Black Opinionated Woman

S4E142 Travis Hunter, NBA Sucks, Bad podcast topics, etc

• Black Opinionated Woman • Season 4 • Episode 142

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Speaker 2 (0s): Good morning. I really don't want to be on camera because I'm tired and I feel like you can just see the under my eyes, like, but good morning, it's Monday. I wanna talk about Travis Hunter. You know, for those of you who don't know, he is that phenom out of the Colorado buffaloes on that particular team in college football. Well, he just won the Heisman Award this weekend.

I'm gonna come off camera. Hold on. He just won the Heisman Award. Okay. And I was happy for that young man. I mean, he was just such a great talent. But I just feel like he is obsessed with this fiance person. And I kind of like, I'm, I kind of like torn because I'm like, look, let him learn. It's his life. He'll learn. But at the same token, we've got men out here trying to warn him and he's not taking heed.

So the way I look at it is this, the, the lady that he's calling his fiance, I mean, we all can see the red flags, right? But I kind of feel like, you know what, sometimes you just gotta let people learn. So you've got all these young men out here trying to give him this advice that he doesn't want. He doesn't want it. The fact of the matter is, this girl has his nose wide open. We see the red flags of everything he doesn't.

So I just kind of feel like, let this man go ahead and knock this woman up real quick because she's gonna be pregnant soon before he's done with college. Just in case he goes into the NFL and finds somebody else, she's gonna be pregnant by this man. She will have a tie into this man. I think that everyone needs to just calm down and it's going to be what it's going to be. But I will say we should just congratulate this young man because he achieved something that was really difficult.

And, and it looks like Coach Prime took care of him in a way that he was ready to perform on and off the field, at least from what I hear. I don't know all the facts, but congratulations to Travis Hunter and I suspect you're gonna be a daddy in the near future. Oh my goodness. I know that sounds bad, but like, I, I, I, I, I always vibe for these young athletes that look like me because they're so, like, they're not used to being told no 'cause of their talent, but they also are in such need of love and guidance because like they, they, many of them come from these broken homes except for basketball.

Basketball's a bunch of privileged kids. This is the perfect way. I'm gonna segue into basketball. I think the reason why I just don't enjoy the NBA is just because it's like a bunch of kids now, I don't have any facts, but like these, these, the kids are coming out now, they're like, they're like the offspring of parents who played in the league. I don't have all the data to support this, but I'm just going based off what I think I've seen in some of these like, like high schools and, and colleges and stuff like that.

And of all these kids, like, I just feel like they're just all manufactured. Like there's no hunger there. These kids, these young men are just products of like, either like these parents who played in the league or who were already successful, maybe overseas or whatever. Like these are the kids who just have the money to have all the training, right? I'm sure there's all kinds of talent out there that is not able to get to all of like the training and this, this, that and the other.

So I just see these kids who have had this trajectory because daddy was able to get them this, this opportunity, right? I, you know, and that's not to say that they didn't take advantage of it and work hard, except for maybe like Brian, of course. But I still even think he worked hard. He worked hard and I think he had a setback because of his health issues. But, but I see these kids out on, on TV and I just feel like back when I was growing up, like the ones who were going into these professional sports, they wanted to play the game.

They wanted to like win like the Super Bowl and the NBA like championship ring and stuff like that. Now we got people in football walking off the field. We've got basketball, which I think is ridiculous. You got everybody's like load management, everybody's shooting with free, which makes it so boring. It's just like a high scoring, boring game. Like, I'm sure somebody likes it, but I just can't watch it. And the product is just so bad.

Like people don't play any defense at all. It's just so bad. Like, and people like the NBA doesn't seem to get, like, you gotta remember women watch sports too, and they're gonna spend money. Those are the ones who are gonna spend money, right? And so it just, it's just a turn off. I see so many threes. I don't watch it. There's no defense. Why even have an All star game at this point? It's just so bad. Like, I think they should just have an all star game between a G League and a freshman.

And that's it. Like, that's just where I'm at with it. The, the major stars just suck so much because they, they just, I don't, I don't know what they're doing, but the product is so bad. We don't have any homegrown stars. Like it's become like the international game. I feel like the NBA should remain the NBA and let the international game be the international game, right? And then when it's time to compete for international titles such as like the Olympics or whatever, then you adjust to the international game.

But our game here in the states should be the NVA period. We don't have like these stars anymore. Like look at Zion Williamson. He is like a full on Snap Aus, snap Aus. He's big, he's lazy. He got Joel. And indeed, he sounds like he's slow when he talks, he's unkempt. He's always injured. I'm just kind of like, look at the stars. They, they, they, they are unavailable.

They're unavailable. So now you've got these tickets that are high priced. You got, you've got a fan that's hoping to come watch their, their favorite stars play. And they show up and they're like, Nope. They're being load managed. There's no defense. They create all these super teams all the time. And on top of that, they get these ridiculous contracts. And once they get these contracts, people wanna play. Look at what happens in the NFL. A lot of these quarterbacks get these contracts.

And then it's just like, I don't know, I'm just like turned off by all of it. I, I mean, you know what I've been watching when I get a chance, honestly, and everybody's gonna be like, I can't believe you were watching this. I prefer to watch women's basketball over the NBA. And let me tell you something else about the men's basketball in college. I'm actually prefer women's college basketball too. I can't tell you who's, who's a star in, you know, the men's game in college.

I have no idea. I can't tell you one guy, but I can list off women's stars. I mean, you got Hannah Algo peach backers, Juju, you got Flager, you got so many people. Heck, you got South Carolina in general. Just just say South Carolina. 'cause that whole team is just amazing. You got Haley Van Lith out at TCU, you know, so the way they're marketing the professional games at this point, it's just lame.

But especially the NBA, the NBA is trash. It is so bad I don't watch it because I, I just can't, like you got a few good men. Ha you have a few good men left in, in the NBA who care, but the rest of these guys, they are just, they got their money and now they get to just walk around with this notoriety. I, I'm just turned off. So anyway, I I I just feel like the product is bad in the NBA, the, the NFL seems to do a better job, but even still, once these guys get their $250 million contracts, they are like trashed.

Like they can't do anything. And that's NFL and the NBA. I think the only thing that halfway saves the NFL is that a lot of these contracts aren't fully guaranteed. Like a portion of their contract is guaranteed. When you have a talent in the NBA, such as like a Zion Williamson, he's too busy eating like a too fe or whatever it is. He's eating down in Louisiana. He is big. He's a full on settle up against. And I'm like, you should not be that big. This, you're in the prime of your life.

And you mean to tell me you can't, when I say show up, I mean, not just physically, but I mean like you show up for your team Joelle and beat all these other people. I'm just so sick of it. But anyway, those are my thoughts and I'm gonna segue into my last topic and then I'll get off of this. I'm seeing a bunch of things pop up again, like, because I'm like, I don't know what it is about the algorithm that just loves to find me, but like, y'all gotta get off these podcasts.

These dudes are out here clowning right now. They, they, they're trying to sound so intelligent. And I'm like, you know what would serve the people? Stop talking about men and women. Talk about financial security. Talk about real estate. Talk about stocks. I know my kids are starting to get into stocks, talk about something else. But to see these men get up on these podcasts, talk about their fake leadership qualities, I'm like, what have you done?

I'm gonna circle back to the Kanye thing for a second when everybody's going hard on Kanye. And then people got mad at me. They were, they were going hard for Kanye. I take that back when Kanye was going through his mess and I was like, I felt like I was on an island. I was like, I don't know why you guys don't see the writing on the wall. Kanye is a weirdo. He's out here saying, y'all are just trying to hold a black man down and try to take away his billions. I'm like, no dumb dumb. When you were in position, you did not go out and create your own social media.

You did not go out and create your own banking system. You did not go out and create your own manufacturing. What you did was you lent your name and yes, as profitable as it was at the end of the day when they were done with you, they were done with you. They were like, your money is no longer good here. I think it was JP Morgan Bank, they invited him to leave the bank. Hey, they can silent. They silenced him at one point on social media. He didn't own anything when they wanted him to get gone. He didn't have anybody to take that, that that easy or whatever, and to manufacture this shoe.

And so when I said, everybody's like, he's just so brilliant. I'm know the effort. He is not, he has nothing more than a marionette, an expensive marionette, but he's a marionette. They pulled those strings on him and he was jumping and hopping. And so now they're like, oh, he got paid out. I'm like, well, he did, but he was in position to do more. And so when I to these men get on these podcasts, it is like they suffer from secondhand embarrassment because they are trying to sound so prolific at talking about men and women relationships.

I'm like, none of you have good relationships. Shut up. Talk about something else. Bring someone on to talk about like, this is how we are going to create financial security. This is how we're going to help ensure our economics viability in the future. This is how we are going to ensure our health in the future, our our, and then make sure they come up with alternatives for education. You've got these states that are out here trying to rewrite history.

They're gonna have revisionist history, like rewrite, take out all the things like the real black history. It's already happening. And so how are these kids going to get that education? Because there was a time back in the day when people got it in the church, but now black people are too good for, for religion and, and in church and all that stuff like that. Black people went from fighting for their right to vote to now talking about they don't wanna vote at all. And a lot of that was done in the church. Now that's not to say that the church is perfect because the church is clowning too, but I'm like, we, I see these men get up on these podcasts embarrassing themselves with their ugly beards that need to be cut off and, And they are not, not making any sense.

They think that they're speaking something so prolific and it is so embarrassing. It is so myopic in their point of view. And it's just so like, based off of nothing. And to see a group of people continuously get up on these stages and talk of like trying to sound like they are pontificating about something. They are, they have, like, they don't have relationships that can even hold water. They promote things that are so harmful to the community, whether it's, you know, sleeping around or don't get married and all this stupid stuff.

And I'm sitting there thinking like, it's all about what can you do for me versus how do we go together? How do we love each other? And it has to be mutual, but mutually beneficial. But the, the podcast topics are so stupid, stupid. If you start focusing on some of these other things, doing good things, you don't even have time to sit there and worry about what man is sleeping with what woman and vice versa. But instead they'd rather get up there on these podcasts with their bad, weird old beards.

I don't know why they're trying to do this beard thing, but just so ugly. They get up there with these weird beards and you got women who's happy. These women sound like dodo birds themselves. They get up there And they think that they're just like dropping knowledge. And I'm like, they all look silly. The women too. The women too. You've got women out here talking about, you know, loving themselves and all. So everybody, I'm like, girl, you cannot talk to me until you start wearing your own hair talking about selfcare.

You're ripping out your edges and carrying on. I'm just like, y'all are out here clowning in these streets. It is so embarrassing. The secondhand embarrassing thing. But y'all, I mean they going to get up on these podcasts. Well, I'm just picking on the memory right now, especially with the beers. But really everybody getting up on these podcasts, talking about the stupidest and y'all know, I'm trying not to cuss because this is a family channel. But when I'm not on these, when I'm not like videoing, I do have a really bad mouth and I'm trying to get delivered from it. I'm not doing a good job. Nevertheless, they get up there on these stupid podcasts talking about dumb stuff like, you know, high value stuff like that.

I'm like, none of you are high value. None of you, none of you. It's ridiculous. Anyway, these are just my opinions. We've got a whole situation coming in the future. And I, and I'm gonna say it again, I say it in my videos whenever I get a chance, I want y'all to listen to me. We need to be educating people on systems. There are economic systems, there's education systems, there's medical systems.

Our whole body is a system. Of course there's computer systems, there are social systems and it's all connected. Instead, we've got people out here wanting to she our behind hind parts on the stage and rap about silly stuff and, and, and then sit up on somebody's stage and ate as if they like the authority on relationships. When our kids are out here as a dumb, as a box of rocks, you got people like, oh gosh, like they're oh, oh, there's just so much.

There's just so much. Instead of talking about things that matter, they want to continue to talk about black men and black women love. I'm like, maybe y'all need to be talking about what it's truly like to start loving yourself. First of all, many of you need to start loving that skin. That goes for the women too because a lot of people are always getting on the men saying men don't like their skin. That's why they're getting women who don't look like them. None do to black women. The black women don't like their skin either.

I said it, they don't like their hair, they don't like their skin either. And if you think I'm lying, all you gotta do is watch a whole bunch of get ready with me of these women out here trying to put on foundation that doesn't even match their skin. I'm like, that's not their color. They go put on somebody else's hair Now Brandon, I'm get ready to go braid my hair up soon. So here's my full on hypocrisy. But like, they, their, their concept of what makes them look beautiful to where somebody else is bust down, wig a 24 inch bust down and then they're mad 'cause they have no edges.

'cause they don't ripped out all their edges. Miss me. Now look, I don't want y'all getting mad at me. I mean, you're allowed to be not, but you can't argue with me. Go argue with your mama. I don't know, don't argue with me. These are my opinions, but something's gotta change. I wish people would stop patronizing these stupid podcasts so people can get up there and claim that they like, like, like they're their authority on love. Women woman up there trying to act like they're super classy.

And I'm like, you got 5 million tattoos all over the place. Where can somebody take you? You can't. Oh gosh, you got five different pounds of, of somebody else's hair in your head because you don't even like your own hair. And that's not to say that wigs are bad, by the way, but you can't tell me it's a protective style. What are you protecting it from? If you're always wearing it? It, it's not, it's no longer a protective style. It's your style. You don't want to wear your hair. A protective style is something that you use as a temporary.

If you're going swimming, blah, blah, blah. Doesn like, miss me, women up there acting like they're the most classiest thing. I'm like, y'all look ridiculous up there. You got men up there with these non connecting beers or these ugly beards that are missha And they look like they're nasty 'cause they're too overgrown so they don't look clean. I who, it just looks so weird talking about, I'm high value. I'm like, shut up. You can't be, if you gotta walk around telling everybody you're high value. I mean, I go back to differ now.

Here comes my hypocrisy. Y'all need to stay off those podcasts. Stay off of everybody's YouTube videos and podcasts except for mine. You need to watch all of my videos. Watch all of them because they're all prolific, they're all amazing. I'm practically perfect and everybody could do no wrong. I would love to hear what some of you guys have to say. You know, I don't know why I went on that little bit of a rant. Maybe it was the Travis Hunter thing that set it off. 'cause I was looking at that poor baby.

I was like, Lord Jesus, he'll learn. I can't lose sleep over it. But I'm getting ready to get off of here because I don't know, I mean, I could talk about all kinds of things, but I think I made my point. There's more things I wanna talk about, but I, I should probably just cut it here. So, all right, I'm not on camera because I don't feel like having my light on in the car while I'm driving. And so, oh, I guess I should come on camera and just say goodbye. Let me see. Hold on a second. Get myself together.

Hey. All right. So look, you guys have a good day. It is rainy out here in the streets. I'm gonna drink this coffee and that. That's all I've got. All right. Leave a comment, subscribe, send it to all your people. Send it to everybody. Everybody. And then leave a comment. Yeah, leave a comment, share it, say something, subscribe. All that good stuff. All right, bye.
