Black Opinionated Woman

S5E2 Walmart Birkin, Travis Hunter, light skin with kinky hair

• Black Opinionated Woman • Season 5 • Episode 2

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Speaker 1 (0s): Hey there. I generally do not like driving now with my lights on and stuff, so I'm probably gonna come off camera for a while. So don't be mad at me, but I just want you to know I'm a real person and I'm just taking various different routes to work today because I feel like being froggy. But anyway, let me come off camera, okay? So I can turn my light off. It's early. It's four something in the morning. So look, now this is post Christmas, and let me tell you, the internet has been getting off.

First I wanna talk about, let me just round up the Travis thing and move on. The, the, the Travis Hunter has been bullied off the internet, not internet. The internet. They bullied that man off of the internet. Now, I, I predicted that if she did not keep her hooks into this man before he goes off, she will come up pregnant or whatever. But let me tell you, y'all are, look, the internet is some nasty work. They went and scoured the internet for all of the old content of this lady, of his, I I think they're no longer together, former fiance, let me tell you.

They have videos of her, I guess, dancing, very provocatively suggestively with other men who supposedly she's with this guy and oh, it's just a mess. And so they, people are like imploring him to get rid of this woman. I say let him do what he wants because many of the men out there, they, they can't be safe, right? You gotta let them go through what they gotta go through. They bind their, their, their preferences and let them run rough shot and get upset, And they lose half their fortune.

So, but what I do like is how these men, at least were trying to teach this young man something. I think he did finally let her go. But let me tell you, it's nasty work out here. I mean, look, we saw the red flags. This young man was in love with this woman, and until confronted with irrefutable evidence, he was not gonna get rid of that young lady. I'm not saying he should or shouldn't, I'm just saying, Hey, you see what's coming down the pipe. But anyway, good luck to Travis Hunter.

Hopefully he has a successful career and maybe he'll find somebody who will treasure him. So, yeah, enough of him. What else did I, what is the title of this? I think I called this Walmart Birkins Travis and the Light-Skinned Girl, whatever. Oh, So let me just say this. I saw on my for you page on TikTok, there was a light-skinned girl who was, he was this very pretty girl, but I guess she's upset because she's feeling like she's not meeting the, I'm gonna call it the light-skinned black girl standard because she has kinky hair.

I'm just like, our people cannot be saved. And maybe because I'm not so caught up, I mean, you guys see how I wear my hair in all kinds of, of ways. I mean, right now I have my hair straight and my hair's gone and it's straight. I'm wearing it straight right now. So the curls are like big and soft type thing. But I also wear kinky hair, braided hair, whatever. I don't know if it's just because, you know, I, I'm older and so I've built a, a stronger, you know, constitution about myself.

So on the one hand, I, there is some, some I kind of feel for the young lady because obviously she's places her beauty and her value in terms of her complexion and the texture of her hair. I'm not even quite sure what to say about it other than we have some work to do in this community, you know, because for her to get out there on the internet and talk about it. But then I can also applaud her being vulnerable to say, Hey, I'm struggling with this because I'm sure she knows logically it's kind of messed up, but like at least she's just calling a thing a thing.

I don't know. But nevertheless, you got a whole bunch of women coming on here now having to discourse over the fact that this woman has chosen to say that, you know, she's not meeting the light-skinned standard of being fair and having lose her textured hair. The way I see it is, why can't she say that, right? Why can't she say, Hey, I know most people value this, especially when you look this way and the, the young lady is beautiful.

I don't think she's wrong in terms of saying it. I think that where the, the discomfort lies is I think she believes that like she's not a certain thing. Like, like almost like her light skin was a waste or something like, like if you don't have this married with this, then it's like a waste of a, but that's the impression I got. I didn't hear her whole shtick. And that's really unfortunate that, you know, people feel like they have to speak on that, that they have to look a certain way.

I mean it's so, but then again, you know what, we come down on black women so much for them trying to reach a standard, but we never get on other people for doing that. Other cultures do the same thing. Even white women do it. They go and dye their hair so much to be blonde, especially if you live in the south or something like that. Standard is you must be blonde, right? And they add their tape extensions and stuff like that, but they go out of their way to be blonde and to cont their nose to nothing.

And, and, and it is one of those things where I'm like, but they're doing the same thing. They're trying to be just standard that, and I don't know why everybody's trying to reach that standard because most people can't maintain that standard. Like most of the people who start off being blonde are no longer blonde as they get older. Their hair is brown, they call themselves dirty blonde, but their hair is brown. So you have to let them have their delusion, their little de. But I think all women are going through it. I just really hate that we like to hyperfocus on, you know, black women for having these insecurities and stuff like that.

And then we, we, we wanna like tear 'em down. I don't think we should tear that young woman down. I think it's unfortunate. Like I said, that she's feeling like she, I guess her hair is not matching her aesthetic, but she's gonna have to work through that. The fact of the matter is, until we get past society thinking that textured hair is just this awful thing, people are gonna continue just to try to achieve a different beauty standard.

And this coffee is good that I'm drinking. So anyway, that's just where I'm at with it. It's kind of messed up. But I mean, look, this young lady is going through it and I'm not saying I agree with every, I, I agree that I understand where she's coming from and that oftentimes people think that the skin and her looks would typically match like, like that the hair would match it. Like there's like a certain aesthetic and if people saying that it's not true, it is true, right?

A lot of people think that that's, you know, it's, it's gotta look a certain way. I understand where she's coming from, but like I, I mean I don't know this young lady, I'm not interested in tearing her down, but I would implore her to work on herself and to enjoy the fact that her hair could be very versatile. I think somewhere that someone mentioned that, 'cause I didn't see her entire video, she mentioned that she has to keep her hair relaxed so that he can look a certain kind of way.

I just kind of feel like to each his own, to each his own, we got people out here who are bleaching. We got people who are out here tearing up their hair trying to be blonde as much as possible. You got people out here, you know, making their boobs larger than charge, you know, people out here getting BBLs, you know, women are always trying to do things to preserve beauty and yes, so unfortunately for her, I know that she, it seems like she's equating her beauty with not just her skin but her, her hair.

Now let me just say this. I am well aware that there is a privilege with having lighter skin. I am well aware that many people feel like the lighter that you are the better. That is not an argument that I'm willing to have at four something. Oh, it's 5 0 1 now, five o'clock in the morning. I'm aware of this. But I was specifically speaking to her talking about her hair. And if you see this young lady, she's a really pretty young lady, but you know, she's got kinky hair.

It is what it is. Alright, then I, I know I wanna segue into my last topic. I wanna talk about Walmart and the parking bags. Oh my goodness, Walmart came out with a Wal MAs, I think that's what they're calling it. Instead of a Hermes, Hermes or Airman or Hermes, depending on how you wanna say Aires. They got a Wal ing back. Now I don't know all the details behind it. I mean, I know there are people who are like trying to secure this Walmart, Birkin bag, you know, and I'm sure there's gonna be a lot of halls and reviews on his bag.

But basically from my opinion, it's like a big FU to airmen. So if I was a rich person, right, I would be ticked off If now there are tons of dupes out there of the, of the Birken back and the Kelly backs apparently, I didn't even know this. There's this, 'cause there was this, people were getting like dupes made from off of DH Gate as well. I never heard of that until this weekend. But like I would be irritated if now my luxury handbag could be easily duplicated, right?

Because what they did was remains did was they made it very exclusive. You couldn't even walk into a store, you couldn't get it online. And even if you walked into a store, you had to purchase a certain amount. You had to support the store to support the product line before you could even have access to their bags. So, and then you, it's like you gotta wait and hope that you're on the list to get something and you then you drop like 20, 30, 40, a hundred thousand dollars on this bag.

So now with Walmart having this, I don't even know what their, their Birkin is called a Birkin bag that looks really similar to the Birkin. I mean I was like, oh wow. I mean it's like a big FU took a big FU to the elite. Like so now we are going to take away that air of exclusivity and now we're gonna make it so that everyone can have a little bit of taste of the luxury. I mean think what happened to when they started like duping, like Louis Vuitton and Coach and everything like that.

Like coach has fallen down so much now. Coach still I think puts out a good product. I haven't had a coach bag in years. I had that when I was younger, but yeah, Louis Vuittons and others, you know, like that. Well people started trying to do those bags and what happened is, in my opinion, these are my opinions, it lost an air of exclusivity for a while. Now I have some of the old Louis Vuitton and now any of the stuff I have in recent times, you can't, I don't get like the lvs and stuff on it. You wanna know what I wear? I wear a 60, $70 little small little bag to work every day.

That's my purse. That's it. That's what I got in there. It's like a small little, it's almost like a coin purse. Not quite coin purse, but bigger than coin purse, but not quite purse. That's it. It's just a simple, you guys seen 'em, it, that's what I wear every single day. I don't even carry my purses at the time because I got out of that phase, right? But nevertheless, Walmart has a Birkin and so this is like, I think America is roaring with capitalism.

Then you've got, of course the people getting in. I look, I don't even have Twitter slash x, but people are warring with the MAGA people over the H one B visas. And I'm like, people don't understand that they need these H one B visas here. At the end of the day, I don't think America even is like, you are not gonna win against these billionaires. Okay, I digress. Sorry I was sipping my coffee. But getting back to the Walmart, Birkin, the Walmart Birkin, it's now giving the everyday person access to a taste of luxury.

So now all these people who are walking around with a Birkin, I don't know anybody who has one to be honest. I mean I don't look in Hollywood, thank God I don't know, no parts of living any of those kind of places. These people who are walking around with a Birkin, it's now taken away from the Air Ex exclusivity. And the more you flood the market with these birkins, what's gonna happen is people are no longer, I don't think it matters, but oh, I have to get one of these, right? Like they're going to be happy with their Duke, people are happy with Dukes all the time.

They had those girls, those the one girl that does, it's a slight, like you had the one girl, she was on Bama rush. If you, if any of you know what's going on in TikTok world's, the one girl who was known, she became famous for doing Bama rush, right? Sorority girl. And she's from a small town out of Ohio, apparently where they live, the people there are poor, but she's not, and her and her family have money. And so they did a Christmas hall And they Christmas hall, her and her sister, who's also a personality on online, they were gifted with these alleged hermas.

Well I know the one sister was gifted with an Irma bir. In fact the Kelly now Kelly's is, it's, it's a, I don't think it's considered Birkin yet. The Birkin of the Kelly, which is part of the Erman collection, okay? The Airme INE collection, whatever it is, right? The pink, the Kelly is hard to get anyway, let alone the pink. The sister got the pink bag and come to find out, everybody says that those are apparently ded. Then I'm pulling them throw. Now the girls apparently, allegedly, I don't know if it's true taking down the videos, I don't know.

I don't care. All I know is even some of the wealthier kind of people will purchase it too. Some of it's just, I think they mix it in with the reel and the be me because some of it's 'cause they're trying to keep up with a particular illusion of who they are. Some it could be for safety reasons, I don't know. I'm sure a lot of like rappers and entertainers and stuff like that have a mixture of real and fake jewelry. Nevertheless, where I'm going with it is even some of the people who are apparently or allegedly are well off, they always wanna maintain a level or, or like they want that luxury and they're willing to have a, in order to get as close to that luxury as possible, you have to remember the Air Airbnb collection of Birkins and Kelly bags, you can't purchase those online.

You can't just walk into a store. Supposedly they're all handmade. I don't know. I'm not in that tax bracket where I can drop 30 to a hundred something thousand dollars on a bag. I can't do that. Even if it was a used vintage bag. I don't have that kind of money. You know why? I've got four kids who are sucking the very life outta me. I love them dearly, but they need to go to college. And even if they weren't going to college, I don't have 30 K that I just wanna drop on a bag.

So anyway, we're singing across the board. Even those who have a little bit of change want to have proximity to luxury, they were willing to come online. Those young girls were willing to come online and showcase some fake stuff And they, people called them out for it. And where I'm going with it is Walmart recognizes like, hey, from what I understand, everybody wants to have a taste of luxury, luxury. They gave their mags the big FU and now they're creating bags, these dupes that look just like it.

I was like, I'll be dark. Capitalism is a mess. So now I don't know what this is going to do to their product. I don't know if they're going to, someone suggested a line that maybe Hermes will now make a, a collection that is for like maybe mid-tier for more affordably where they make it like, you gonna make an affordable luxury bag for the more, to make it more affordable for those of you who wanna have like, you know what I mean?

So I was like, that's interesting. I don't know if that's true, but if this is getting really good. So anyway, capitalism is at its finest. You got people arguing on, in, on the internet over the, the H one B visas in the Vaga world, you've got those sorority chicks or whatever trying to do a Christmas gear hall or gift hall And they have dupes. I was like, Lord, he got Travis Hunter.

Oh, he look, he shut down his entire, like apparently he shut down his social media. He got embarrassed and troll so bad over his so-called fiance. I think they're no longer together. I'm not so sure. Oh my goodness. She got the light-skinned girl mad that she got some Kiki hair, Walmart with the, with the Birkin. I'm like, I am done. But anyway, I just wanted to little drop that little back because I was thoroughly entertained.

Okay, hopefully you guys will leave a comment if you come back on and say goodbye to everybody. Hopefully you'll leave a comment and make sure you subscribe. You know, look, 2024 is winding down. I had a couple of other videos I wanted to do and I didn't have time yesterday 'cause I was caught up to smoking stuff. Believe it or not. I was helping my daughter work on her Girl Scout Silver award that took three and a half hours and we're still not done.

We, we've got quite a bit more to go, but she's working on her cellphone report. So I, I just didn't get a chance to make any other videos. But what I would like is if you have something that you would like for me to talk about, let me know. Let me know. All right. Okay. I'm getting ready to end this because I don't have anything else to say and I'm gonna sip on my coffee and listen to some sports or something.

Have a good one.
