Black Opinionated Woman
Black Opinionated Woman
S5E8 LeBron hate is so weird
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Speaker 1 (0s): Hey there, it's been a minute. I only even have the light on in my car. I'm just using the ambient light from the cars in front of me and the, the traffic light. I know it's been a minute since I've been on so much to say I have a lot going on, so I'm gonna come off camera, I think. All right, so let's just start off with, I haven't had keys to my car. I, they were left at a tournament and the tournament people were being silly.
They were holding my keys hostage. So where am I going with this? So I wasn't able to drive my vehicle because my backup key didn't have a working key because I think the battery died in it. And I still have not purchased the battery for my key fob. So my car was just sitting parked. So unfortunately, I, I do have a backup vehicle, so I was able to use the vehicle, but you know, with that vehicle, it is a much louder vehicle.
So I did not wanna come on camera with this really loud car sound in the background. Not that this is like incredibly quiet, but my other vehicle does have a lot more ambient noise and I, I just was like, okay, whatever. So anyway, now that I have my keys, because I had to drive three hours round trip to go pick up my keys. I know I'm acting like a full on my Karen, right? But they could have sent me my keys. I was willing to pay.
Anyway, all is normal. All right. So I just wanted to have a quick little chit chat. And it's not based off of anything major happening other than there was a clip that I saw that Steven a I said a couple days ago about LeBron. For those of you who don't know who LeBron is, which I find would be weird if, you know LeBron James is an NBA, like superstar, megastar, NBA basketball player. So I've had this conversation with people before about LeBron.
And so as far as how amazing he is, stuff like that, right? And so, and, and, but I feel like most people are haters. Where am I going with this? There was a clip that came out and LeBron was talking about, I can see why Ant doesn't want to be the face of the league and all these other things, right? You can go ahead and search on it yourself. But he basically said that Anthony out Edwards, he can understand why Anthony Edwards doesn't wanna be the face of the lead. Because you got people who are out in the media, all they do is talk so much. Like they, they just talk so much crap.
There's so much negativity surrounding these players. So this is what my thought is about the old LeBron situation. I actually agree for the most part, because every time you turn on the, the, the, I don't know, your television or you watch some sort of clip on social media, it's always a bunch of people in the media just ripping apart these athletes. Now, that doesn't mean that they should not be talked about, but I think there could be more balance, right?
And I think the reason why I leaned in on this was because I feel like there's so much LeBron hate anyway, because it came out of his mouth. Every time someone brings up LeBron, what they want to do is tear this man down so much. And so, because they wanna tear him down, what they'll do is they'll bring up Michael Jordan, they'll try to continuously exalt Michael Jordan as if he was some choir boy. And I'm like, Michael Jordan has some mess about him too, but they, and so instead of just recognizing LeBron and, and how amazing he is, they wanna tear him down.
And then what they do to tear him down is like they continuously over exalt Michael Jordan. They wouldn't compare him to Michael Jordan. They want people to, to know he is never gonna be the number one player. And this is what, what I look at it, I'm like, you're comparing two different athletes, two different times. LeBron, in my opinion, plays offense and defense. And he can put into positions, and don't get me wrong, 'cause MJ was like himself, like he was him, you know? But when it came, when it comes to LeBron, I'm like, they want to hold him hostage because of what he said when he was a kid.
And he says, I wanna take my talents to South Beach, or whatever it was. He said in that little interview, and people cannot get over it, that this young guy had the temerity, the unmitigated gall to get out there and say, and have a little press conference just like when Serena and, and, and Venus Williams were on the tennis scene, And they were like, I could beat anybody. Like they weren't shy about their talents. And they went up there, they were bold. They were bold. So anyway, you've got this generational talent in LeBron James who puts together this press conference or maybe his, I don't know whose idea it was, but this man was a young man.
And until this day, you got grown men in their feelings because he had the like, like, I don't know, like audacity to say, I wanna take my talents to, to South Beach. And it's at the point now they look for reasons to tear this man down so I can understand why they don't, why he says like, who wants to be the face of the league if you're constantly under attack? They continuously blame LeBron for the All-Star game because he didn't participate in the, the dunk contest.
So because LeBron James didn't now like, okay, like I'm using it for English here, but like, because he didn't want to be in the dunk contest. Now that's his fault too. Why the whole All star game just sucks ball. Now, I would say LeBron James, along with a whole host of other contributors are part of the reason why the All Star game just sucks so much. And it's not worth watching. I didn't watch a lot of it this year, but to blame him singularly because he didn't wanna participate in the dunk contest when there's other people who are, are super talented, like it is so crazy to me.
It is so crazy to me. He's so, they, they blame LeBron for why the dunk contest is what it is. They blame LeBron for why the All Star game is because they blame LeBron for everything. And I'm not saying that he doesn't, you know, any sort of responsibility, but every time I know when Steven a gets out there, he finds a way to make this a LeBron versus Jordan conversation. He changes the narrative on everything. And, and not only that he wants, he always takes shots at LeBron.
He's always taken shots at LeBron. And if I was LeBron, I would never grant him an interview, ever. He would never get an interview for me. I would grant all of his freaking enemies an interview before him. Law wants too, too, you know, and I say this jokingly, but I would not grant him an interview ever, ever. I would send him a bag of rocks. Well, it would be a bag of something else, but I can't say that that's inappropriate, but I just kind of feel like there's so much LeBron hate from grown men.
I'm like, oh my gosh, no one hated Brady that much. Okay? Or like, look at like Patrick Mahomes, they sit there and glaze on this dude. Patrick Mahomes has always had a really good team. They don't tear him down. Now, that's not to say that he isn't like an amazing quarterback, but like they will glaze on all these other people. Let me tell you something. What I like about LeBron, they're like, well, he's had a longer career than Man J I'm like, that goes to show just how great he is.
Then nobody sits there and goes at Tom Brady for having a super long career, longer than most quarterbacks, but don't go at LeBron. LeBron has said not only a longer career, but if I, and I may be wrong, but a lot of his titles and stuff, like his scoring titles and stuff, he got them when he was at a younger age. And if the argument was, oh, well, he came outta high school. Well, that goes to show even more so how amazing he is, because Jordan had to play in college.
Don't get me wrong. He won a championship and everything. And let me just say this, I am not knocking Jordan's accomplishments because I will stand 10 toes down and say he was just amazing. However, what I am saying is you don't have to exalt Jordan and knock LeBron down. So if you're gonna talk about his greatness, just talk about his greatness. But to sit there and to tear this man down every single time, it is just so weird and corny engrossed that they have to do that.
They don't do that to Tom Brady. So everyone's like, oh, well, LeBron has played longer. I'm like, and then all you're doing is proving my point and just how amazing this man is because he's had amazing longevity and, and the way he's playing at his age, who do you know plays the way LeBron plays? He should still be the, the, the, the finisher of a game. Everything is still pretty much running through LeBron right now. I don't care what anybody says. It says Luca's, the face of the, of the Lakers moving forward, but it's still LeBron until Luca knows how to take over, take over.
Luca can't even play. Everybody says like he was one of the best players in the league. I'm like, I'm sorry, but I feel like one of the best players should be able to play offense and defense that includes Jocks outta Denver. I'm like, you can't sit there and tell me how great these guys are. If they can't play any defense, there's no hustle, there's no defense. There's just these two big dudes. And don't get me wrong, they are offensively like, they're just like so awesome.
But I feel like paint is so caught up in the style on how, how somebody looks like, well, I like the way this offense looks. Right? It's, it's reminiscent of how they talk about Jalen Hurtz. They want his quarterbacking to look a certain kind of way. At the end of the day, he's winning. He's been to two Super Bowls in like three years, and he should have won that first one.
But they, they, they tear him down. They compare him to every other quarterback in the league. And what they'll do is they will totally tear down Jalen Herz and exalt other people. And then I'm sitting here laughing because I'm like, all these people that they're sitting here glazing over, look at, look at Lamar Jackson. He has a phenomenal team too. And the way they, they glaze over him. He can't figure out how to win. And he is an amazing quarterback. Same thing goes with Burrow, Josh Allen, you know, et cetera.
But because his quarterback being looks the way it looks, people don't wanna give him his credit. He got a couple people giving it to him now. And I wanna circle back to LeBron. They don't like the way he handled his career. They want him, him to, to present himself a certain kind of way. And LeBron is LeBron. Look, I don't need to hate for grown men who are athletes. I'm just presenting in alternative viewpoint.
I just think it's so weird and creepy that people come this hard for LeBron. And a lot of it they still bring up, I want to take my talents to Miami. Excuse me, excuse me. So anyway, these are just my thoughts on the whole LeBron situation. I think it's weird. I think it's creepy. And like I said, this goes across multiple sports. I mean, it happens to Jalen hers. They will sit there And they will applaud Tom Brady.
Let me just say for the record, Tom is like, that dude, like, he's amazing, right? But they don't take away his accomplishments because he went a really long time and he won with multiple teams. Look at what LeBron has done with Cleveland, with Miami, and then with Los Angeles. Talk about being able to win under different coaching, different teammates.
You know, Patrick Mahomes had the same coach, you know, relatively the same core look at Jordan. And there's nothing wrong with that either, right? Because the way you win is the way you win. But I wouldn't tear him down by saying, oh, well, he, he needs to be able to win with more teams. He, he was lucky because he had relatively the same group of people. So then what people will do is say, oh no, he had a bunch of bombs. They weren't bums.
Those guys weren't bums when he won championships. And so you don't see people saying that if you wanna switch the narrative, well, if you're like a really good winner, you should be able to go to any team event. No one says that about Jordan. No one says that about Patrick Mahomes. But when you look at people like Tom Brady and, and, and LeBron James, they were in multiple areas. Anyway, y'all need to leave LeBron alone.
He doesn't need me to take for him, but I'm just like so tired of hearing people tear this man down. You guys need to go get a life. I, I'm sure he's not too concerned about you, but hey, LeBron, look, if you're listening, I got your back. And anytime you wanna float a cool mill over my way, since you're basically a billionaire, I will gladly take your charity, your handout, honey. All right? I, Or at least just let us get some tickets to the game. Like VIP like all expenses paid.
'cause you know, look, I got four kids, you know, times are hard out here in these streets. But, all right, that's all I've got. And this is a good time for you guys to go ahead and subscribe to my channel. Okay? And I know I've been late, but don't judge me. I, I had a lot going on. I didn't have keys. It was a keys gate, okay? They have the keys. They like, they were, it was like they were held hostage. All right?