Black Opinionated Woman
Black Opinionated Woman
S4E138 Drake and the red pill only fans haters
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Speaker 1 (0s): Good morning bows and bow ties. I am not on camera 'cause I just didn't feel like being on camera, but I'm gonna come on for two seconds. Look, I look my, my sister cut my hair down. Rol, it is so bouncy and everything. She cut some much needed inches off. But I am gonna come off camera so I don't have to car, have the car light on in the car and I can just drive. So you're gonna see my little like avatar picture.
Okay. So I had a good Thanksgiving and you know, I had some time I was gonna come on live and I decided not to, I decided to just really enjoy the weekend. But of course, you know, I had to get my hee haws and some of the shenanigans that was happening, right? And so once again, there was conversations centered around Drake and his lawsuit or potential lawsuit or whatever it is. I guess the UMG, which is Universal Music Group, right?
That's the record company, I guess that he is accusing of, I guess overly promoting Kendrick Lamar songs not like us, or that, that, at least that one in particular, right? Because that song I think was like the Ultimate salvo. The ultimate bullet that like really just took him out, right? Because there were all the other songs leading up to it, right? And they were scarring back and forth and oh, I, I, I didn really feel like Kendrick Lamar ultimately was just coming on the top, but I didn't really care that much.
This song they Not Like us was basically a universal pop and had everyone, all kinds of cultures singing to this song out. You know, you had so many memes, so many people making songs, so many people enjoying the songs also, not that this is Ken Lamar, but when was it, who was it, mustard or whatever came out with BBLD Drizzy. That was another one, right?
So that tag team really just took Drake out. Now what this reminds me of is when Denzel Washington, there's a clip out there from I don't know how many years ago, and someone had asked him about filming, I forgot, like did I just put on, oh, okay. I was like, I didn't put on cruise control. Someone asked him about filming, I don't remember what movie it was, but he basically said, you know, and I might be butchering the quote, he said, you know, you can have Martin Scorsese film Sindler's list and you can have, I forgot who else's film was it Good Fellows or whatever it is.
He said, but if you're this difference between Ms. Martin tries to direct and film send list versus I'm having a breakup versus the guy who did it, right? Because that guy was from the culture. He said the difference is culture because he's like, I can do certain things, but there's, there's, it's different when you have someone from the culture trying to direct something or film something or whatever, right?
And that sentiment, I think still resonates, right? And basically where I'm going with that is Drake is this guy from Canada who is not really familiar with Black American culture. He's, he's, he has proximity, I guess being from Canada, you know, bordering United States. But he grew up as a biracial man from Canada and oftentimes people from Canada like to separate themselves.
And I get it, you know, there's a large Caribbean influence there as well. And don't even get me started on that. There's so much I can say about that. But ultimately they like to separate themselves from black people, but they also like to enjoy the spoils of having that proximity to black culture. And so what this reminds me of is in Kendrick Lamar's songs, when he is talking about I am what the culture's thinking or something along those effects or that effect, you know, I get it.
And so now you've got Aubrey, AKA Drake wanting to sue the music company for some, for, for allegedly pushing certain music out there instead of just taking that out, right? Because the more he's fighting it, the more people are going to see him as the little B word. And I think what he's not understanding is there was a lot of cosplay he was doing right? He wanted to come off as this, this guy that, that that was really part of the culture.
He was this rapper, stuff like that. But it all came out that he, he has much of his music ghost friend allegedly. Everything's all alleged. And So, I mean, you have someone who's dealing with that. He's running into all of these urban areas syncing up with all of these producers and artists or whatever, basically, you know, And they call 'em a colonizer. I, I understand the sentiment. And it's not that people don't want other people, like, it's not like black Americans don't want people to appreciate black culture or hip hop culture.
But I also think that because there was no gatekeeping, they allowed for someone to appropriate their culture so long, he made more money off of the culture than the regular black folk and then tried to denigrate the people and some of the things that he says and, and, and all this stuff like that. And then when the people decided to stand and say, no, no, no, I don't think you understand Now there's a lot of whining and crying. Now he wants to bring in the law. And so what this does is further say this is not what the culture is because, you know, and a day, if you engage in any sort of rap battle or anything like that, then that, that was it, it stayed there.
Generally it stayed there, right? But I think he's missing the mark. I don't think he understands just how much of the culture he was not part of. He was, he was cosplaying the culture, right? And so there's a lot of parts of the culture I don't particularly care for, I'm just gonna be honest. But nevertheless, that's what he did. And so now that people like the gig is up, time is up, he wants to engage in the laws and that, that in itself, I'm like, okay, so he clearly does not get it.
And so this would be like a cautionary tale for those who wanna start gatekeeping. Black culture, like black music or whatever. I don't know. I mean, I, I think music is for the world, but I think this is a cautionary tale on how many people like, granted, I know that he was pushed by the industry, but a lot of people will allow for others to come and take what they have created. I mean, look what happened to country music.
Country music is no longer black, I guess. Now I don't have an issue with people enjoying country music. But the fact of the matter is, now if you decide you wanna make music in that genre and you don't look white, they're upset. The interesting thing about that is now, and I don't really care for Beyonce's country song, I'm sorry, this is a sidebar, but it's so funny how like when someone makes music in, in that genre, people will get mad. I said, well, first of all, the people who typically listen to that don't look like me, they'll get upset if somebody else is trying to make music in that genre as if they created it, right?
They, they will do that and it, but they will not recognize you. Now, I didn't think that Beyonce's song was particularly great in country music, but whatever. Whereas in hip hop, rap, et cetera, if someone else comes in the culture that doesn't look like them, makes it a little hit or something like that, we're ready to give them a whole bunch of awards. I look at Tyler, the Water Girl, right? Remember Iggy Azalea, Eminem, Eminem was a good rapper.
Of course, Drake look at, look at Bruno Mars. Even some of his language, if you listen to his, his his, the one song I think it just, I don't know, I'm just turned off by it, right? And we wanna give them all these awards up. Do you remember that time there was a tribute to Motown And they even let J-Lo participate in this tribute tribute to Motown. And you know, she cannot sing her, her only job is just to look pretty. That's it.
So what happens is we'll give people the keys to the kingdom and then when we want to engage outside of the so-called culture, even though we were the creators of country music, they get upset. So I think they should be a cautionary tale for those of you who didn't get it the first time. This is what happens when people are allowed to appropriate the culture And they get all the accolades and the financial backing, et cetera. Maybe they have the right shade.
I don't know, right? And then when, when we have these moments when we constantly have to rebump our head, you know, falling bump your head, call you, bump your head again, not so sensitive you, they're like, oh no, everyone wants to be up in arms anyway, I just wanted to get that off my chest about the whole drink saga. This is turning into a spectacle unto itself. He looks really silly. Now I wanna move on to these angry dudes. So recently there have been some videos or clips or whatever or there was talking about there are women who are making millions of dollars on OnlyFans, and you have a bunch of men who are losing it over it.
They're angry black men, white men. I'm just picking on the black men just because I can, I love them, but I have a bone to pick up. At the same time, there are people in general, I think men who are losing their minds over these OnlyFans women making a lot of money. And I'm like, And they typically belong in that red pill community. For those of you who don't know what that is, and I'm probably gonna butcher it, but it's a bunch of men who are whacked out weirdos who basically believe that women are not feminine.
They, they hate feminism. It's basically they want women to be traditional and it's just like a whole bunch of stuff, right? They don't want, they, they think that most women are, are, are just whores and all these other things. It's just, oh my goodness, it's a bunch of shenanigans. But the interesting thing about these gigantic black red pill guys, which is why I do not let that stuff infiltrate my channel, is much of what they have such disdain for is the everything that they're seeking, they want those particular women, okay?
So they want those women and they're angry because some of them can't get them, or they don't, when they do get them, it's like they wanna say, see, I told you this is what women are. It's really bizarre. It's just such a bizarre situation. Anyway, so that's what's going on with that now. So you got a bunch of men who are upset over only fans, women making millions dollars. I think one girl reported 46 million. And I, I, I don't remember, but I'm like, you cannot get mad at these women for making this kind of money until, until you stop patronizing them.
It's the men who are giving them this money. You're mad at them for making money. You are mad at these women for using their age old timeless tool in their gift test, right? In their, in their chest box, pun intended. All those things. And you know what I mean? And I'm not saying I agree with the lifestyle. What I am saying is these women are only doing what the men allowed them do.
Meaning they can't make all this money if these men are not patronizing them. It's like the very men that are complaining about these men, about these women are the ones who are patronizing these women. They're going into their, their spaces, like they, And they hate these women so much, And they hate that. They want these women. So now they're upset that women are like, you know what I'm gonna do?
You objectify me so much and this, that, and the other, I'm gonna make money off you. So now they're mad that these women are making millions of dollars. Let that one sink in. I'm like, you are the ones who are throwing the money at them. You're throwing the money at these women. I said, what? I said, so I I am at the point where I'm like, maybe you should just be mad with yourself.
But many of these men are, are not necessarily accountable men, right? There are excuses for everything, for their, their frailties, their failures. I don't know what more that can be said other than maybe they need to get on somebody's couch and figure it out. But I just thought it was interesting that you have a whole bunch of men who are complaining about these women making all this money, but they're the ones who are patronizing these women. And now what they have single handedly done is made sure that these women never have to depend on anybody.
It, it's what they're reporting is true. By the way, these women are now independent. They have used whatever it was that God gave them to elevate their status in life. I guess, I don't know, but I'm not sure why. Sorry for yawning. I'm not so sure why these people are so angry about OnlyFans women making millions of dollars. These men are so angry at them. I'm like, then why are you continuing to give them their, your money?
You are giving them the millions of dollars, the very thing that is driving you psycho. These women would not be able to make like the one lady who said she made $46 million if you weren't patronizing them. And maybe the, the, the issue you have is not so much to them. Maybe the issue you have is with yourself, the lack of self-control. You cannot really dominate these, these women.
You can't own these women. They have you coming back into their space. All right, so that, that's pretty much all I have. I should come on Pamper for two seconds just to say goodbye. And I think maybe I will do that. Maybe turn the light on in the car so you can see me. All right, look at my hair. Ew. I love how like light and fluffy it is. Anyway, so look, I'm the Black Opinionated Woman also. Hopefully you'll support this channel.
If you don't, man. Well, you, you don't, I don't eat off of this channel. This channel is not monetized. Maybe you'll get monetized one day by getting people to pay attention. I don't dedicate enough cycles to the channel to, I guess what I'm saying is I, my, my focus is not typically on everything pop news related, which is why my channel is the channel that it is, is based off of my opinions and thoughts. And it doesn't mean that I won't ever try to grow it, but I don't like talking about the same kind of topic every single day, which is how you would typically through your channel, because you create this niche, right?
I don't wanna sit here and bash men and women all day. I don't wanna talk about those kinds of things, right? Like the fact that we have channels with people who look like me and all they wanna do is either talk about like colorism beauty or this gender war. It drives me crazy. And this is the reason why we're stuck in a situation that we're in. So anyway, like the channel, 'cause I'm amazing in every way. You can do no wrong.
And then go ahead and subscribe, send it to all your friends. This is how you can help push me in an algorithm. All right? Oh, look at my hair. Isn't that cute? Ew. All right, bye.