Black Opinionated Woman
Black Opinionated Woman
S5E7 We need to bring back wholesome TV
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Speaker 1 (0s): I should have left about 10, 15 minutes ago, but I was too busy watching clips from Little House on the Prairie. So over the last week or so, well, so like TikTok will be nice sometimes they'll find like a old show, maybe I must be on an old show, TikTok or something. And you get all these like really cool like nice long clips of some of your old TV speaker TV shows.
And right now I seem to be on Little House Over, I've gotten some from like Crazy Anatomy and oddly enough I've never really watched that show, but I like watching these small books. Sometimes I'll get some from Law and Order SVU, I'm having a Brain down, but I might do Curate My Feet and see if I can get some from maybe Roseanne. I used to get some from the Ry show, but those were really good.
But right now I'm really getting a lot from Little House on a Prairie. And you know, when Little House on a Prairie came out years ago, I was really, really young. It actually came out before I was born. But I used to watch Little House on a Prairie growing up and it's really interesting seeing the kinds of issues that I used to tackle then now as an adult, right? Like as a kid I used to just watch the show and I used to get like, you know, really, I don't wanna say caught up, but like if Nelly was just misbehaving and all that other stuff and there always seems to be some sort of trauma and tragedy on the show.
And I look back, I'm like, oh my gosh, like, you know, I think about how like this show happened, so many things and you know, when I look back I actually feel like, oh my gosh, like how did I, on the one hand it was such a great show, but how did I survive that show? Because there was so much drama, so much trauma in that show. I think we just handled stress differently then.
But anyway, I just wanna welcome you to my channel. If you're new to my channel and the Black Opinionated Woman, also known as an adult. And I talk about whatever I wanna talk about on my channel, right? That's why it's a small channel. I talk about things that resonate with me probably and and, and maybe even those who might be in my demographic that meaning it's a black woman making some noise women. But anyway, so I should have left home, you know, maybe 15 ish, maybe even 20 minutes ago.
And I couldn't because I was so busy watching these Little House on a Front Prairie Clipse and you know, it was just a stark reminder on, you know, we need better shows. That was a really good show. I think about the, And they seen earmarks, the black shows that are out now, we don't get anything wholesome amount of, generally speaking, it's all of like the marriage in Huntsville or whatever.
It's, I don't even watch that show or the hip hop shows like the the loving hip hop shows. I don't watch those. Got The Housewives. I do on occasion watch some of those, but I mostly watch like Beverly Hills and right now maybe Salt Lake City, I sometimes will watch, but this is where I'm going with this. The shows that beat your women who look like me are trash. There's no sisterhood.
We don't get anything out of the shows. We only get outta those shows is how to shave and read each other and talk down to each other. We get nothing out of these jokes. The women who are like my age or older or whatever, they should be like an example. They are like the worst representation. Even on Married to Medicine, we've got doctors on there behaving the way they are.
You've got someone like a heavenly who goes out of her way to denigrate another woman. You know, when I was growing up, so even though I was born in the seventies, right? I was born, I'm 48 years old. I was basically a late eighties and a nineties kid. So shows like the Cosby Show had an impact on me and a Different World.
Family Matters. What's the show that had counts as on and and Nikki Parker's Moesha, right? Those are shows that I grew up on. That's what I saw that was put in front of me, you know? And that's just off at the top of my head. 2, 2, 7. I wish, you know, if my voice was like I would've sang like so I have to take it down a couple of notches, right?
I can't see 'em too. But yeah, two, just seven We had, because Jefferson's, even though that was a little bit kind of, so one more time, but I saw it, believe it or not, I'm wondering if you, I did not watch a whole lot of good times, but there was good times. But the point I'm making is there were wholesome shows and, and much better representation of black people. We had colonies such as Martin.
I love Living single. And now when you look at what we have on tv, we've got people like heavily calling people Vi I tch Hs. You got women who are just so grossly overweight walking around in booty shorts. You have women who come on camera and every time I come on camera, all of their stuff is hanging out, boobs, booty, everything. They've got big old booties hanging out, you got eyelashes And they like, it's like, you know, and I guess it's just a sign of times you've got, we don't see like just beautiful women how they compose themselves.
And so I know a lot of people are gonna feel some kind of way, 'cause I said what I said, but I said what? I said, you can't tell me that what is on television right now is a good representation for how we want to show up in this world, right? How we want to teach our daughters. Back then the women were beautiful and I'm not saying that they didn't have anything that was sex or provocative, but now we just let it all hang out. We can't get on camera without TNA hanging out everywhere.
It's like we're so overdone. We're not really tackling, you know, issues that could be transformative for youth. And as adults, we don't have that. What we have is the Real Housewives talking about you be this, that, and all of this stuff. That's what we have. It's trash, right? They get out there and all their junk is out there.
Everybody's big. That's what we have. I'm just saying. So anyway, I looked back, look, look back on Little House at Prairie. And I grew up watching that show and it was a good wholesome TV show. I'm sure we can nitpick all kinds of things. Like they didn't have enough like up blah, blah, blah. The point is it was still a good you.
I think they had a lot of drama in there, a lot of trauma for sure. But it gave you a glimpse into what it was like living in the 18 hundreds. What it's like when you have these families who were part of like westward expansion or whatever it is. If I remember correctly, what it was like when you settle in these, these Midwestern areas And they had to face like, you know, all kinds of insecurities. You know, maybe they didn't have enough financial security And they had to face, you know, environmental insecurity in terms of tornadoes and snow.
You know, they had to face health tragedies, fires, And they had to face loss to death if they, they showcase bullying, they showcase love, they showcase all kinds of stuff. And I don't think that we're getting that kind of thing today.
Our kids don't typically watch a whole lot of TV anyway, right? They're, they're on their devices watching TikTok and YouTube. I don't know. I mean, I just feel like we need to bring back wholesome television. I think we need to bring back like scripted television. There's a lot that needs to be done. We need to be responsible for how we wanna curate what, what our children watch.
And, and let me tell you something, I'm guilty of a lot of things too. I think my kids don't watch as much TVs because they're busy with supports and other activities. And then when they have downtime, they have devices that they can go search the web for a plethora of things. Anyway, I just want to put that out there. Those are my thoughts. Let me know what you're thinking and make sure you subscribe because I'm music in every, in every way.
They could do no wrong. Have a good one. Leave a comment too.