Black Opinionated Woman
Black Opinionated Woman
S5E4 Protecting my peace, Stunning NBA trade, 2025 Grammys and Blue Ivy
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Regular episodes drops every Tuesday and when the spirit hits.
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Speaker 1 (0s): All right. Good morning bows and bow ties. Listen, you nice. I ain't hot. Sorry, I don't even really listen. Tickle over a little like that, but that was just the vibe I was feeling this morning. So, yeah, listen. Yeah, that is Ella. All right. So look, good morning. I turned off the light. Look at me. Let me turn the light back on. Sorry. Or maybe I'll just come off camera.
Let me do that. All right, so now I can turn the light off. And it looks like a blackout in here. So I just wanna talk about a couple things that may not seem interesting to you. But, so I've really been big into Protecting my peace over the last month or so because I've been dealing with some high anxiety that wasn't good. Okay? I had a lot of different things going on, and of course I caught death. I still haven't fully been recovered, hence my disappearance for a period of time.
And one of the ways I've been Protecting my peace is I do not consume large amount of the news. I make sure that what I am consuming on social media has to be, I, I just cannot put certain things into my spirit right now just because I don't like all this negativity, right? So I like to be entertained by things like, for example, people who are in, you know, like who make candles or something, right?
I spent a good part of my afternoon yesterday, taking all of my old wax, re melting it, putting new wicks in, and, and creating new candles, so to speak. I do have some scents that I can add. I haven't quite mastered the, the heat throw for these candles, but because these candles were already scented, that's good enough for now.
So, yeah, I spent some time repurposing all of this old wax I had, getting ready, getting rid of some of the containers I had, clearing out some space, et cetera. And it looked pretty when then you redo it, right? But the point I'm making was that I have been just really focused on making sure that I protect my mental space. Oftentimes people have this spirit of fear based off of things that are happening in the country right now, and people should be rightfully concerned.
But I can't consume that much information and inundate myself with that much information. It is too much for me. I make sure I curate my feeds. So I see funny videos on things like cats and lions, maybe something creative, maybe a little bit of comedy, that type of thing. And then also I found that I spent time away from social media. That's healthier for me. I think the biggest thing with, right now, when people talk about being scared or fearful or anxious, I think part of that fear is they're constantly feeding that they're feeding their fear, they're feeding their anxiety and all these other things.
Today is the first time that I'm actually drinking coffee since December, because the caffeine has been giving me such high anxiety after today, I probably won't have coffee for a while because I realized that my body was just not handling it well. I had to switch to tea for a while and I'll go back to, to drinking tea or maybe nothing. I was trying to focus on losing a couple of pounds. I did lose some, but I gotta get over this hump.
I keep hovering between five and seven pounds, which may not seem like much to sum, but for me it was everything, right? Because I didn't wanna take a GOP, I didn't wanna be on those zein or gyro or back tovi or whatever, whatever, whatever that, I don't know. I can't get the names right. I wanted my weight loss, by the way. I am not like some super big in, but I do need to lose these vanity pounds. I wanted my weight loss to be something that I did.
I'm not against those who take something to help speed that up. I just don't want to take that. It doesn't mean I won't ever take it, but at the end of the day, I just wanted to accomplish that on my own. It was just a personal choice for me. Where I'm going with it is I have been trying to protect my mental health. And I know a lot of people like to think, oh, mental health, everybody's got an issue, right?
But I recognized over the last month and a half, two months that I was not keeping myself in a very healthy mental state. I was under a lot of stress for a variety of reasons. Some of it was self-induced. And so, and then of course, things cap off when you're not really healthy as far as like you, you're stressed out and then your, your health is compromised. So I realized that I needed to be intentional about what I was doing to myself.
And like I said, I make sure that I don't consume all of the crazy that's going on in the news right now. Doesn't mean I'm not aware, but I don't go out of my way, just consume tons of it because it's just not healthy for me. Let's see what else is going on. Of course, this weekend there was like the news about the trade between Luca for Luca, Don, Don, Don. I cannot give this Downage and Anthony Davis.
And there was some other actors that were traded along, and that was like such a big deal. But I don't know why. I just feel like, I don't know, is LeBron gonna get traded to the Warriors or is Steph Curry gonna come from the Warriors? I mean, like, what does that look like? I don't know. The whole thing just seems so, I don't know. So with that being said, I thought that was a really interesting set of news this weekend with that whole NBA trade.
Excuse me. And I suspect that these teams are not done. I suspect these teams are not done. I don't know what the timelines look like for all these trades. 'cause the, I know the Mid break Allstar break or whatever has not come yet. I think it comes this month, but I suspect there will be more trades. So, but what do I know? I mean, I don't know anything. But anyway, let's see what else is going on? I didn't realize, or I forgot that the, the Grammys were this weekend.
I don't really watch more shows, but I'm not surprised that Kendrick Lamar won for Dayla like us. He's really just having an incredible moment between his hit songs last year. Just kind of like being like this zeitgeist of the times, like at least of the moment, being able to galvanize the rap community, the hip hop community, being able to effectively basically make Drake irrelevant or lacking relevancy at this point, to the point where he wanted to sue everybody and now he's gonna go on and do the Super Bowl, he's won the Grammys, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
So he's really just having an incredible run right now. And then only, and then I, I know it's only because I just happened to see that on my TikTok feed and then Doci one rap artist of the year. And I was really excited for this young lady because she didn't really have to get up there and twerk, even though towards the end of her or performance, she was in like a bikini. But much of what I have seen on Doche is not based off of just wearing little clothes and being completely ratchet.
Now, I don't follow her intensely, but I, I follows her online or whatever on TikTok or whatever. I've seen some of her material. I find her to be entertaining from what I've seen. She's, she doesn't have to be like super vague and dalicious. She can just get up there and be an artist and, you know, rap and entertain and, and, and all that good stuff. So congratulations to her for being, you know, the winner of Rap Artists of the Year, I think then there was this whole Beyonce Carter album or something like that, the Cowboy Carter.
I really don't listen to a lot of Beyonce's current music anymore. So I don't, I mean, I've heard, like, I've heard it on the radio a little bit, but like, I guess she won album the year or something like that, or Country Album. I don't know exactly what she want, but she wants something. Congratulations to her. But to be honest, okay, so this, let me just say this. Can we just chitchat for a second? Can y'all just lean in for a second? I saw a clip of her being surprised that she won.
And so of course, you know, JayZ was there to support her, and I saw her daughter there and her, I mean, I don't know if she was on the album or not. I don't know if her daughter had a song, but, and I know I'm going to be on an island by myself, but I want you to listen to me. I don't understand this need for her to constantly put her daughter in the spotlight, to put her into entertainment, to bring her along.
Everything. I, I know this is going to sound counterintuitive to many of you, but in some ways I feel a little sorry for this young lady because I know her mom is a star, but her mom is also pushing her into this lightly into startup, and she's not gonna just be a normal little girl, you know? And I know people would say, well, that's her daughter. She's never gonna be normal, normal. But there's so many celebrities when they make their coin, you know what they do?
A lot of them take their kids out of that choir because they know how treacherous it could be. And I look at this young lady, and I'm like, everything for her is glitz and glam. Do you understand what I mean? Like, her world is going to these award shows every time I turn around, she's wants some award show. She was wearing a dress where they were showing ble when the girls, I think she's 12. And a lot of people were like, oh, you know, this, that, and the other. But I'm like, I would not want my daughter to show cleavage at 12 that was on one of those red carpets.
But anyway, I see that she brought her daughter out there, and the other children are always missing an action. I don't know, I just find it to be a little bit sad. I do that. This, this young lady just can't just be a kid. She can't just be a kid. She's gotta be at warships now and on the red carpet and performing. And I'm like, that lifestyle has got to be exhausting. If she's reached a pinnacle at 12, what, what else is there to achieve?
What else is there left? So I know people are going to feel some kind of way, and you are allowed to feel some kinda way, but to, to constantly keep your child in the spotlight, that's entertainment in itself, Holly, be in itself. I, I would think one would want to protect, right? And every person say, oh, she probably has press protections and bodyguards. I'm like, but that's not the protection.
I'm talking before. She needs that kind of protection, the physical security, right? But like, imagine what she has seen and experienced, right? And although she may not have had your like, do anything overtly harmful to her, but she's exposed to so much. She sees so much who knows the kinds of conversations that she's overhearing. And so I just kind of like see this young lady, and I feel like you have reached the pinnacle of success and you're, I think she won a Grammy for one of the other songs last year or this year.
I, I don't remember. I don't know. But I'm like, well, what is there left for this young lady to achieve? So for those of you who are going to feel some kind of way that I said, but I said, you are allowed to feel that kind. You can feel that way. I'm gonna keep having my own opinion. I don't think that's something that I would want for my kids, at least not at that level. You want your kids to have some anonymity where they can go and do what they do.
I don't know, ride bikes, play sports, whatever, right? Like we see kids who are, you know, they're children of famous sports, you know, people, and you can tell that these parents try their best to make sure that their kids just have the normal experience to the best of their ability. But I, I, I just look at what's happening with Blue Ivy and I feel like she's being robbed of the opportunity to just do some regular old 12-year-old stuff.
Now, of course, she's got great opportunities and you know, because she has a significant pipeline of funds where she can experience these other things. But I'm like, at what cost? At what cost? Alright, so look, I'll come back on camera for a second. Turn the light on. Those are my opinions and I'm curious as to what your thoughts on, hopefully you'll take this opportunity to leave a comment and subscribe and share this, watch all of my videos, every single one of them.
They're amazing in every way. And I can do, hopefully my voice will return back to normal in a very near future. It's getting stronger each day. And that's pretty much all I have. You guys. Have a good day. See you in the next video....