comes out that this man who thinks he's everything he's going after women who I think he's kind of like dog whistling around black women. This guy, you know, apparently, 'cause I don't listen to his voca podcast, apparently he's, it's called no ese or ese, one of the two.

You know how I feel about those kinds of men but podcasts. So I typically like to, you know, scroll I, I swipe right. I don't like to put that in my fee. So I had seen the guy before, but I didn't really know him because I don't follow this guy. Okay. So apparently other people are reacting to this guy and I, I guess I don't know what he's yammering about, but apparently it comes out. Most of the rhetoric he has is don't date single women.

And he's really, it's like a dog whistle around black women come to find out all this stuff that he says about dating these single women and that and the other and don't play stepdaddy and all this other stuff. He's doing it with a white woman. Now, for me, I don't care that she's white or black or anything like that. I think the messaging was so hypocritical, like, you guys shouldn't do this. But I'm like, aren't you doing the very same thing? And clearly he doesn't like black women, but he likes to go on these podcasts and bash like women, single women or black women, whatever.

Right? And I just feel like the community is just so embarrassing because we spend more time now here I am dedicating cycles to it too. 'cause I feel like a hypocrite. But like we spend so much time hyper-focusing on these people who don't even matter. Like they're not even doing anything to benefit the community. They're taking their resources and everything outside of the community, but just fine. I mean like, because we're all humans and like, I'm not anti other races or anything like that.

I mean, and I feel like if somebody from another race is gonna treat you good, you should be with that person. You should not be locked into somebody from your race. I feel like they're all part of the human race. However, comma, I just feel like most of the people are doing it is they're doing it out of anti-blackness. Not just because, hey, I found somebody and he's amazing or she's amazing and treats me like a million dollars. Right? There's a lot of anti-blackness going on. So this guy clearly is a dingling.

'cause some of the stuff he says, like I, I don't follow it, but I don't even see the clips. But the thing that was tickling me, I won't say tickle, that's probably not the right word. It was just like the, the community will focus more on that versus the solution to anything. Like I really wish that we would focus on things like how do we, you know, combat food insecurities and how do we teach those who are in urban environments how to grow food from the house or I don't know, I just off the top of my head, instead, we focus on, can you guys see my two braids?

Yeah. Okay. Sorry, my little tail on the back. So I just feel like we spend so much time talking about why we hate each other and like, I don't know what is up with these guys trying to force people to see them as high value. We, nothing about them is or indicates high value, right? And I think perhaps the things that they value are not in line with reality.

So we focus on these people like the most degenerate people in society instead of focusing on things like how are we going to ensure that the community is highly educated? How are we going to ensure that we have access to medical care, treatment, preventative care? How are we going to combat food insecurity?

How are we going to, you know, ensure that we secure a financial base that will bring stability? How do we create more community banks and you know, the, such what kind of businesses can be create that are sustainable within the community and could get outside dollars just like we support other communities on a daily basis, but no one is supporting us.

Instead, we wanna get out here on this, these platforms and, and, and like just with these microphones and talk about why you shouldn't date a single woman single. And I feel like it's, it's so embarrassing because it's mostly the men getting out there. They claim that they're leaders and they're not, this is how you're leading the community. These are your, your primary talking points. Your only claim to be in high value is the fact that you have some genetics that made you six four.

I'm like, but your beard is big. You're walking around with braids in your head. Like, what is that, that is that high value because you make over k well if you live in the DC metro area, almost everybody makes that. That's, that's actually average. That is average. So I'm like, that's your good criteria for being high value. I don't know, I guess to me it's just so fringe worthy. I, I don't understand why we don't have collectively a sense of self-worth where we say like, you know what, I'm going to police what I say and we are going to gate keep our image a little bit.

Right. It is so embarrassing. I mean the secondhand embarrassing embarrassment that I, I face that I see when I see this stuff and I'm just kinda like, I mean it just took my breath away. But anyway, this guy, the no ese guy, don't ask me what his name is. I don't know, I'm gonna call him no bigga. So he is like the biggest hypocrite and I, I struggle because the men who watch him, especially if they look like Kim, that that that's who you're subscribing to.

Is that who you're also ascribing to be? Like, is that who you're looking up to? Like I, I I am done. Like, I'm like this is what what we're putting out there for our me. And I think he has like a whole lot of people who subscribe to him. I don't even wanna go out to this page. I don't wanna go out to this page.

And then you've got what else? Oh, so apparently I'm gonna, I'm gonna move on. I didn't know that Kendrick Lamar put out a new album this weekend and I've heard clips of it. 'cause you know, people are playing clips of it and you know, of course they're trolling Drake and Lil Wayne because Lil Wayne was upset that he didn't get selected for the Super Bowl. I mean I would feel snugged, but I would also be like congratulatory to Kendrick. Ken Kendrick had a monster gear, right?

And sometimes you gotta read the room and I know a lot of people are gonna feel some kind of way like oh this in New Orleans. And I'm like, I get it, but I'm like, I also get it. So at the end of the day, the NFL, this is the thing that kills me about people like me. They're so busy trying to police what happens on somebody else's product. I'm like, we sorry about that. That was my alarm. It just blacked out the screen for a second. This is what people kill me. We, we get on these platforms and complain about stuff that we don't have ownership in.

We do not own the NFL product. So those owners can choose whoever they want to perform at the Super Bowl. But then you get people who are so dumb and get upset when the NFL or people who, like we don't own these institutions in these products, in these industries, right? And so then it's like we are always looking for people to play nicely with their products and I'm like, you know, the thing, it's hard for me to explain.

It's just hard for me to explain. Anyway, let me move on. I think the biggest thing too is now I'm sitting here so I'm like, look at them trying to follow this truck. So anyway, sorry, I'm looking at the, the copper's trying to follow that truck so that that it's cargo is safe or something. I don't know. Anyway, so that's the thing that I was just sitting there thinking about like how you get secondhand embarrassment. Kendrick Lamar comes out with a second album.

He, he, you know, kind of like a little bit coded at like Drake and Wayne Wayne. 'cause Wayne Little Wayne is in his now he's in his feelings and I'm just sitting there thinking like, you need to stop being in your feelings. All of these people continuously remain upset over something that they don't own. It goes back to what I said about Kanye right now. I know he's like, I'm jumping topics but just stay with me for a second. Everybody thought he was so brilliant and he's still getting paid residuals from Aidas, AKA Adidas, you know.

But Adidas is a European company, so over Europe is Aidas. So the thing that I was trying to explain to people, 'cause they thought that he was just amazing and I was like, you guys sound so stupid. Kanye was a dingling. Yeah, he got paid A lot of money. I will not knock that from him. But he did not play chess. He was playing checkers. He should have been using all of that to help grow the his own. He did not create his own social media platform.

And so they were like, we will silence you because you don't own this platform. He did not invest in his own banking system. So I think if I remember correctly, it was JP Morgan and and company. Like they were like, yeah, your money's no longer relevant here, right? It's hard when you can't be part of a bank. You gotta be able to transact money. He like, he did not go out and establish his own manufacturing for, for these disease issues that I thought were ugly. You know? But what if you like it?

I'm not gonna say I love it. You love it. The point I'm making was he didn't even establish his own anything. And then he wants to get mad and said they're trying to remove a black man's billionaire status. No, you are the ding doll. You are the one who didn't, you know, do certain things. You chose to rest on people giving you access to their platforms. You just did it on a larger scale, but you did the exact same thing and then you wanna complain and say it was racial.

Well you can't go on their platforms talking about their people and think that there won't be some sort of consequence. And I'm like the nerve of black people, you own nothing. You take a residency in their industries on their platforms, their environments, talk about their people and then get mad, then their are retaliatory measures. And that was just kind of like you got all these people up in arms and I'm like, this is so embarrassing.

So anyway, bringing it back to Kendrick Lamar. Kendrick Lamar drop the record and he's yapp. Well, I don't know if it was, I only heard clips and you know, there's a little shot at, you know, Drake from what I hear from the way it was explained to me, I don't know because, you know, I'm not that caught up and you know, you know, he said something about like, you know, I think that Wayne could congratulate, I forgot what the line was, one of the songs and Little Wayne is now, I think he put out, I don't, I don't know.

I was just kind of like, this is so dumb. I'm like, what is it an insult that you, that you're not performing if it's in New Orleans? They kind of, yeah, but you don't own the platform. And Kendrick had a monster here. So I don't know, maybe I'm just on an island by myself, but I'm just kinda like, it is what it is. It is what it is. All right, I think I'm gonna take my camera off and turn my light off.

Yeah, I think we're gonna do that. So that's just where I'm at with it. I don't know why people continue to lose their mind over things that they cannot control. Create your own platforms. Create your own business, your own manufacturing companies or whatever. Create your own banking systems. Heck, create your own currency. Fraud. I care, I mean, I don't know who we use it, but like if that's, if you don't wanna use the dollar, then create the, the, the, the, I don't know, the easy, the easy, the easy KU coin.

I don't know. I just feel like people just don't see the bigger picture bigger. And I, and then I'm gonna round this up by saying that the community is so embarrassing between the Nofo Gazy guy, you got Lil Wayne in his feelings. I'm like, oh my gosh. Like I just feel like we are just destined collectively on a whole to remain a problem child that you have to always bail out.

I'm just over it. I'm over it. I just wish we would just like shut up sometimes. All right, I got that off my chest. I don't care. I'm curious to see what you guys think. You know, I'm curious, I'm very curious about this one. I'm sure you guys are probably gonna be like, yeah, I don't care. I saw a little bit of football this weekend. I mean football was footballing, college football got off. I didn't, I didn't see any of it for college football games.

I take that back. I fell asleep on the part of Colorado. But they were starting to get hammered early on and, 'cause I was busy parenting my children all weekend at their games and tournaments. So, but yeah, that's pretty much it. Go ahead. I hope you leave a lot of comments and forward it to everybody 'cause it definitely helps me get seen in an algorithm. Okay. And then make sure you're subscribing to the channel. Bye.
