Black Opinionated Woman

S4E140 My hypocrisy, CEO whacker, Travis Hunter

• Black Opinionated Woman • Season 4 • Episode 140

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Speaker 1 (0s): Good morning bows and bow ties. Is Monday 5:48 AM I, you know, it's dark out here when I'm driving. And so in order for me to record this video, I have to turn the light on in my car. And I'm thinking of coming off camera because I can turn my light off and I can still just record my video. But anyway, I just wanted to talk about these few things. It's just about how I'm, I'm kind of a hypocrite and the, the, the CEO pow power and Travis Hunter.

So let me just start off, by the way, for those of you who are neither my channel in the black opinion, native woman, also known as a bow, and welcome to the channel, but I think I am going to, I think it'll come off camera today besides my eyes feel puppy. So I'm going to go to my avatar. Okay, So let, let's, let's just jump right on into this. I wanna talk about My hypocrisy for a second.

So, and it's related to the man, okay? It's, there's multiple layers to this, right? But from a different perspective, well, not a different perspective. The man who popped off the CEO, the, the something denied, deposed whatever guy, when he put those words on the bullet that took out that man, you know, my first thoughts were, I feel bad for the kids if he has any, like, like the family, right?

More so the kids. Not to say that I don't feel bad for the wife, but I'm like, she's married to this man. But I also kept thinking like, you know, these ultra wealthy people right now are so driven by greed, and I don't condone violence. I do not condone violence. But it was hard for me to feel sorry for that man. And I, I'm a person who professes in being a believer, I believe Jesus Christ and everything like that.

But I had a hard time like drumming up a lot of sympathy for the man himself. I don't think he deserved to have his life taken, but it was hard for me to be, it's just, it was just hard. At the end of the day, I was more, I was more concerned about those kids, but I, I, I just kind of felt like these healthcare CEOs, it's not just the healthcare CEOs, but we're gonna focus on them because that's the topic today.

We could talk about any industry. So really, it's kind of like wash, rinse, repeat, right? I just kind of feel like when you're dealing, and he, I'm not saying he was a billionaire, but you know, when you think about like billionaires, right? There's no ethical billionaire, they say, right? I don't think there's an ethical billionaire because in order to become a billionaire, you have to, I, I don't know how you can possibly do it ethically, whether you're making a clothing product, a a makeup product, any kind of product. So I just wanna just put that out there.

You have to find markets where the, the economy is suppressed in order for, to make those goods in mass. So I just wanna start off with that, but now let me just circle back. I, these, today in the United States, our focus, I'm speaking for the US seems to be based off of making a significant pro profit, we are a very profit driven society, okay?

And so when you see someone coming in and popping off people, you can tell that there is like, like things are starting to reach critical mass, right? People are tired, they're angry. Like I feel like the country is on the verge of topping over the country is teetering. So you've got people who, when they heard this, I understood the snark, I understood the anger, I get it.

They're like, well, why do you want me to feel sad? Because see, you weren't feeling sad when I had my loved one, denied services and treatment and, you know, all these other things. But I think the reason why it was starting to really annoy me is because I think about how people like to pretend to be these ultra Christian people and run off of the good name of Jesus for offices and that type of thing.

But once they are in positions, their only goal is to support their shareholders. You know, I, I just feel like the only goal is to support the shareholders. So these people who claim to be Christian and all that stuff like that, but nothing about what's happening is very Christian. Like, I feel like these people are saying the right things in terms of trying to speak to the hearts and minds of people who tend to, to be that type of a person where all they can hear is if you say Jesus, then they're like, check, right?

Like, you're good, you said the name right? But they don't really practice a level discernment. And so now you've got these people out here who claim to, on the one hand, be these ultra Christians, but nothing about their policy or the rhetoric really matches. So when you've got a group of people who are angry at not, I, I, I get that. So I'm not saying that, no, like, I'm not saying this man should have gone and, and, and whacked off this dude, but I understood why people were like, Hey, if I saw something, I didn't see anything, right?

Because my, my coverage is so shady. I think my eyes are blurry. You, you won't even get me vision coverage. Like, I, I get why people are saying, well, like even if I saw something didn didn't see anything, I can't be so sure because I can't go get my eyes checked or whatever. You know what I mean? I get it, I get it. And I'm not saying it's right, but I just find that I was a hypocrite in terms of how I should have held, held so much remorse for this man.

And yeah, I, I struggle. I was like, I'm not doing any action. But I was just like, oh, the poor kids, that, that's all I could think about. And who knows what kind of person this man was, who his children, now there's all kinds of rumors and stuff out there saying like, well look, he was cheating on his wife and all this stuff. Even if it's true, I don't think he deserved to be like execution style, like, behind the back, like either to be however, comma My hypocrisy.

I just struggled with having a whole lot of remorse. I was a full on hypocrite. Like, I was just like, oh, well, you know, hey, bad things happen to people every day. You know, like that's, that's where I was with it. And I know I need to do better, but I'm kind of still in that space and I need to ask God for forgiveness for me. But fact of the matter is, this man, you know, was the head of a company and I actually have United Healthcare Insurance, by the way, but I have not had that experience that other people have had.

I guess the company I work for, make sure that we can, you know, whatever. But I also haven't had to deal with a lifesaving illness at this point. I'm just being honest. Our medical care has been my experience, but I also pay for certain things because I'm capable. So I can't claim that for myself. However, I hear from people all the time who have certain, you know, things going on, whether it's with UHC or Blue Cross Shield or whatever, or Aetna or whatever like that.

And they're like, do you understand what I mean? But anyway, so this shooter who in the eyes of some people, I feel like he's like some sort of hero. And I don't know if they're moderate, if they're moderate this man, he was definitely wrong for doing it. But like I said, I can understand why people aren't like really all that apt to help out. And I'm sure there's always somebody who's willing to, to, you know, turn this man in. But what makes it so interesting, the irony of it, and I don't know how true this is, so I'm just gonna say allegedly, when this man was, was taken out, they were showing, now I was on TikTok, so I I did not fact check this.

I did not, these are not facts, okay? This is, I saw something, I just thought it was interesting that people were posting that they had already posted his job. Now it seemed almost, I don't know if it was real or not. I I'm going to say it wasn't. I don't know. But if it was true, that's just more insult to injury. Like, you know what? These people do not care about us. They don't. But a lot of people will put their faith, let me tell you, like I've looked at these sick Americans out here.

They put their faith in a person, they idolize people And they idolize the notion or, or this system of being like, like this idea of America. And for people who claim to be so Christian, they also talk about in the Bible, like, you don't wanna have these false idols. And right now in America, that, that false idol, you got this one guy who thinks that he's, I think he thinks he's like a dummy God. We've got the dollar that is being worshiped, okay?

So it's profit over anything. These, these CEOs do not care. 'cause even if they had to get care, they have the money where they could just pay out of pocket. They don't care. Their job is to put money in the pockets of these other CEOs in, in, I'm sorry, these shareholders. So the way I see it is this gun, this gunman was almost, he represented something, he represented a lot for people.

And look, I feel like we're on the precipice of something here, because I think we're just getting started. 2025 has not even come yet, right? There's a lot that's gonna be like, wait until, wait until the education system, like I find it interesting that people wanna get rid of the department of of education. It's the, and the poorest performing states are in red states. And just for the record, for those of you who are probably wondering, I'm not a Democrat.

I'm not a Republican, I'm a registered independent. I, i on certain things, I'm left leaning on certain things, I'm right leaning. I will say this, wait until the education stuff really pops off. Like right now, there, there are people who are struggling to get into college, right? I'm listening to this book called What? Pay, pay, the pay, the, what the fuck am I listening to? I don't wanna hop out of this because then it's gonna probably pause the video paying for college or pay to play, or I forgot what it is.

It's like a white cover or whatever like that. But there are people who are barely making it. And now watch what happens when there is this huge chasm in terms of those who are educated and keep in mind, 'cause you're not, people cannot afford to be educated, but wait until people see what's gonna happen when a lot of these people are no longer gonna have access to education, right? Because the people who are going to be educated are gonna be aware of many of the trends in industry and that type of thing.

And they're gonna learn how to pivot. They can never take away your education. They can never take away your ability to understand new systems. And like I've said in other video, people seem to think of systems as something that's technical. And I want you to listen to me. Systems are educational. You have educational systems, social systems, computer systems, medical systems, educational systems. And a lot of people are not catching that. So we've got a bunch of people saying, just tell everybody, go to the trades.

Nothing wrong with the trades, but I'm telling you right now, we're creating a further chasm of further division of the haves and have nots because there are gonna be people who will no longer have access to education. So anyway, we got these ultra Christians out here who seem to think like, oh, we wanna do this and we wanna do that. And I'm sitting here thinking like, you have no idea what's going to happen, you know? Anyway, I just wanted to put that out there.

I know I'm a hypocrite because if I claim to be a Christian, I should be feeling bad about this guy. And I'm, I'm struggling with feeling bad. I'm kind of like, I feel bad for the children, but at the end of the day, these guys don't care. Now let me move on. I wanna talk about the Travis Hunter thing for a second. So, you know, for those of you who know me or don't know me, because I do have like one or two people who actually listen to my channel, who know me, I was out of town, so I haven't been able to get on anything really.

But I was able to catch up early this morning before I got up. But didn didn't catch up. I was on TikTok actually, and I saw a clip of Travis Hunter fiance, the so-called fiance making comments about how he wasn't even her type and all this other stuff. Now I'm looking at Travis Hunter, and for those of you who don't know who he is, he is that b om out of Colorado, who is a candidate for the Heisman Trophy.

He, he can, he's like a two-way player. He plays under Dion Primetime Sanders, and he gets to play alongside of Shado and Shiloh Sanders on the Colorado Buffalo football team. So Travis Hunter started off following Prime to Jackson State, is an HBCU. And he was like a, I think he was like the number one recruit, or he was the top recruit in the nation several years back when he came outta high school and they thought he was gonna go to a Power five, but Prime convinced him to go to Jackson State.

And then after they left Jackson State, they went to a Power five and he followed him to a Power five, et cetera, et cetera. And the rest is history. All right? I look at this young man with all the talent in the world, so like this, this, this fiance gets out there, she's like, I was not attracted to, not attracted, lemme phrase that she said that he was not her type, he was in my dms, her months and all this other stuff. And I'm sitting here like, this is how I know our people are still conquered.

We are conquered individuals. The, the, this, this young man is a future star. I mean, he already has the nil, the NIL monies and the, the, the all the goods, right? And this woman, as some people would call her a preference or whatever, she's, she's, she's not me, I'll, I'll leave. That made it clear, oh, didn didn't want this cat and he had to grow on her. And this man chased this woman, and I'm pretty sure her friends told her, do you not know who you're dealing with?

You're dealing with Travis Hunter. And now all of a sudden they're young and they're engaged, and I'm like, all it's gonna take is for him to secure the bag in the NFL. They'll get married or they don't even have to get married because you know how this is gonna go, she's going to end up pregnant. Now, I know this is gonna sound really messed up, but we're gonna name it, we're gonna call it thing a thing. And look, like I said, if you don't like it, it's, it's okay for you guys, if you don't like my opinion, they're called opinions in their minds, my channel.

But I look at this young man who has all the, the potential in future, and I guess everybody's calling people preferences now, but his preference who made it clear, he did too, was not into him. Now, for those of you who are unaware of the aesthetic of Travis Hunter, when you look at this young man, he reminds you of a Lamar Jackson, he is not a traditionally attractive man, and he doesn't really dream himself.

Similarly to a Lamar Jackson quarterback of the Baltimore Ravens, you know, I don't know how you market someone like a Travis Hunter. I know, like with Lamar Jackson, it's tough because he can't speak, right? He looks crazy. He's not polished. He, he, he can't understand what he's saying. He's a great physical talent. So when you see somebody like a Travis Hunter who does not groom himself, and he's not traditionally attractive, right?

And you're having to stay in the dms of certain types of women And they made it clear you're not really what they wanted, but all of a sudden now they want you, that should be a red flag. And I, I find it interesting that these men will chase after something other than who they are only to set themselves up for disappointment and, and to be used. And then they start hating women. And then somehow it'll turn around. It'll be blamed on black women.

But yeah, I suspect in the next couple of years, I don't even know the girl's name. She's gonna be pregnant. Heck, she may end up with twins all I know, but she's going to be pregnant and she's gonna be so happy for their future together. All she is waiting for is for this man to sign. This is just my opinion. Allegedly alleged. Alleged, alleged.

I don't see how this is going to just be them having this love story. I don't get, I didn't get vibes that this woman really loves this guy, and I don't think he knows what he's doing. But let this be a cautionary tale to Travis Hunter. Hopefully he has people surrounding him. I hope crime is really talking to this man and making sure that he knows that he needs to have a good prenup for the lawyer and some, some, some sense because this girl told you I was not into this man, he was not my type.

And she has said everything about this dude, and he's chasing after her looking the way he does. And I mean, he doesn't groom himself, right? He needs to get his teeth fixed. Like, and this is not a knock on the man because he's a great talent, but when you're not a traditionally attractive man chasing after something that you think is like the top tier, I'm just sitting there thinking like, dude, read the book. So I'll say this, I mean, you know, we've seen this before. We've read this chapter, we've seen this story.

I just hope this young man has people around him besides prime letting him know, like, you have got to, to, to protect yourself. This woman, I really believe is going to wait for him to sign something in the NFL, especially if he wins at the, the Heisman. Oh my goodness, I'm pretty sure she's going to be pregnant If I were young and with some guy, oh my goodness.

Especially, I mean, and especially if I loved him. I don't know how she feels about him. I mean, she's been with him for a while, but I could, oh my goodness, I'm like, look, we need to have some children. I know that sounds bad, but no, I, I'll jokes aside, semi joking, I'm sitting here thinking like, you, you already know what's gonna happen. She's gonna track this man. Now I never did that type of thing. Well, I wasn't out there like that, but like I never did that type of thing. That was never my, my thing. I mean like there are women who are out there like that.

God, God bless him, but you know, she's gonna come up pregnant. It is what it is. And then he's gonna be dealing with all the court stuff unnecessarily. That relationship. I don't know what's gonna come outta that relationship. He's too young to be engaged to somebody. And the fact of the matter is, if he didn't have that talent, you know, would he be engaged in anybody right now If he didn't have that potential to make a lot of money? So anyway, I don't know, good luck to that young man and hopefully he will have someone talk to him and protect him and you know, look out for his best interests and we'll, we'll see it at that.

But, alright, so let me know what you guys are thinking. You guys never leave really enough comments and it'll be like a month or two later and I'll be like, did I say in that video? And I'm like, now I have to respond to something. I'm like, that's so old. But anyway, let me know what your thoughts are, make sure you're subscribing and I'll catch up with you next time.
